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Dating shorter guys!


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Ok, well I think this certain individual is scrumptous, but he is an inch or 2 shorter. I have this tendency to be attracted to guys who are the same height or a bit taller. I mean I don't want to be shallow, but those guys I have dated who are the same height, well it is weird when I wear shoes and hold their hand. I kind of bounce when I walk with them and its annoying. Well I just wanna know if you guys would think it was weird to date or get ass from someone who is just a tad bit smaller.? :confused:

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Ok, well I think this certain individual is scrumptous, but he is an inch or 2 shorter. I have this tendency to be attracted to guys who are the same height or a bit taller. I mean I don't want to be shallow, but those guys I have dated who are the same height, well it is weird when I wear shoes and hold their hand. I kind of bounce when I walk with them and its annoying. Well I just wanna know if you guys would think it was weird to date or get ass from someone who is just a tad bit smaller.? :confused:

Damn I was just thinking about that today! I dont know if I could date a shorter guy, I mean it really depends on how short because when you are in heels you dont want to look like a giant next to him lol!! But then again if you guys really like each other it shouldn't matter. This subject still confuses me!!:confused:

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Dating shorter guys is one of my pet peeves. I just cant bring myself to do it. I'm 5'7" and would like anyone I date to be 6' or taller but sometimes that isnt possible. Even 5'9" is pushing it for me but I would deal with it. I just feel like if the guy is shorter people will be staring at us! I know that is probably my imagination but I just cant do it. I like to be able to wear heels and not be taller then the guy.

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Well I'm only like 5'1 1/2- 5'2 ..All my ex's seem to be like 5'8.

I know it sounds like I'm an snob but I can't date somebody who is way 2 much taller then me. I was talking to his one guy he was like 6'6..I was really feeling him but the thing that mainly blew it off was his height..Come on how could I fuck him you know.. ;(

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the shortest i can go with a guy is a guy who is still at eye level when i'm in my heels. i used to go for only really tall guys, 6' and above, but i've found that average-sized guys, like say 5'8", can rock my world a little more than a really big guy. i guess they're just a little lighter on their feet.....and they have just as much personality, character etc. if not more!

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I just think it's so funny how a guy who's like 5'7" will lie and say he's about 2 inches taller. It never fails. So whenever either my friends or I meet a guy and they say they are 5'9" we think they are lying. I guess it would suck to be a short guy. I'm 5'7" but always wanted to be an inch taller!

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I've had in the past and at first I say to myself stop being so shallow. But after awhile I feel awkarwd walking in the streets with him. I'm 5'9 barefoot so any type of shoes I'm automatically taller.

I think the shortest I dated was 5'7 and walking around in flats was too much for me!

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im 5"1 and I dated this pourtugese guy once who was my height and I felt weird wearing heals around him because I would be taller than him. I mean the kid was so hot but he was short, and it was kind of unattractive sometimes when he wasnt wearing shoes cause I was taller than him. I dunno I like tall guys:D

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Originally posted by xxlea

I've had in the past and at first I say to myself stop being so shallow. But after awhile I feel awkward walking in the streets with him. I'm 5'9 barefoot so any type of shoes I'm automatically taller.

I think the shortest I dated was 5'7 and walking around in flats was too much for me!

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I'm 5'10 (5'11 in my big boy shoes) and I have such a complex about girls being taller. I think we're socialized to believe the boys should be taller. My ex- was 5'9, and always partied in heels, and I would be so embarressed and excited. I was embarressed b/c I felt like a smurf......and excited b/c her legs looked so damn hot in those high heels........:D !

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hey i am used to dating guys like 6'1 and over but my BF now is my height i'm 5'10 so when i wear heels i hate being taller then him yet he loves it and thinks it sexy go figure! we went to his xmas party for work this past sat in the city and i tried to convince him to put lifts in his shoes lol BUT he refused!

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