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would u fuck urself?


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Originally posted by crashedfx

And its hard for people who are not bi-sexual to answer

this question seriously.


That is sooo true. I've been thinking about this now but as I haven't even met a girl yet that arrouses me sexually and as I have as most people issues with my look....I don't think that "I'm the girl that would make me bi" :)

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Originally posted by dgmodel


however do you have to think about yourself when youre fucking yourself???

So youre telling me every time youre having sex with someone youre thinking of them... horse shit...

deja vu...

well whenever u r having sex with someone....you damn well better be thinking of me!!:love:

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that goes with out saying...

however, my point is that i highly doubt that kid is thinking about the person he is with the whole entire time or anytime... most guys dont... (hell im no angel either, ill admit sometimes im thinking about another person or somethings, more often then not i m thinking about work, planning out my schedule or what have you...) not all the time but for the most part... and any guy who says all the thinks about is the girl in bed is fucking lying... hes doing the exact opposite...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

that goes with out saying...

however, my point is that i highly doubt that kid is thinking about the person he is with the whole entire time or anytime... most guys dont... (hell im no angel either, ill admit sometimes im thinking about another person or somethings, more often then not i m thinking about work, planning out my schedule or what have you...) not all the time but for the most part... and any guy who says all the thinks about is the girl in bed is fucking lying... hes doing the exact opposite...

I was always thinking that there must be something wrong with me, since i just cant seem to concentrate thinkning of somebody else while i have sex with a girl.

Well, im glad that you know me even better than i know myself. I always thought that someone so special like you will enlighten me to the path of truth.

I bow all the way to the ground, cause your knowledge in people is so great and i am so not worthy.

But just one thing i wonder, did your parent teach you manners? Cause mine didnt and i still know not to disrespect people like that out of nothing and respect other's opinions.

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

whats the matter that last post hit a lil to close to home why are you getting all defensive??? i wasnt directing that post directly at you i was speaking of guys in general... and like i said i highly doubt that whole time youre having sex with someone your thinking about how much you love them (youre going to tell me that you never ever thought of something or someone else while having sex with someone... c'mon please save your breathe for a lady that might believe that, it could be your next pick up line)... say I'm wrong... call me a liar... If Im wrong Ill apologize...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

whats the matter that last post hit a lil to close to home why are you getting all defensive??? i wasnt directing that post directly at you i was speaking of guys in general... and like i said i highly doubt that whole time youre having sex with someone your thinking about how much you love them (youre going to tell me that you never ever thought of something or someone else while having sex with someone... c'mon please save your breathe for a lady that might believe that, it could be your next pick up line)... say I'm wrong... call me a liar... If Im wrong Ill apologize...

"whats the matter that last post hit a lil to close to home why are you getting all defensive??? " is a line from junior high, cmon i'm not defensive if you read my post. I dont hide anything, why would i be defencive.

In this case i need to apologize, cause i got impression you are referring to me.

And i wont argue with you, about me thinking about somebody else while fucking. Shit I even kinda had to one time, cause the girl just stopped arousing me after 25 min of intercourse or innercourse(sorry, english is not my native), so i had to think about somebody else to keep pleasuring her and actually beign able to cum. Shit happends...

But 99% of the time, i do think about the girl during sex. I dunno, maybe cause when i really like the girl i wanna think about her during sex, thats what give it more pleasure that is much more than physical, and if not... shit then all my thoughts are occupied with bussin a nut, doesent matter who it is... ;) haha

Bro, fuck it, lets not argue.... This whole thread was about "us fuckin ourselves, if we were opposite sex" not about what we think during it :)

Its just that so many people, like to "spit" shit out on other peoples posts with a purpose to show off.... That i sometimes after reading it u just start get much more sensetive, about what other ppl say. Try to understad.

And in general to argue and bullshit on this board is stupid, cause i mean this boards has meetings and shit, people meet constantly, and its gonna be stupid when bunch of people meet and someone has beef cause of some careless saying or misunderstanding. I'd like to avoid it :)

Peace, no harm no foul

:laugh: <- is this laughin? I just realized. Cause i think it looks like it wants something in its mouth.

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Originally posted by dgmodel


however do you have to think about yourself when youre fucking yourself???

So youre telling me every time youre having sex with someone youre thinking of them... horse shit...

deja vu...

Mmhhh...let me think about this now (referring to the topic that threat is about). So you are saying that most people could actually have sex with anyone (male, female, horse, dog or whatever you can find) cause it is not the act but the thought/image we have while doing it that makes us to what we are sexually...... have fun doing it with whatever, but keep your thoughts 'straight' :laugh:

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well let me begin by apologizing as well.. however see as you even said its damn near impossible to only think about the person you are having intercourse with, and thats all im saying.. im not implying that all guys are players and haters and whatever but what i am saying is that its hard to almost impossible to ONLY think about that one person the entire time... Granted the exception to this theory is LOVE... ( however even when in love with someone your mind tends to drift, like I said it doesnt have to be you <in the general sense not just you> thinking of another partner...) When I was in love with the person i was with another partner never even crossed my mind, not even to fantasize with a threesome... (believe it or not) however it did tend to wander occasionaly towards plans, business, or what have you... ( maybe im just a lil too work oriented who knows )

"Its just that so many people, like to "spit" shit out on other peoples posts with a purpose to show off.... That i sometimes after reading it u just start get much more sensetive, about what other ppl say."

What do I have to gain by saying this... its pretty much common sense i would have to say... shit woman do it as well.. i have lady friends who tell me that all they think about is busting or some other guy or a happy place or when is it gonna be over...

and by all means i didnt post this to belittle you or make myself look better... and if i came off that way im sorry again...

