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Question for the ladies


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Well speaking for those who rarely drink in clubs... :rolleyes: This isn't exactly a science... just be respectful, say hello, ask her her name. If she stops to talk maybe she'll be interested; if she doesn't stop she's not into you, has a boyfriend, or doesn't want to be bothered at the moment.

As long as you're not sleazy or pushy you'll only get flipped off by the girls who think they're above it all!

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from a guy who likes to dance, 1 tip would be introducing urself pretty quickly instead of just dancing and leering....

personally, i NEVER, EVER rub up against a girl or touch her. after talking to her, if she wants to dance with me cool...,.if not, i just smile and go my way. treat the girls with respect and they'll give u respect back even if they aren't interested. which often leads to u meeting her friends. the more people u meet, the better chance of meeting someone u like and likes u back.

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Originally posted by ch0sen0ne



Oh yeah that is the best way...:rolleyes: jerk off....

Um, just be polite, courteous, etc. (make sure to look good too;)) haha j/k

I hate the guys who are overbearing and don't get the hint.

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Originally posted by trancend

i usually take off my shirt and flex my muscles and the chicks come running over from 3 states away!!

:afro: :beatnik: :shades::cool:

Oh my god... little Justin a musclehead?! :eek:

Man I knew you had to be hittin' that juice! :laugh: :laugh:

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Clubkat: ;)

seriously though, just go over to them, and say hi... then take it from there... corny lines, and shitty pick up jokes are exactly that... and noone likes them, nor finds them funny... so now go get a pair of Todd Welsh's, Grab a pair of Slacks, and an A/X shirt, get some dentyne ice and hit clubs stud... Good Luck!!! let us know how it turns out!

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oh and i forgot the main ingredient: CONFIDENCE!!!

with out that, no pick up line, no outfit, nobody could get you to succeed!... you walk over like a punk and youre going to get treated like one... and more importantly, dont over analyze shit, )i think nike said it best or Bo Jackson who knows) JUST DO IT!

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Originally posted by misskittie

Smile at me....then I'll approach you.

worked for me:)

ahhhhhh the good ol' dayssssssssssssssss................lol


usually I just give a smile, if i get one in return....I usually bug out and run away:letsgo: .....lol j/k

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