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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

So I got a PM for the beloved DaVe


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upon entering the boards this lovely Friday morning. The first PM asked me to remove WWW.VIPGUESTLIST.COM from my signature. Then, I got a follow up one saying it was done already.

Not cool! Sorry DaVe, but as you said in your PM, that I would understand, well I don't and I won't until you give me an explanation.

CP has definately lost it's glitz and glam. Im glad Im a member of good standing boards like WWW.VIPGUESTLIST.COM & WWW.EZDREAMER.COM & WWW.NIGHTCLUBCITY.COM

Those boards don't feel threatened by little party kids and their guestlists. :rolleyes: Guess we see who is really makin the money around here...and who isnt!

~kAt~ aka ~misskittie~



I support my friends..is that soo bad?? :tongue:

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I think it's okay if Dave wishes to regulate his board in a manner to keep competition off the board with regards to other boards, to competing lists, etc. That's just business and a procedure that may be necessary and/or desirable for the running of a business that he has invested himself in. And PROVIDED that these rules are enforced in a calm, professional and business-like manner, I approve. :)

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Hey, Im not one for having a problem with regulating for business purposes but give me a break. He's the only one who does this. And by this, I mean, CP is the only board.

I would have taken it down given a justifiable explanation. He can obviously see through my posts that I would like one. Until then, a big *F U* goes out.

After all the time I have spent on this board over the past couple of years, this is the worst that I have seen it. And if I were DaVe, I'd be embarrased to say "I RUN THIS BOARD".



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i think its called a conflict of interest..not too hard to understand so it makes sense that they wouldn't want anyone's lists in their sig..if dave is the owner of this biz then he's in it for the money and i'm sure he's tryin to make the most he can for him n his family

there is a problem with cp's lists not bein accepted at certain clubs

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I PM'ed you 2 days ago asking you to remove it. You were on the site since then, but did not respond. I PM'ed you yesterday telling you that I removed it.

We are not affiliated with them, we do not allow promotion in our signatures, and the only reason you did it was to prove your point and dig it in to Lainie.

We have had a great relationship with you and the other boards, but the point is, this is our site and we do not want links to competing sites. Makes sound business sense to me. Donny and Tina have even agreed with me on this point.


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Kittie- Ya know I love ya...BUT....If Dave runs the board then he can make policy as he pleases. Fair or Not. It's his decision. If members don't like it then we have the option of leaving.

Dave- As the administrator, you should keep crap like this off the board. True, you started this in PM BUT you shouldn't have responded here...it should stay private on your part.

Have a nice day all.

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I didn't get the PM's until this morning. Why, I don't know but the window never popped up until I came on today. But I did just got back and review the dates and time and I apologize. You were right that one was sent.

I'm well aware that YOU run this board DaVe but I can not believe what you are doing. Donny and other boards have worked hand in hand with you. He's sent people your way to use certain ticket links. That surely doesn't sound like competition to me. That sounds like working with one another and showing support. Working as a community...one which represents the clubs, music, DJs, and most importantly, the CLUBBERS!

If you disagree with my placing of "www.vipguestlist.com" in my posts, then I honestly don't know what to tell you Dave. Your guest lists have never worked at any club that I have tried to use them at since day one. I remember getting laughed at and mocked when I said it at certain venues. What could possibly be more humiliating then that?

I know you're trying to make money here but so is everyone else. At least with our fellow poster's lists, we are *guaranteed* entrance into clubs unlike yours! Maybe you should work more on your people skills and actually speak with the venues in which you claim you have lists at. Then you would pull more people in and not really have competition with little lists.

btw - I put VIP in my sig for more then a point to Lainie. I did it because I love VIP. I love the treatment Donny and Tina extend to me. They have welcomed me into their beautiful home with open arms. They have comped me plenty of times and given me thanks. They have even gone to the extent of driving me in between venues. They give back to their posters. Thats why they are running a successful business. A strong and healthy business which continues to flourish. I don't see Club Planet really giving anything away. Maybe you do other then the lighters but in all honesty, I have never noticed it.

Just like youre contest to win a walkman or other item...who has ever won that? I never see announcements so does it really happen??

~kAt~ proud supporter of www.vipguestlist.com and www.ezdreamer.com

Theyre not really lists...theyre links. :rolleyes:

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i don't know anything about the business of message boards

i can see a board having a problem with lists in their sigs..i completley understand that

as for having other message boards??the are a gazillion sites with links related to whatever they are promoting...get on djmixes2k and they have links to other download sites..very common...get on bigtitties.com and you'll see the same thing..it's a cool think i think...maybe dave should do the same in the same way he is doing with promoting parties...have a window with favorite/related links and maybe get some $$$ along the way...just an idea

don't know if dave or the moderators are gonna read this but i think as folks workin a business shouldn't take the jabs/left hooks and upper cuts personal..i know its hard because and i'm not in their shoes..but business is business and shouldn't be taken personal..

i think it was cool that cotton candy was there for someone at a club in case she was needed..that's different..that's being a freind

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Originally posted by Raman

u dont know who i am but i *think* i know who u are (not 100% sure yet), but dont get kicked off! all this stuff really isnt that big a deal...

Hmm. Really?? I honestly would not complain if I was kicked off Club Planet. I started here a long time ago. Even longer then it seems but I reregistered with this name and stuck with it.

