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Has bi-sexuality become...


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I do think so and I also believe that a lot of people consider it much more because "everyone else is" and in order to fit in and not to be the 'prude' and 'different' one...they at least try it.

You could argue that this is good as people at least try out new things and are more experimentative....well, as long as the people are really happy with their decission and enjoy each moment... hey, more power to each and everyone of them...

...just don't do it out of "peer pressure"

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Originally posted by flying_high

I do think so and I also believe that a lot of people consider it much more because "everyone else is" and in order to fit in and not to be the 'prude' and 'different' one...they at least try it.

You could argue that this is good as people at least try out new things and are more experimentative....well, as long as the people are really happy with their decission and enjoy each moment... hey, more power to each and everyone of them...

...just don't do it out of "peer pressure"

omg so ok the story...

im xmas shopping and while im munching away on some pretzels....i overhear a convo from these little girls, like anywhere from 15-17 still in highschool mind u, and they were totally talking about how they should hook up with kim or karen or someshit, and one asked "y her?" the girl says "omg do you know how much attention i would get?"

my jaw totally dropped! :eek: i was like wtf!

I mean piercings for example came, blew up and then totally got overrated with the mtv generation....but this! this is not good and a sign of things to come


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Im bi-curious, not bi-sexual. I havn't had sex with another guy just wonder what it would be like. Those girls that you overheard are pathetic. Im not like this for attention but wonder what it would be like and actually consider it for my own reasons not for anyone elses. People like those girls ruin it for me and others who actually live the lifestyle for them selves:mad:

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Originally posted by clubkat

omg do you know how much attention i would get?"

well, kitty...that's exactly what I'm always talking about here. I do believe that a lot of things are done (especially for girls) in order to get attention and to be considered wild and open.

For guys...well, it's a different story. As society doesn't accept male bisexuality the same way as it does female and as it is't in current standards really considered to be "cool"...I believe that it takes much more courage for a man to say he is bi-curious/sexual or whatever.

I've not heard to many girls saying that they think a guy is more sexy, wild and attractive once he had an encounter with another guy. On the other hand, guys are constantly talking about how sexy it is to see two girls kissing, making out and pleasuring themselves and how much fun it would be to watch and all that.......well, go figure where one reason for girls to do and try those things comes from :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

i think that the girl was really bi but that was the only way she felt she could do it and still be accepted by her friend. hopefully one day shell be able to realize and accept who she really is

mmmhhhh....just read clubkat's story again and somehow your reasoning doesn't quite convince me. I'm pretty sure she could have come up with a better "excuse" than that to find/get acceptance...

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Just reading this made me cringe.

These girls probably have a serious case of low self-esteem.

I went to H.S. with a girl like that, she would tell guys that she could get another girl for a 3'some, solely for attention. That was her hook to get noticed by the guys in school. I doubt she was bi or a lesbian, just starving for male acceptance (father issues perhaps:confused: ).

Then again how could blame these girls for being so desperate? Watched any videos lately?

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Tonymylove hehe, its not only this girl...it was these girls.

When i was in highschool bisexuality and lesbianism was just coming into the mix as an "everyday part of life" and it seemed like everyone wanted to jump on the bandwagon.....:rolleyes:

what bothers me most is that these are little girls who dont even know how to wipe their own ass properly, and its hard enough getting crap from boys you date in high school, but girls.....::sigh::


::i mean if you know your bisexual or bicurious more power too you, but dont do it just to impress....wtf would that prove::


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Why can't people be happy and content with just one lover at a time?/? I mean, if you know what your doing, and do it well, there should be no need to try something that's obviously more for status and attention than actual *love-making*

It's sad to think one needs to prove themselves attractive by going against their will and trying new things just for the sake of trying them. I mean, i know they're may be curous people out there, but i'm talking about those who just do it for trivial reasons.

No one's going to make me happy unless i'm first happy about myself. I'm not going to look for sex to do that for me. there's more to life than sleeping around (all the SeX board members eyeing me :eek: )LoL

::i mean if you know your bisexual or bicurious more power too you, but dont do it just to impress....wtf would that prove::

well said , clubkitty ;)


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I think people now think its "cool" to hook up with other girls because the attention that they get from guys. I honestly think its pathetic to just say your bisexual to get attention. But like what clubkat said, when piercings were the cool thing to do everyone did it and now since sexuality and being Bisexual is a cool and open thing everyone wants to do it....its just just sad

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I think people now think its "cool" to hook up with other girls because the attention that they get from guys. I honestly think its pathetic to just say your bisexual to get attention. But like what clubkat said, when piercings were the cool thing to do everyone did it and now since sexuality and being Bisexual is a cool and open thing everyone wants to do it....its just just sad

I whole-heartedly agree with you on this one.

However, I, as well as most guys, do find it a turn on and most girls realize this.

I know the story with these girls doing it for other female attention as well as male, but what can you do? If they want to go that route, thats what they will do.

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I've had one bi experience, and the whole time I was wishing the two guys that were there weren't there. It's not something I did to impress them; I just wanted to fuck the girl. And when I'm *all alone,* most of my thoughts involve girls more than guys.

