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Exit vs Roxy (Opionions!)


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its gotta be roxy...not only casue im a vicious fan but the real music lovers cant tolerate a big name dj being booted at 5am so draper can close the place out....id like to see tiesto and and jules and whoever else comes through there but its not gonna happen until they make the full effort....no point in doing it half assed....

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Originally posted by inyourdreams

Roxy's gonna be the Fri night party to be at...Exit can bring in God as a dj but as long as they have Tony fuckin Draper closing, no way in hell am I stepping foot in that place...see yous Friday ;)

Couldnt have said it better myself.....

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Originally posted by msoprano13

....id like to see tiesto and and jules and whoever else comes through there but its not gonna happen until they make the full effort....no point in doing it half assed....

i would like to see them spin an 8 hr set too but that would cost an insane amount of money.....

hence, not bloody likely (in the states anyway)

----What time does JV begin his set friday?? Close?????

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Well i have this take... Johnny Vicious is an amazing DJ.. one of the best of our generation.... but the question is can he hold his own. I remember last august at the opening of his residency at tunnel there was so much excitement about him being there and that the party would be awesome. The Party was awesome but Unfortunately was the weeks went On, the people stopped Coming. I think this Party will be Different... But it ALL depends on how johnny vicious Rips it up this fri. If he makes his mark this fri then this party will be around for A LONG time to come.




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Originally posted by DJMikeE

i would like to see them spin an 8 hr set too but that would cost an insane amount of money.....

hence, not bloody likely (in the states anyway)

----What time does JV begin his set friday?? Close?????

sorry bro that arguments not gonna cut it with me....you mean to tell me exit cant afford to pay these guys for an extra 2 hours....it dont even have to be an 8 hour set....2-8 is perfect for exit.....
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they certainly should pay more.....who knows, it seems like a lot of experimentation at that place--Since opening, the following djs have spun there:

Junior Vasquez

Johnny Vicious

Denny Tsettos

Richie Santana

Jason Ojeda

Judge Jules

Noel S.


plus they have George Acosta and possibly PVD coming....

Not that bad of a line up...lets hope exit doesnt fuck it up

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Yep had the best Friday night party for that year...I went like 13 fridays in a row....Boris was on point......& no matter how packed it got u always had room.......went wit girlies so we didn't have to sit on the misrable Boys line.......some of the best Memmories there.......:D

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