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drugs n clubs


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Y is it that when your tryin to get some goodies in a non familiar crowd everyone is SO SHADY!!!!! Yeah...do I honestly look like a cop???? ASS!!! I was at SF sat and every person I asked was like "I dunno" even after I saw them doin bumps!!!! So this one guy walks by me with a M-music is the answer shirt that they sell only @ Vinyl, so I stop him and am like "Vinyl" he laughs off a yes and I ask him to help me and he readily jumps to fulfill my requests...not only did he succeed in findin me some uncut K, but amazing pills as well...so I guess what I'm tryin to say is that tryin to find drugs in clubs SUX!!! Go with ur own shit...

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worse then thinking ur a cop is when people think ur a dealer. just cause im not white doesnt mean i sell drugs dammit! once i had to tell this guy flat out "im not selling drugs asshole!" fucking annoying bastard insisted i must have something. i never like looking for drugs in clubs just for the risk of getting kciked out, not worth it for me, id rather just be sober if i didnt have any shit to begin with.

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I have gotten accused on 2 occastions that I was selling and doing drugs!! Once at the Limelight, I got pulled into another room as was asked to empty everything out of my pockets, show my ankles, and stomach!!! I was COMPLETELY violated!!! But the BEST part was that HE FOUND NOTHING!!! Cuz I had Nothing and wasnt doing nuthin....And he FELT pretty DUMB!!!

Another time I was at the AREA 1 Festival...A security asked me and my friend to STEP outside the TENT Area because he said, "YOU LOOK SUSPISCIOUS...Because you are carrying a BACK PACK, and we know that you are "ROLLLLiNG" because I've been watching you dance a lot, then sit, then dance, then sit...THat's what people do when they're "ROLLiNG"...... I almost LAUGHed in his face...anyways...he let us back in...cuz we had NUTHIN'....but he said, "I HAVE MY EYE ON YOU AND YOUR FRiENDS!!!"


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1 time @ Twilo...security takes me and my girlie to the interigation room and tells us to empty our pockets...."I don't even have any pockets!" wtf?!?!?!?! Of course they find nuthin and I ask them y was I stopped and he told me it was the way i was dressed!!! I had on jeans, a tank, sneakers, and a bandana...yeah man...go do ur fuckin job!

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Originally posted by klohe

he told me it was the way i was dressed!!! I had on jeans, a tank, sneakers, and a bandana...yeah man...go do ur fuckin job!

I HATE Those SECURiTY PEOPLE!!! Just cuz the way you Dress u look suspiscous??? THAT'S BULL!!! So Basically cuz I wear Ufos, Im automatically doing drugs or DEALiNG???? HoW RETARTED is THAT????

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Originally posted by klohe

Y is it that when your tryin to get some goodies in a non familiar crowd everyone is SO SHADY!!!!! Yeah...do I honestly look like a cop???? ASS!!! I was at SF sat and every person I asked was like "I dunno" even after I saw them doin bumps!!!! So this one guy walks by me with a M-music is the answer shirt that they sell only @ Vinyl, so I stop him and am like "Vinyl" he laughs off a yes and I ask him to help me and he readily jumps to fulfill my requests...not only did he succeed in findin me some uncut K, but amazing pills as well...so I guess what I'm tryin to say is that tryin to find drugs in clubs SUX!!! Go with ur own shit...

Yeah I never buy shitin clubs..Its pointless, b/c you can always get some fucked up shit. I dont' trust club dealers

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

I HATE Those SECURiTY PEOPLE!!! Just cuz the way you Dress u look suspiscous??? THAT'S BULL!!! So Basically cuz I wear Ufos, Im automatically doing drugs or DEALiNG???? HoW RETARTED is THAT????

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

sorry had to laugh at that one

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