It's true that my guy does like this about me and that he wants to, uh, take advantage of my liberality, but I'm definitely not bi for his sake. Probably if we got another girl into the mix I'd spend the time wishing HE weren't there (is that awful? maybe I'm lesbian....)

On another note, I definitely wish he weren't quite so hetero. It seems like we could have so much fun with some more boys to play with, he he he. I find bi guys to be very sexy.

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it's so wild how your perspective changes as you get older...generation to generation its always changing...

peer pressure is sooo hard to deal with...we like to think it does not exist as much as when we were kids because so much has been integrated into society - piercing, homosexuality, etc. -maybe not to the degree we'd like it to be but at least things have been exposed and young people nowadays have much more freedom of expression than when i was growing up...ergo the thought that kids dont have to do certain things to find attention or esp. gain acceptance...

bull...peer pressure will always be here but in different forms...we can only hope that it takes on a form that does not maintain life threatening consequences...

if these girls had said they were thinking about sleeping with a number of different of guys instead...wouldnt that be more dangerous and detrimental??

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personally, i could give a fuck if being bi or bi-curious is "cool"....i'm attracted to both sexes and i think if i were ever to have a bi experience, it definately wouldn't be for the benefit of a guy. its true tho that so many ppl (well girls at least) flaunt bisexuality to get attention. its really pathetic.

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Originally posted by guinevere

On another note, I definitely wish he weren't quite so hetero.

Holy shit, that's how I feel!- well not about anyone in particular though... I feel like I would probably be able to get along with a guy who was bi, or at least bi-curious, more than a straight boy. Not so we could have massive orgies or anything... just that he would be able to understand my frame of mind better than a man who is only interested in women.

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what's sadder...

the two teens in the afore mentioned conversation


guinevere and tastyt having men in their lives that are too "hetero"

totally serious on that one...im cool with it all...but it saddens me more that you dont have men that can relate to certain issues

im not gay or even bi - but i have a great sense of sensitivity when it comes to women and it has always helped me in all of my relationships with them...and i dont think its a stretch for men to achieve - most of them just dont see why they should strive for that understanding...and i dont know how this is going to sound but its usually because many women accept this as a fact of life or do not chose to express this desire (can be seen as one in the same)...leaving the men still "in the dark" about many things...

perhaps you both have great relationships but what if you communicated these thoughts and tried to take it to the next level...or maybe you already have...just thinkin outloud...

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Having had men in my life that were too hetero or now not having a "relationship," so to speak, at all!

Seriously though, in my experience I've seen guys fall pretty much into two camps:

Those who think that, because I'm bi, I'm by nature unable to commit to one person. These are generally guys who have dated bisexual girls in the past and have had threesomes, etc. That would be like me saying, hey, you'll always be attracted to other women besides me, so you can never be faithful!

And then there are those (usually who have not had the experience) who think that my bisexuality ensures them orgiastic delights with me and various females together. Which is equally frustrating. It's not all fun and games, it's just who I am.

I'm not exactly sure what I'm trying to say; now I'm the one thinking out loud...

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by tastyt

Having had men in my life that were too hetero or now not having a "relationship," so to speak, at all!

Seriously though, in my experience I've seen guys fall pretty much into two camps:

Those who think that, because I'm bi, I'm by nature unable to commit to one person. These are generally guys who have dated bisexual girls in the past and have had threesomes, etc. That would be like me saying, hey, you'll always be attracted to other women besides me, so you can never be faithful!

And then there are those (usually who have not had the experience) who think that my bisexuality ensures them orgiastic delights with me and various females together. Which is equally frustrating. It's not all fun and games, it's just who I am.

I'm not exactly sure what I'm trying to say; now I'm the one thinking out loud...

God has given you the gift of being bi, so dont be selfish and share your wonderful gift with us guys!

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Originally posted by tastyt

Having had men in my life that were too hetero or now not having a "relationship," so to speak, at all!

Seriously though, in my experience I've seen guys fall pretty much into two camps:

Those who think that, because I'm bi, I'm by nature unable to commit to one person. These are generally guys who have dated bisexual girls in the past and have had threesomes, etc. That would be like me saying, hey, you'll always be attracted to other women besides me, so you can never be faithful!

And then there are those (usually who have not had the experience) who think that my bisexuality ensures them orgiastic delights with me and various females together. Which is equally frustrating. It's not all fun and games, it's just who I am.

I'm not exactly sure what I'm trying to say; now I'm the one thinking out loud...

actually D, you made purrfect sense....dont blame yourself on being normal...its the world thats gone mad :o:)

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Originally posted by tastyt

Having had men in my life that were too hetero or now not having a "relationship," so to speak, at all!

Seriously though, in my experience I've seen guys fall pretty much into two camps:

Those who think that, because I'm bi, I'm by nature unable to commit to one person. These are generally guys who have dated bisexual girls in the past and have had threesomes, etc. That would be like me saying, hey, you'll always be attracted to other women besides me, so you can never be faithful!

These are the insecure ones

And then there are those (usually who have not had the experience) who think that my bisexuality ensures them orgiastic delights with me and various females together. Which is equally frustrating. It's not all fun and games, it's just who I am.

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