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Breast Implants....


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Ok....I got implants this past May...and i can honestly say that i did do it for myself...my boyfriend who i was with at that point for almost 2 years..was supportive but he def did not push me towards getting them...he must have said a million times that i was perfect the way that i was...but for me..i really wanted to get the implants because i felt that it would increase my self esteem... well now over 7 months later i am very glad that i went thru with it...i have saline implants that were inserted thru the nipple and my scars are almost gone...i cant even really see them!!...they are not hard...they are a little firmer than real breasts but in a good way because they do not sag...so it really is up to you...if you think that it will make you feel better about yourself then i would say go for it...make sure you do a lot of research and go on a lot of consultations with different surgeons...reccomendations are always a plus...i personally knew two other girls who used my surgeon which helped me decide and feel comfortable with using him!!

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I'm SD's girlfriend and I have a few things to say on this subject. I got Saline breast implants (under the breast muscle) about a year and a half ago and I have to say that they look and feel absolutely real. Before making the decision to have the surgery, I admit that I too was weary of what other people might think, not to mention the fact that I was just plain scared. Truth be told, my younger sister and I were not exactly blessed in the breast department, so this was a joint venture for the both of us. We made the decision to go through with this together and had our surgeries on the same day. I'm not going to lie, it was definitely more painful than the doctor had prepared us for, however, given the opportunity to do it again, I wouldn't even think twice. As SD mentioned in his earlier post, I'm about 5'9" 135 lbs. and I couldn't even fill an A cup bra prior to my surgery. I can now fill a B cup quite nicely and I have NEVER been asked if my breasts are fake. I suppose what I'm trying to say is...do what makes you feel most comfortable with yourself. I am not a flashy, slutty, ditzy, (or whatever stereotype might be running through your minds) type of girl. Believe me, prior to my own surgery, I used to have a million and one negative comments (i.e., she's insecure, she wants attention, she's a slut, etc...) for girls with fake boobs and I still do. (We can all be caddy bitches deep down.) However, I believe there's a big difference between the girls that were born with size B breasts and go to size D's or bigger and the girls born with A or less that just want that little bit of something to make them feel like a woman. All I know is that I couldn't be happier with my decision and I wish you the best of luck whatever you choose to do. My advice; do lots of research, don't rush into anything you're unsure of, and most of all...do what's best for YOU. Good Luck!

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Almost every guy you ask will TELL you he "prefers them natural," but when it comes right down to it, most want girls with more-than-a-handful tits. Supply and demand, baby... THAT'S why all the playmates/Hollywood actresses have implants. Boobs that are AT LEAST a big B... anything more than a DD is freakish (unless it's proportionate), but most girls just want to bump up to a C or D anyway. Sucks that so many feel pressure to change their bodies to fit society's mold of "the perfect woman," but that's just how it is.

I wanted them for the longest time, and may get them at some point in the future... but only up to a C. I'm an A right now, and it's nice not having to wear a bra all the time, or to wear cute backless halters... not worry about saggy bags when I'm 50... run without bouncing... etc., etc. But we'll see.

Good luck with your decision, let us know how it turns out... I talked to Dr. Brad Jacobs, he's the best in NYC.

Dr. Jacob's website

He has a lot of before/after pics on his site... check it out. :)

Hope that helps,

~kitten >^.^<

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Your written responses and comments show me that you have it together. We are lucky to be living healthy lives. I think our society's view of perfection which is constantly displayed in advertisements, movies, magazines, television, etc. has some of us in a struggle to look or live in a certain way. I often get lost in the whirlwind. The ultimate goal for all of us is to find inner happiness. I am still searching (anybody know of a good surgeon for penis enlargement)... sorry I got off track there. From reading the responses you have received, everyone loves you the way you are. You will probably find a guy that loves every inch of you, and it sounds like most of the regular CPers already do. Whatever decision you make will be the right decision, whether you love it or learn from it. My final recommendation is to take that extra money and treat yourself to a sweet vacation. Cheers!!!

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