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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

so how much do i have to pay to put my list name in my sig :-(

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Yeah, I'm still not too happy with this whole thing. I can pretty much guarantee that Flamingo East's owner is not going to have a guestlist available thru CP for our Friday night party. And if someone decides to come check it out for the music, but isn't into the whole cyber-industrial-fetish thing (which a lot of people do), then our doorman probably won't let them in if they just look like a random club-goer off of the street because of the problems we used to have with bad elements wrecking our vibe and trashing the joint. So if anyone does want to come check out Flamingo East tonight for a nice blend of techno-industrial and hardcore/gabber, then tell the doorman (the guy with the tattoos on the side of his head and the fangs) that you're there to see DRÄCOS and you'll have no problem getting in. Not only will you get reduced admission, but he'll know that you're there to support the scene and you won't have a problem getting in. We have a very eclectic atmosphere there with people that dress up for the party, and people that show up wearing trainers and UFOs and are there for the music. We've just got to be careful out of respect to our regulars and respect to the club owner to guarantee that there won't be any problems.

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all these people are complaining about it but nobody will really do anything about it.....i my self will not be posting on this board anymore cause i have realized that its not really worth it...certain people do not know how to treat their customers (you know who u are)....and i am not the only person that thinks this...there are countless people, from numerous boards (not just the one ur thinkin of)....who seem to say the same thing about this individual.....he/she (in order to hide his/her identity)...acts as if he/she is a child rather than an adult working within an industry that should b fun to work in...just my 2 cents and my opinion (which i am entitled 2 correct)....learn people skills, that my advice...rather than say change ur sig "or else" (which constitutes a threat in my mind)......u should say....could u do CP a favor and change ur sig for such and such a reason.....im gonna check on this, but i do believe that this is a public message board, so wouldnt that entitle anybody on the board to post whatever he or she pleases (maybe im wrong, but maybe im not...lets find out)

have a wonderful time CP....im sure i will c most other names popping up on other boards as people begin to realize what i finally have!

It was fun while it lasted!

Sincerely yours,

Etienne! (no little happy smiley appropriate for this post)

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Heretic, yesterday I asked you to resend me the information. So that we could help you. But the event has past. It is not an easy task updating over 1200 clubs in NYC alone.

We ask people to do this for the formentioned reasons. Why do people have problems promoting the parties themselves and not including their names??? We re providing people through CLUBPLANET a opportunity to know about all these events. And for that Alone Qouth I think we should get the credit if people use our list because we provided the platform in which they got the information.

Oh lil FYI for you guys. We only charge for certain advertising. Not for listing the events or the lists themselves unless we make different arrangements. Thus why we provide CPer's with more free entrances into nightclubs than any other promotional source.

I told you guys. PROMOTE THE PARTIES ALL THE WAY. BUT NOT INDIVIDUAL lists. You are on CPwe carry the same lists you do respect that and put a link to our list section if you are truly promoting for the sake of the party. BTW there is a LINK for TWIRL FUCLUBKIDD in the guestlist section.

Perfect Example: If we don't have a list that someone is bringing around email me and I will collect the name and send them to that promoter and you'll be set up. Like with what we are doing with Centro-Fly tonight.

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Originally posted by fuclubkidd

all these people are complaining about it but nobody will really do anything about it.....

Actually, I was so pissed yesterday that I went and created my own messageboard which I've been fine-tuning today. I don't imagine a lot of people from these boards will join it, though, since it's going to be more for the underground music scenes (electronica, industrial, metal) without having to read about Exit all the time and cheesey vocal house. And in the sense of fairness, I'm even going to let my Friday night industrial competitors post their party info and guestlists since it is a public messageboard, and I'm more about supporting the music and the scene rather than telling people what they can or can't say. If anyone's interested, shoot me an email to nroth@speakeasy.org

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I don't imagine a lot of people from these boards will join it, though, since it's going to be more for the underground music scenes (electronica, industrial, metal) without having to read about Exit all the time and cheesey vocal house.

You underestimate the people here and their tastes. They vary through every genre. And I haven't seen you around the Psuedo Den and if you have been I think you would find it refreshing to know that it's far from Cheesey vocals and plenty of us have been meeting up because we are trying to strengthen the underground scene. And since when is TIESTO cheesy??

Listen we asked you guys to be cool about it. And If you only come around to be self serving and post about your events and not actually conversate with the members here for fun and pleasure oh well. That is all on you. If you want to have be around all people stay here. If you want to zone off into a clique where you only like people that are only "LIKE YOU" then we can't stop you.


