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The end all,be all....Lunatarium and Deep Dish Meetup and Review by me (its long))


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HOLY FUCK!!!! is all i have to say after expieriencing such borderline orgasmic aural pleasures as i did last night.

the night started by me missin the fuckin train from jersey to penn station by only 3 mins, i mean was AT the fucking railroad crossing watchin my train go by. But eventually i made it to meet up with gmccookny and synderella420. I immediately bugged out and still am at the fact of HOW FUCKIN MUCH GMC LOOKS LIKE MY FRIEND CHRIS!!!! weirdddddddddddd shit. So we all fuckin tried hailing a fuckin cab in mad cold weather but u think the dicks would have an empty cab in 20 degree weather?? NOPE!!!

So onto the train we went on our way to Lunatarium and BAM!!! train stops and who gets on but xpander,lavendermenace,hacker,hacker's bro,and some other fuckin lunatarium heads. So on the train we had mad fun and discussed such topics as bluntly as how much quoth wants to fuck the shit outta reid speed hehe and other varous blunt topics.

We get off at the stop...walk like 3 or 4 blocks..very quiet type hood almost dead cept the people walking to this huge fucking warehouse some knowing what lies behind its doors, some anticipating their first expierience of Lunatarium. So as we get in this huge ass building and get by security we wait with others for the freight elevator to bring us to our destination point: 9th floor!!!.

The elevator opens and WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is all that can be verbally said. It feels like yer in a fuckin movie or back in some early ass underground rave scene. Just fucking truly amazing and to hear my fuckin girl Reid Speed breakin out the Drum-n-bass and the love and friendlyness of those around me just couldnt help myself but fuckin dance like a crazy mutahfuckin irish white boy on the dancefloor for a good amount of time.

I mean aside from reid speed spinnin some nasty ass breaks, some other dj came on spun some niiiiiiiiiiice electro in which the breakdancers came out of the woodwork and tried to challenge me and trancend :laugh::tongue: But just when u thought the plethora of aural pleasures was done?? BAM!!! outta nowhere the dj dropped GROOVE IS IN THE HEART!!!! haha and no matter how fuckin old that track is? it is truly timeless cause every fuckin person on that dancefloor was moving.

But aside from great music and different people alike, there was carnival rides, sideshow attractions, sex games like "RING THE COCK" (dont ask) and the SLUT Machine, oh and not to mention, EXTREMELYYYYYYYY CHEAP BEER, CHEAP AS IN QUALITY WISE, but hey its underground so it aint like yer gonna find heineken or guinness there?

But all in all, this was just the start of my night and already it was fuckin intense as hell. And these following individuals had a part in not only kris's birthday but also in a memorable night...

Hacker-happy birthday once again brother, glad i could be apart of it. yer brother's mad cool.

Mugwump-well my friend, i can honestly say all the hype u put into this is definitely worth it for those who have never been here and like always a definite pleasure to see a dude who is down with the scene and old skool with the scene as myself. (deep dish were fucking amazing as hell btw but more on that in a lil)

Lavendermenace-its always nice to see my date btw, guess next time ill try to be more observant ;)

synderella420-pleasure to finally meet u, wish u woulda had a better time than just sitting and smoking cigarettes all night?

gmccookny-bro haha what a fuckin pleasure to meet ya. And yes even still im bugged out by how u look like my friend chris.

Quoth-yo so whats yer user name mean?

Gmccookny-well my name is george last name mccook and im from ny.

Quoth- OHHHHHHH SHIT!!!! :laugh: i thought it meant that u drive like a GMC SUV truck or sumen and that u are a COOKing major at a college in NY

Quoth- See this is why we have meetups.

Trancend-im glad u made it bro, its always cool to see my younger rave counterpart. Yer lil friend who i would get arrested if i fucked her was very cute and nice girl and also highlyyyyyyy informative bout E haha.

JoeG-well u fuckin prick, u made it, good to see you, i'll see u around.

Phuturephunk-muthafuckin nice to meet u muthafucka

Tilly- cool meeting you and thanks for introducing me to...

Saigray-thank tilly for introducing me to you haha it was pleasnt meetin you dear.

Loch- what a cool motherfucker

and any of those i forgot at Lunatairum pleaure as always to see my CP family

So i leave bout 4:00ish and head on over to Vinyl. I could hear the insane bass from the line outside and everyone who came out of there said "yo deep dish is rockin shit!!!!! or deep dish is fuckin shit UPPPPPPPPPPPP!!" So after the fuckin century wait to get my coat checked, i wandered over to the fuckin loungey area curious to see if any CP family members were there and sure enough, i saw some creature pointing out to me though it was hard to make her out cause of the red lighting and the fact that her hair was braided, miss jennEfer. So sittin chillin at a table were her and her boy, articshadw, crobra and mist, siceone,scottyscribz. So we all bullshitted for a lil then went off to dance. Best part of the night was while i was talking to sleepiswaste someone informed a certain kitten of my prescence and i looked her right in the eye yet she didnt know who i was, and sure enough when the name Quoth or "CHOICE" came about :laugh: she gave the tightest hug i think i might have ever gotten aside from lavendermenace's.

So here is to the rest of my CP family at Deep Dish...

JennEfer and ArticShadw-good as fuck to see u people as always. Jenn the hair looked yummy. Pete the hair looked different, but its you bro.

Crobra and Mist- damn it felt good as hell to see such fine people once again, though we didnt talk too too much im sure we will once again soon enough. take care of yerselfves.

Siceone-good to meet u once again though i wont forget yer horrible crack on Drakkar :tongue: its all good bro. yer alright.

Clubkat-well well welllllllllllllll. At last the gemini's meet. Damn yer fuckin very short haha but the kitty does give some excellent hugs and also gives excellent vibes to those around her. Glad i could make it. See u hopefully soon.

TrippinTrance- haha yo we MUST stop doing this shit, i see you like fucking everywhere and time and time again we always reintroduce each other haha. but good to see u man.

Sleepiswaste-yo you are a coooooooool motherfucker oh and as far as derrick may, bro im only 20 and couldnt get in. hopefully ill see u around at pseudo for a teg-team techno set??

Scottyscribz-damn bro, it has been a fuckin while since i saw ya but shit always a fuckin pleasure kid.

djjonstephen-bro, pleasure to meet u even though it was a short hello haha.

Clubmouse-same to you, sorry for the short hello but nice to meet u.

AND NOW, i must leave these 2 lovely ladies at the bottom of my list of shouts for they are just....:eek:

Fierydesire-damn if u never posted that pic on the thread i woulda never recognized you. props to siceone for introducing us. Ughhh u look truly magnificent in person i fuckin swear to you.

and last but totalllllllllllllllllllly not least....

ReginaP- ughhhhhhhhhh my god, W-O-W!!!!! prolly the finest specimen of a clubplanet creature i think i have met up to this point. This girl is ultra fuckin truly more beautiful in person than in her pictures and aside from what a gorgous girl she is, she has got to be one of the sweetest ever i have met in my 20 yrs on this earth. I hope to run into you again in the near future (prolly ill run into you a lot more once i turn 21 and actually hit up bars haha) but seriously, u made the beginging of my night by meeting you (me and my silly way of introducing myself to you hehe ) and you definitely made my night when i left by giving me a hug and a kiss(on the cheek btw if her boyfriend happens to read the boards hehe) but wow..yer a fuckin amazing girl, too bad we didnt bullshit longer, but i was beat. But next time, for def we will.


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