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so whos coming to pseudo on thursday to hear me spin for the first time ever??

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Let me clear up the family tree once and for all:


supreme Matriach of the family. Otherwise known as th Evil fairy Godmother. affectionately known as 'mommy'. All of my kidz' ventures whether club, love, drug or alcohol related pass through me. I know it seems harsh but its a small price to pay for my TLC, protection from all sorts of evil (that dont come from my hands), and general affection, support, guidance, and ass kicking of anyone who fucks with MY KIDZ!

The Kidz:

Trancend aka: my little one ( or my baby, but I think he hates that one).

JoeG aka: my stubborn little one.

Xpander aka: my corruptable little one.

and recent addition:

Brooklynkid (the problem child) I had to overcome the space-time continuum to have him, but he really needs me as a mommy and he's a good big brother to the little ones.

father type figures:

Barvybe: fills in when I'm not around (physically or mentally) and acts as my backup. (I dunno, the kidz kinda listen to him)

TottallyOff: the evil step father who just waltzed into the picture and that everyone is really coming to like very much, right kidz?

Auntie Snoozi: havent quite figured out her role yet, but she's definitely family.

Applications for additional family members are now being accepted by ME (of course).


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Maybe i can clear a few things up:

BarMenace is our toddler...his exact lineage is difficult but definite alcohol relative of the both Kent street inhabitants

Snoozi is my neice

Saigrai and i met long ago - i caught her sneaking in the window (she used to be the tooth fairy)....I convinced her that there were better ways to spread joy....

Also, i was born on 2/29, so i'm actually FATHER TIME!!! <30 X 4 = old fart>

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Originally posted by joeg

You forgot saigray.... Me & Mike C's delerium fairy....

then again, you didn't forget her, because shes not real.... shes just in our heads when we indulge on substance too much...

Notice how she was nowhere to be found last Friday (being drunk doesn't count) or Saturday (sober night!)...our theory is true I don't care what anyone says.

I'm honoured to be considered the big brother of the group. Aside from the small issue of me being older than Mom, which might seem creepy to some but is quite understandable if you know us. The brooklynkid HQ is a safe haven for the miscreants of CP, complete with music, comfy couches, english muffins, and video games! And while I may not be without my own personal problems (that's why Mom and MY big bro Barvybe are around) I think i'm still a pretty good influence on the kids.

I'm working on a family tree, based on this thread, and because I don't have a real job that would prevent me from wasting time like this. I'll post it later :D

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

MikeC: lol, and you forgot blue diamonds on the wall... those are tight..... get a job... or atleast get me one that doesn't suck.... Oh, and alcohol does count... the problem was I was sober both nights.... So she couldn't just come by for you.... its got to be a team delerium effort....

Mommy :bounce: lol, dropped without permission... how perverse....

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Originally posted by joeg

MikeC: get a job... or atleast get me one that doesn't suck.... Oh, and alcohol does count... the problem was I was sober both nights.... So she couldn't just come by for you.... its got to be a team delerium effort....

See, it's tricky, cause i've seen her without you being there. And I've also seen her while sober...twice. So it's kind of spotty, this theory of ours. Looks like we'll just have to accept that she's some sort of an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in some kind of sweet candy shell :D

And don't be raggin on me about my "job". The day is gonna come when I stroll into Vinyl with Meadow on my arm...:love:

Anyway you know I'd help you if i could cause you got the mad skillz...

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