However Back to the Question of the day...


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Originally posted by flying_high

Mmhhh...let me think about this now (referring to the topic that threat is about). So you are saying that most people could actually have sex with anyone (male, female, horse, dog or whatever you can find) cause it is not the act but the thought/image we have while doing it that makes us to what we are sexually...... have fun doing it with whatever, but keep your thoughts 'straight' :laugh:

I dont understand your post. however i think your saying that the act "masturbating" since your pleasure yourself a being of the same sex is a gay act???

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However Back to the Question of the day...


I dont believe in Love, i saw you mentioning it.

"Puppy Love in beginning" is thing that i believe

in which is close to Love, its good amd sometimes its

amazing, only problem that it doesent last long.

And as for your question:




I hope everyone is saticfied? :D :D :D

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Originally posted by dgmodel

I dont understand your post. however i think your saying that the act "masturbating" since your pleasure yourself a being of the same sex is a gay act???

No...that's rather how I read your post as I was actually referring to the statements you made and so far this reads as follows:

crashedfx: ..and its hard for people who are not bi-sexual to answer this question seriously.

dgmodel: do you consider yourself bi-sexual since you masturbate??? its the same thing...

crashedfx: No its not. Are you thinking about urself when u masturbate?

dgmodel: yes...however do you have to think about yourself when youre fucking yourself???

No, probably not...but the question of this thread was: "would you fuck yourself". So, considering that "fucking myself" would mean that I have sex with a girl and as crashedfx mentioned that this is pretty hard to answer for a straight person, as sex with the same gender just doesn't seem too great, you stated having sex with yourself (which means two men) and thinking of someone else (in this case a woman) does not insinuate gay behavior. Taking this a bit further now I read your thoughts as: it doesn't matter with whom (or what) you are having sex as long as you "think" of the right thing or gender. So, a man that has sex with another man is not to be considered bi-sexual or gay as long as he thinks about the beautiful blond babe from the diner next door. That just doesn't make sense to me....but hey maybe I've read your thoughts wrong...but that's just the way I was thinking

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Dammmit, now im so confused i dont know what to fuck what to think... Lets jes leave it as it is :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ahhahahah

Seriosly though... Its not a question of sex i think, its a question of self-conscience, basicly, thats what i interpret:

"Would u fuck yourself? = Do you have good opinion about urself?"

There is ofcourse this gay side to the thing..... If question would go "If you would be opposite sex from what u now, whould you fuck yourself?", like if asking a guy for example, "if you would be a chick, would you fuck urself?" my interpretation would fit it perfectly.

Does it matter? Im sure Tony was just very bored askin' this, cause this is a kinda fuckin weird question to begin with.

Goddamit, i cant belive how boring sunday evenings is....

And depressing thought of work tomorrow, killzzzz....

AAAAAAARGHHHHHHH hate sunday evenings......

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Originally posted by flying_high

No...that's rather how I read your post as I was actually referring to the statements you made and so far this reads as follows:

crashedfx: ..and its hard for people who are not bi-sexual to answer this question seriously.

dgmodel: do you consider yourself bi-sexual since you masturbate??? its the same thing...

crashedfx: No its not. Are you thinking about urself when u masturbate?

dgmodel: yes...however do you have to think about yourself when youre fucking yourself???

No, probably not...but the question of this thread was: "would you fuck yourself". So, considering that "fucking myself" would mean that I have sex with a girl and as crashedfx mentioned that this is pretty hard to answer for a straight person, as sex with the same gender just doesn't seem too great, you stated having sex with yourself (which means two men) and thinking of someone else (in this case a woman) does not insinuate gay behavior. Taking this a bit further now I read your thoughts as: it doesn't matter with whom (or what) you are having sex as long as you "think" of the right thing or gender. So, a man that has sex with another man is not to be considered bi-sexual or gay as long as he thinks about the beautiful blond babe from the diner next door. That just doesn't make sense to me....but hey maybe I've read your thoughts wrong...but that's just the way I was thinking

Just to see what you say...

what about lesbians that use dildos but think of other woman???

however more importantly you totally misconstrewed my view, and posts... and maybe its my fault... however what im saying is... you dont have to be bisexual to masturbate or suck your own dick or even have sex with yourself... thats it...

Because someone jerks off doesnt mean they love dick.. means theyre horny... just because i girl masturbates doesnt means shes an uberdyke... just means shes horny...

whatever i cant really talk about this now, im in the middle of titanic...

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Originally posted by flying_high

No...that's rather how I read your post as I was actually referring to the statements you made and so far this reads as follows:

crashedfx: ..and its hard for people who are not bi-sexual to answer this question seriously.

dgmodel: do you consider yourself bi-sexual since you masturbate??? its the same thing...

crashedfx: No its not. Are you thinking about urself when u masturbate?

dgmodel: yes...however do you have to think about yourself when youre fucking yourself???

No, probably not...but the question of this thread was: "would you fuck yourself". So, considering that "fucking myself" would mean that I have sex with a girl and as crashedfx mentioned that this is pretty hard to answer for a straight person, as sex with the same gender just doesn't seem too great, you stated having sex with yourself (which means two men) and thinking of someone else (in this case a woman) does not insinuate gay behavior. Taking this a bit further now I read your thoughts as: it doesn't matter with whom (or what) you are having sex as long as you "think" of the right thing or gender. So, a man that has sex with another man is not to be considered bi-sexual or gay as long as he thinks about the beautiful blond babe from the diner next door. That just doesn't make sense to me....but hey maybe I've read your thoughts wrong...but that's just the way I was thinking

and this just confused me more...


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