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i was in the car and just started laughing out loud...i thought to myself.....wow, they cant take competition from sub promoters/team leaders etc....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

im becoming such a bitter old man, but its true....they cant take the competition so they just eliminate it

soon clubplanet will trade on the NYSE, and they will have a CEO and evrerything!! maybe one day i can work as a janitor for clubplanet!!

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Originally posted by trancend

soon clubplanet will trade on the NYSE, and they will have a CEO and evrerything!! maybe one day i can work as a janitor for clubplanet!!


but no seriously this is gettin outta hand with this promotion stuff, i mean wtf ughhh

im kinda mad and i dont even promote lol

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I really do not understand why people are so upset about this.

We have a Promotions forum. You can post WHATEVER you want there. You can post events and promotions on our Calendar. We will work with you to list your parties on our site if we do not already have a list there. You can promote the party without promoting your list.

People posting guestlists in their sigs are purposely subverting the one or two things we have asked.

This is not at all about free speech. It is about people using our hard work and traffic to promote their own lists. People talk about Clubplanet being too commercial yet they are the ones who want to make money with their lists.


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Originally posted by DaVe

This is not at all about free speech. It is about people using our hard work and traffic to promote their own lists. People talk about Clubplanet being too commercial yet they are the ones who want to make money with their lists.


Like I said, it's not a money issue with our party. Hell, it's only $5 to get in. Mentioning my name at the door lets the door staff know that you're there to see a specific DJ and to support the scene and they'll also give you a reduced admission. It's so they know that even though the person isn't dressed head to toe in black vinyl that they won't have any problems letting them in, since we did have problems with random people coming in off of the street and starting shit with our regulars and trashing the place. The club owner asked us to filter out the people who might potentially be a problem, and mentioning my name at the door ensures that you'll get in even if you look like a frat boy or a ghetto thug because they'll then know that you're there for the party and not just to start shit.

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

You underestimate the people here and their tastes. They vary through every genre. And I haven't seen you around the Psuedo Den and if you have been I think you would find it refreshing to know that it's far from Cheesey vocals and plenty of us have been meeting up because we are trying to strengthen the underground scene. And since when is TIESTO cheesy??

Listen we asked you guys to be cool about it. And If you only come around to be self serving and post about your events and not actually conversate with the members here for fun and pleasure oh well. That is all on you. If you want to have be around all people stay here. If you want to zone off into a clique where you only like people that are only "LIKE YOU" then we can't stop you.


That's why I said "I don't imagine a lot of people from these boards" rather than "not a single fucking soul from these boards". I'm well aware that there a few people on here with diverse tastes and enjoy some of the same music that I do. But especially on the music boards, there is a lot of discussion about vocals and just plain shitty KTU crap, hence the reason I used the term "a lot of people" instead of "everyone".

And I'm not just on here to promote my events. There are people on here that I rather enjoy conversing with, some of whom share similar musical tastes to mine. I've even sent some of my cds to a few people on these boards. But there's no reason I can't post my event and tell people to mention my name at the door to ensure their entry. Such was the case a couple weeks ago when FoxyRoxy20 and TunnelBandit wanted to come down and check out some hardcore/gabber. Even though they were a couple of ravers and not dressed like our regulars in cyber-industrial-goth-fetish gear, they didn't have a problem getting in because the door staff knew that they were there for the party because I had said to mention my name.

And as far as Psuedo, I'd like to come down and maybe spin a set, but I've been busy playing guest spots and working with bands. Hopefully in January I'll be able to make it down to one because it is refreshing to see something like that going on.

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DaVe and Lainey,

Can we maybe find a compromise on this matter. I honestly understand your position, and think most people with a vague understanding that at least part of this scene needs to involve smart business practices, will. There is a conflict of interests involved in parties for which there is a CP list or at clubs which CP has deals with. However, in the case of small weeklies for which there is no CP list, a perfect example being Heretics' case, I think there should be allowances. If he is not the middleman, but in fact, THE man for this party, what's the problem?

This is not totally altruistic...I am working with a crew to start an new party come February. I will probably be the only person here who will have a list, and it will not be at a venue that CP works with. If I want my friends to come to it, and I want them to be able to get reduced admission, cause they are my CP babies, not cause I make $ (I have a job for that), why should that be a problem for y'all?

I compliment you guys on being able to make CP both a community and a business venture and I can only imagine how difficult a line that is to stradle. But let's keep the possibility for compromise around, and think what's best for the scene. For big parties, this ruling will only effect who's list gets used, but for the smaller gatherings, it could keep them from being able to draw the right crowd.


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