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Ladies: My ass your finger, whats that all about???


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Originally posted by vision

wtf...you're gonna tell me you never stuck your finger in your balloon knot while jerkin off in the shower...enuff of this bullshit...i know its supposed to be sumthin guys never, I MEAN NEVER TALK ABOUT but enuff of the taboo shit...this is the sexboard and lets keep it real

so maybe a good question is how many fingers have you gotten in there while jerkin off in the shower???

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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i can totally see how a finger up a guys booty would feel good.

::i mean it feels good on a woman!::

i saw this lesbian movie ::no not a porn, it was on hbo!:: the other day and one of them was gonna do a guy...she whipped out this like but plug vibrating type thing and told the guy to relax....and he was totally feeling it....i mean getting his cock fucked and his ass pleasured...oh man that got me hot :eek:

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Originally posted by clubkat

i can totally see how a finger up a guys booty would feel good.

::i mean it feels good on a woman!::

i saw this lesbian movie ::no not a porn, it was on hbo!:: the other day and one of them was gonna do a guy...she whipped out this like but plug vibrating type thing and told the guy to relax....and he was totally feeling it....i mean getting his cock fucked and his ass pleasured...oh man that got me hot :eek:

Woah...but I think guys are a little more homophobic when it comes to that shit. I don't know for girls I gues it is easier sticking things in their ass even when it is exit only

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For educational purposes, the prostate gland, which is a gland men have that can give intense pleasure when stimulated can be reached by sticking your finger up a guys ass and rubbing in a "come hither" motion. When this is done during intercourse, for many guys it makes the orgasm even more explosive.

Also, girls if you ever want to make a guy come faster just stick your finger up his ass, for some reason this is known to work like a charm for most people. Happy experimenting! :)

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Out of nowhere ronny dropping some science on us...

Very Good... I think next time im gonna be so fucking drunk that, when she does it again, Im gonna go for it, and I'll report...

Wish me luck... if this is some bullshit early ass april fool gag youre all dead!!! DEAD to me!!!

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Originally posted by ronnykat

For educational purposes, the prostate gland, which is a gland men have that can give intense pleasure when stimulated can be reached by sticking your finger up a guys ass and rubbing in a "come hither" motion. When this is done during intercourse, for many guys it makes the orgasm even more explosive.

Also, girls if you ever want to make a guy come faster just stick your finger up his ass, for some reason this is known to work like a charm for most people. Happy experimenting! :)

prostate gland??

is that our p spot?!?!?

FUGGING DAMMIT!!!WHY CAN"T I HAVE AN OFFICE WITH A DOOR?!?!oh well i'll prolly never find that one too

might have to get his & her beads now

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