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girl problems HELP PLEASE


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life is funny sometimes When your at you're lowest and when you think you're at your highest... When you're at your lowest life seems to always send you something to entice you to get back on your feet. when you get back on your feet why does it always seem that life, at your highest, Seems to take that motivation away and leave a bad taste in your mouth Is this lifes cruel joke or lifes way of testing you to see if you can continue with out motivation, If you can be your own motivation, if you can rise above? I don't know maybe this is one of lifes lil things you know.. but really I dont give a fuck

Cause the woman I love is going through something she wont tell me what it is. she wont talk to me and has asked me not to talk to her either and that fucking hurts so bad and all I can think about is that Damn Alicia keyes song womans worth and I hate that song but she loves that song so It runs through my head and how I hate it and how much I love her and how much it Sucks that I have to force my self not to talk to her. I think thats what hurts the most Not being able to help the one you love you know anyway thats my rant Im going running

some one tell me what to do Im out of Ideas

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Girls that do that shit are fuckin selfish and dumb. They just dont wanna fuckin understand that they hurt people with their fuckin attitudes like that. They should learn to fuckin' communicate! What they think men are mind readers?

If you ask me, just dump her. And she will come back runnin' to you, apologizing for what she put you through.

Sorry for puttin it in such harsh way... Its just problem you described is very sensetive subject for me.

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I tend to think that things happen to us at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection we realize that without overcoming those obstacles we would never realize your potential, strength, will power or heart . (I know you probably think that I’m a dork, or a little foolish but it’s the truth.)

It’s the truth! Everything happens for a reason I think. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck. Illness, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur for a reason.

I know to you it may seem funny, but I think that sometimes God just likes to give us a little test, and without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere safe and comfortable but dull and totally pointless. I know the people that we meet affect our lives, and that the successes and downfalls that we experience can create who we are, and the bad experiences can be learned from.

In fact they are probably the most passionate and important ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to who you open your heart up to. Do you think I’m right? I’m sorry if I’m boring you.

I learned so much about myself because of some GUYS(ASSHOLES) And no matter what’s might happen if someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but also because they are teaching you to love and open your heart and eyes to little things. Make every day count. Appreciate everything that you possibly can, because you may never experience it again, . Remember "If you take your eyes off your goals, all you see is obstacles." My History teacher told me that back in 11th grade and I never seem to forget it!


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Originally posted by siceone

life is funny sometimes When your at you're lowest and when you think you're at your highest... When you're at your lowest life seems to always send you something to entice you to get back on your feet. when you get back on your feet why does it always seem that life, at your highest, Seems to take that motivation away and leave a bad taste in your mouth Is this lifes cruel joke or lifes way of testing you to see if you can continue with out motivation, If you can be your own motivation, if you can rise above? I don't know maybe this is one of lifes lil things you know.. but really I dont give a fuck

Cause the woman I love is going through something she wont tell me what it is. she wont talk to me and has asked me not to talk to her either and that fucking hurts so bad and all I can think about is that Damn Alicia keyes song womans worth and I hate that song but she loves that song so It runs through my head and how I hate it and how much I love her and how much it Sucks that I have to force my self not to talk to her. I think thats what hurts the most Not being able to help the one you love you know anyway thats my rant Im going running

some one tell me what to do Im out of Ideas

{When it rains it pours... Im damn is fuckin hurricane season over were i am... Carl lets go look for an umbrella to get under... some huge ass golf joint, or those HUMONGOUS BURBERRY ONES!!! Maybe i could boost one of the constantly happy ppls rain slickers}

In regards to your post... I can relate to what youre saying... however i have no idea how do cope or deal with it... since now I am single and if i was good at relationships id prolly be married already and blah etc... However I can say what i would do, and that is ease up for a bit let her compile her thoughts, if it lasts for more then a couple days then approach her again and bring it up... im not sure exactly how deep you to are or how expressive she is with her feelings but maybe shes, one of those ppl who bottle everything up inside... (ahem...ahem) and its hard for her to share her probs with anyone even some like you who she is very intimate with you... well thats what i would do... if im on the right track let me know. If im totally off shoot me an I.M. pa'tner...

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