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I hate Fat PPL!!!


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Some people cannot help but being fat, it's not their fault..but for a lot others, yeah they should get their lazy asses up and lose some weight....

But then again, I hate living in a society that dictates what is beautiful and what is not...if someone chooses to be fat, then that's their problem....but who the hell made up the rule or law or whatever that we all had to be a size 4 and weigh 120 pounds? It's not right...

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Its not a matter of being beautiful... shit theres tons of ugly skinny ppl too... its just that i hate their overal atitude, and etc... and they smell, and i just get fed up... oh well... What can i do, its not a perfect world... and I dont help it become one so i guess im part of the problem as well... no biggie... as Corky says "LIFE GOES ON"

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...finally a topic I can talk about...

i wonder if fat people hate people that hate fat people...could be a vicious cycle...i bet you they dont though....most fat people are jolly and jolly people see beyond a lot of things that slender people dont (except their bellies)...kind of ironic though...

fat people unite!!

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Its not a matter of being beautiful... shit theres tons of ugly skinny ppl too... its just that i hate their overal atitude, and etc... and they smell, and i just get fed up... oh well... What can i do, its not a perfect world... and I dont help it become one so i guess im part of the problem as well... no biggie... as Corky says "LIFE GOES ON"

sounds to me like you are making a generalization based upon one or a few encounters with "fat people". I guess skinny people cant possibly smell or have bad attitudes???

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Originally posted by phatman

...finally a topic I can talk about...

i wonder if fat people hate people that hate fat people...could be a vicious cycle...i bet you they dont though....most fat people are jolly and jolly people see beyond a lot of things that slender people dont (except their bellies)...kind of ironic though...

fat people unite!!

theres a bunch of wharehouses by Apples' house you guys could rent have a weekly meeting or some shit... Im sure there will be punch and pie for everyone!!!

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Originally posted by squeezemay

sounds to me like you are making a generalization based upon one or a few encounters with "fat people". I guess skinny people cant possibly smell or have bad attitudes???

I guess not... that must go along with the "Fat Gene"

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Originally posted by dgmodel

punch and pie for everyone!!!

damn it...just got drool all over my desk...

yeah...a meeting would be nice...we could bring in skinny models and have them talk about their eating disorders and hatred issues as our source of entertainment...:D

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Originally posted by misskittie

dgmodel, I hate your arrogance.

People like you are who fill the world with messages of hate. Some people can't help their overweight issues. Maybe you should lose some on in your head because it sure is swelling. :rolleyes:

Like youre an elitist or something.


Take it easy there fatty mcgee! dont get all worked up youll lose a couple pounds...

Like? I am!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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