Anyhow, Im happy with other boards, their performance, as well as thei give and take. If Dave feels he needs to ban me because Im a risk factor to the success of his business, then so be it. I can't help the fact that I like to speak my mind and I do so freely. The purpose of these boards are to bring us together as a clubber community. And in my mind, that should mean all boards are one in the same and work in a sort of coalition. That doesn't seem to be the case here.

But it's okay. This for one isn't my board and for two, I don't need to come post here. It's at my own will that I chose to do so.


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Originally posted by misskittie

The purpose of these boards are to bring us together as a clubber community. And in my mind, that should mean all boards are one in the same and work in a sort of coalition. That doesn't seem to be the case here.


Is the purpose of these boards to bring us together as a community or really to make money or both? Let's face it, A LOT (not all) promoters are promoting cause they want/need to make money. Same way a lot of them are about the music and bringing people together, but even so, it's money is somehow always in the background. Clubs are opened up because they clubs make a shitload of money and not to bring people together (unless the owner is really generous guy who doesn't care about losing money on his business.) CP is partly a promoter themselves, they have their lists (whether or not all of them work is another issue) and I'm sure they must get some kickback. They also run a messagboard at no charge to us (yes they do make money off of ads, pop ups and other things).

Now if this board says its all about bringing the clubber community together and its not about the money, then I totally understand your views. But if they state openly that they need to make money to support themselves and the board, I can understand that too and why they are enforcing certain policies (I was affected myself by this.)

I do agree with many of your view/points that you have posted recently.

For one thing, a Moderator SHOULD NOT abuse their power, for example telling everyone (without concrete proof) the identity of one of the messageboard posters. That is wrong. If anything you contact them privately or ban them (or their IP Address if you are having too many problems with it). I ran a real time virtual community for 2 years before this message board existed and you have to learn how NOT to abuse that power, and set operational procedures and guidelines as for moderators/administrators. With power comes responsibilty and power usually does corrupt.

Just my $.02


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Originally posted by misskittie

Just like youre contest to win a walkman or other item...who has ever won that? I never see announcements so does it really happen??

hey kat, it's kitty19..

i've actually won a sega dreamcast from clubplanet.com and i know Saint won a handspring visor PDA. just wanted to throw that out b/c i am very thankful for it (not adding fuel to your flame or anything girl). :heart:

anyway kat, i'll see you around on ezdreamer. ;)

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Originally posted by kitty19

hey kat, it's kitty19..

i've actually won a sega dreamcast from clubplanet.com and i know Saint won a handspring visor PDA. just wanted to throw that out b/c i am very thankful for it (not adding fuel to your flame or anything girl). :heart:

anyway kat, i'll see you around on ezdreamer. ;)

And I won A Cd...:tongue::):D

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OK...I just thought I throw my 2 cents in here...Dave is the moderator and ahs every right to do what he wants....It's funny cuz this happened on the Sicktracks board where a board emmeber kept his webpage in his signatire and a certain person told him to remove it...I think by removing that from your sig is just a sign of respect for that message board...I mean...I guess it's ok to make a post or 2 telling ppl about your site...and what not...but keeping it in your sig is sorta disrespectful...then again...I dunno why I even went to the drama section...cuz I am known for starting drama...LoL...but all I can say is ClubPlanet is the best...you guys really do take care of your members....

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I think Dave is right here. Not having website names on here such as nightclubcity.com, vipguestlist.com and blah blah all the other ones. Clubplanet.com is not just a message board, it's a whole site. And it is most of all a business. It's like having a PEPSI ad, and then having a little COCA-COLA symbol in the bottom of the ad. That doesn't make sense... you know? I've seen clubplanet working hard in the past few weeks promoting there website in clubs I've been to. It's not fair for Clubplanet to be working that hard, and others websites to feed off of the hard work clubplanet is putting into it. I mean I know I don't know much. I'm just saying what I know and seen, that's all. I log onto the other message boards also vipguestlist and nightclubcity. There both great. Everyong single one of the message boards brings clubbers together to converse about different topics. But in the end this is a business. Just my thoughts...


PS.. KITTY, HOW THE HELL DID YOU WIN A SEGA DREAMCAST FROM CLUBPLANET??? Somebody gotta tell me where all this is!!!!!

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

cp was glitzy and glammy?

when was this?

if cp was glammy, i wouldnt be here


kitty dear..


(It´s really not thatbig of a deal)

It´s all good..

and you won´t get kicked out..

DAVE dosen´t believe in that!

But if your not happy with Dave´s requests

you have every right to voice it..

Just as all the other members have

the right to disagree..


why just Look at me..

I´ve been kicked off a certain board over

stuff that I would absolutely consider silly..

and yet I choose not to return there and post

too often..

It´s not PERSONAL..

simply my choice..

and I choose NO SIDES!

(I don´t believe in that either

regardless of how much other people would

like me to choose them!)





The minute one thing annoys



(pets kitty and rubs belly)




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Originally posted by karch

KITTY, HOW THE HELL DID YOU WIN A SEGA DREAMCAST FROM CLUBPLANET??? Somebody gotta tell me where all this is!!!!!

in spring of 2000, Clubplanet changed their entire format from ClubNYC.com to the whole clubplanet enterprise we know them as now.

as a kickoff, they were having a raffle every week for about a month for really cool shit. This included a sega dreamcast, a DVD player, a Handspring visor PDA, and CDs. each post was an entry into the raffle and voila, i won a dreamcast.

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Originally posted by clubkat




brokenheart:: ;)

Feel better by Friday

and swing by Pseudo den

for Drum and bass..

and Mugwumpian

pussy (um..cat) rubs..

*Pm me if you wanna swing on by!


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