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r u taking them to get fucked up? to lose weight? or just to stay awake?? from what i hear the 3's ((not to be gross)) make u shit?!?!? don't know how true this is but that's what i heard?! i wouldn't doubt it since most people take them as a weight loss tool...

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Originally posted by princesslolita

Stacker3's dont do shit to me no more,but the 2's fuck me hardcore.. :( Whats the difference between the 2 & the 3's..

No more stackers for me....

Ciao la Principessa,

Difference between stacker 2 and 3 u can find here:



As on personal note, i can add that both of them are equally fucked up. I've used both. When u overtake either one it makes your heart race so fast that it comes almost to a level of heart attack. For me 3 pillz is a limit. (At same time).

Just to let you know, if you already dont... Stackers contain Ephedra plant extract. Its like pure Ephedrine, its what they make amphetamines from. So its more mild than snorting speed or crystal meth. Or a long term use after effects are same, liver, kidneys... All that will be damaged. Read about amphetamines more, its all in this URL:


Dont try to get a "buzz" with stackers, they dont do shit for it.

And if you trying to loose weight, PM me and i'll tell you how to get rid of like 30 pounds within a 2 weeks.

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Originally posted by princesslolita

No, I took Stackers to keep me up if I dont wanna do any illegal drugs... :(

Im not talking about any illegal drugs. But stackers fuck u up even worse than many "illegal" things. To keep urself awake, just by "Ephedrine Pills" from any good pharmacy. They will keep you awake. Ephedrine is what keeps u up. You dont need that other shit mixed in stackers.

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Originally posted by crashedfx

Im not talking about any illegal drugs. But stackers fuck u up even worse than many "illegal" things. To keep urself awake, just by "Ephedrine Pills" from any good pharmacy. They will keep you awake. Ephedrine is what keeps u up. You dont need that other shit mixed in stackers.

thanks gnc hopefully :)

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LOL Stackers are crazy....

At first at least.. then after taking them for a while they just give you an awake feeling, like a jittery feeling..

I heard though taking Stackers and blazin' a shitload makes you feel like you're rollin' a little.. I can't confirm that though cause I don't blaze.. but that's what a lot of my friends say and do.

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Never tried Stackers...but I used to take YEARSSS ago a lot of "Vivrin" and "No-DOZE" and ALL I have to say is......

NO MO' OF DOZE 4 ME!!!!! YuCK!!!! I puked so MUCH once when I took a few pills(Like 7 to be exact)....I thought I was gonna DIE!!!

Never, Never, AGAiN!!!!

Sometimes Over the Counter Drugs can be Worse on your body than illegal stuff:blank:

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Try Adipokinetix by Syntrax

For the ladies i would suggest only 1, 2-3x per day max. This stuff is not herbal. It is mainly 1R,2S Norephedrine.....basically same thing as regular ephedrine but it hits a different recepter site which cuts down on the shakes, to make a long story short.

Or try taking 2 before you go out! I used to take it before i lifted and i got body chills while i was lifting...it was sick...

And when i took it before i went out I would get body chills...but watch out fellas this shit will inhibit your libido big time and make 'ole one eye shrink...NO JOKE. use sparingly!

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc


LMAO, only did these once, took one at like 4:30 in the morning last year when I was preparing an oral presentation for Expos & then took another around 8:30 to ensure that I would stay awake for the damn presentation.. wow, never been so lit before in my life.. definitely don't recommend doing them for recreational purposes, you're bound to have a fucking hard attack or something.. highly don't recommend No-Doze OR Ritalin.. they're both killers..

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haha...used to take no-doze and vivrin once in a while in h.s....talk about being jittery!! holy shit i felt like a crack-head...but at least i stayed awake!! our teachers used to be like..."what is wrong with u!?"...((mind u i normally slept through my classes!)

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Originally posted by misk

haha...used to take no-doze and vivrin once in a while in h.s....talk about being jittery!! holy shit i felt like a crack-head...but at least i stayed awake!! our teachers used to be like..."what is wrong with u!?"...((mind u i normally slept through my classes!)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: My eyeballs would feel like they were ViBRATiNG...I FeLT more CRACkED on No-Doze and ViVRiN than I have on rolls...:woah: :woah:

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i know!!!:laugh:...i was a fuckin mess! lmao....i'll never forget once when we gave them to this girl in my class who is extremely hyper to begin with((i was such a bad influence!LOL))...and the teacher like seriously wanted to send her to the nurse..she was like "there is something wrong with this girl,was she drinking a lot of caffeine today?"//.i was scared she was gonna give herself a heart attack! NO-doze=no-joke! lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I am taking Stacker2's today, because I feel mad fat and I want to wear this cute little top tonight... and I hate the stupid things. My hands are freezing cold, I'm shaky, have a headache, my eyes are buggin out of my head and my heart is racing. I took them on a consistent basis for a few weeks last year before my friend took them and threw them on top of my other friend's closet. I had gone to crew practice and been unable to walk down to the boathouse, so my friends had to like, hold me up while I stumbled down there, then they sat me on a bench and when they came back out of the boathouse 5 mins later I was laying there shaking with my eyes rolled back in my head and the one girl decided I was having no more of those. Very unpleasant but they work. Now I use them only for emergencies like this but I don't use them to stay awake 'cause they only totally confuse my thought process anyway.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

I am taking Stacker2's today, because I feel mad fat and I want to wear this cute little top tonight... and I hate the stupid things. My hands are freezing cold, I'm shaky, have a headache, my eyes are buggin out of my head and my heart is racing. I took them on a consistent basis for a few weeks last year before my friend took them and threw them on top of my other friend's closet. I had gone to crew practice and been unable to walk down to the boathouse, so my friends had to like, hold me up while I stumbled down there, then they sat me on a bench and when they came back out of the boathouse 5 mins later I was laying there shaking with my eyes rolled back in my head and the one girl decided I was having no more of those. Very unpleasant but they work. Now I use them only for emergencies like this but I don't use them to stay awake 'cause they only totally confuse my thought process anyway.

Hey where did u go NYE? Cuz I saw someone that looked like you at the party I was at...:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

No stackers for you!!!!!! I almost died with stackers, and I only had 3 per day, for like 4 days, at different intervals never all at once, for when I worked out. I made sure to eat and all and did not work out too much...but I took a stacker and I shook and shook then had what the doctors call a controlled heart attack,whatever the hell that is- mind you I am only 19 and 110 lbs. A bit young for a heart attack. Anyway I was just about unconscious on the floor not knowing how to talk to yell to my mom downstairs, holding my phone but not knowing how to dial...I knew I was dying. You want me to continue?

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