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Time Person of the Year


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it should have been bin laden. person of the year goes to the person who most affected the news, for better or for worse over the course of the year. and we all know who that is, al quidas very own ossama b. time is just worried about canceled subscriptions. if i was a subscriber i would cancel my subscription immeadiatley for this bullshit. oh, and by the way, fuck ossama bin laden.

bin laden=:blown:

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Originally posted by makeakillin

it should have been bin laden. person of the year goes to the person who most affected the news, for better or for worse over the course of the year. and we all know who that is, al quidas very own ossama b. time is just worried about canceled subscriptions. if i was a subscriber i would cancel my subscription immeadiatley for this bullshit. oh, and by the way, fuck ossama bin laden.

bin laden=:blown:

yeah i agree

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it should have been bin laden. person of the year goes to the person who most affected the news, for better or for worse over the course of the year. and we all know who that is, al quidas very own ossama b. time is just worried about canceled subscriptions. if i was a subscriber i would cancel my subscription immeadiatley for this bullshit. oh, and by the way, fuck ossama bin laden.

very tru...


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I agree Bin Ladin should of been the Time Magazine Man of the Year. He made the biggest impact all over the world. Like makeakillin said it should be for the person that makes the most impact in the world for better or worse.

Also how weird. The year Guliani gets Time Magazine Man of the Year, is the year he successfully gets Tunnel and Twilo to close down.

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Originally posted by makeakillin

it should have been bin laden. person of the year goes to the person who most affected the news, for better or for worse over the course of the year. and we all know who that is, al quidas very own ossama b. time is just worried about canceled subscriptions. if i was a subscriber i would cancel my subscription immeadiatley for this bullshit. oh, and by the way, fuck ossama bin laden.

bin laden=:blown:


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Bin Laden SHOULD have been the person of the year by all accounts of impact and importance....

But the situation here is, Sept. 11th has basically accentuated the entire year as a whole, whether we like it or not. So the decision of who to put on was going to be centered around that.

And there is the TIMEWARNERWILLGETITSASSBOMBEDBYTHEPATRIOTSIFBINLADENWASMADETHEPERSONOFTHEYEAR problem... Giving Bin Laden the honours would likely cause a LOT of controversy. There's also the patriotism factor involved. Avoiding that was probably a good idea on the part of Time Warner.

So the focus must be put here, in the US. Well in truth, Giuliani's the most standout character that has emerged from this whole affair. Bush did NOT do anything at all out of the ordinary in this situation. Giuliani emerged as someone who carried his position to an exceptional level through his handling of the disaster(mayors don't get those responsibilities too often), while Bush was pretty much just doing his job (how well he did it is still being argued). If Giuliani didn't deserve the honor, then Bush was a milion miles away.

If you think about it, Giuliani's pretty much a DISTANT second place from Bin Laden in terms of just sheer impact. However, he is the most "qualified" person in the US to fit as the person of the year.

Did Bin Laden deserve the title? Yes. Did Rudy deserve it? Far from it. But was it a good idea to make Rudy the front man here? Yes, even though there's probably more unsaid politics (justified, but it's still politics) involved here than sheer qualitative measurement of the magnitude of the men's impact upon the US and the world.

And though it pains me to say it, the closing of Twilo and Tunnel means relatively little here.

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Time has never put a dead man on the cover of its magazine, which is why they never put Hitler on the cover. Maybe the uncertainty over Bin Laden's death made them balk at putting him on the cover in addition to the other factors: public outrage, etc. If it's not Bin Laden, it should not be Giuliani. It should be BUSH. He's the one who's led the country through this war, he's the one with sky high approval ratings, he is the commander-in-chief that's responsible for the destruction of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and the Taliban and the bringing about of an Afghanistan where women aren't persecuted. Sure he may not have been involved in the nitty gritty of planning this war, but the President always has the final say on major actions of the military. So what if he was the Person of the Year last year. He should have been selected again this year.

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Originally posted by mungo

Time has never put a dead man on the cover of its magazine, which is why they never put Hitler on the cover. Maybe the uncertainty over Bin Laden's death made them balk at putting him on the cover in addition to the other factors: public outrage, etc. If it's not Bin Laden, it should not be Giuliani. It should be BUSH. He's the one who's led the country through this war, he's the one with sky high approval ratings, he is the commander-in-chief that's responsible for the destruction of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and the Taliban and the bringing about of an Afghanistan where women aren't persecuted. Sure he may not have been involved in the nitty gritty of planning this war, but the President always has the final say on major actions of the military. So what if he was the Person of the Year last year. He should have been selected again this year.

Sorry.....both Hitler and Stalin have been on the cover of Time. I was watching MSNBC the other night when they were discussing this, and they showed the Hitler cover. Bin Ladin should have gotten it...but I can understand why they wouldnt give it to him.

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