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Taucher Busted


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that is actually not true at all. no such thing even remotely happened. a couple days before the gig i was going back and forth with his agent dealing with a visa/passport problem that had surfaced that they were trying to sort in enough time for him to make the date. it wasn't until the last moment that we found out taucher would not make it because of circumstances out of our control.

the truth:

taucher had to apply for a new visa and they took too long to process it- to make matters worse in doing so the american embacy in frankfurt had his passport while processing the visa so he could not even leave the country.

it was an unfortunate situation but we do look forward to his make-up date in the future.

sorry for any inconvenience.

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Space kris ??????

Space Kris?????

space kris??

what happend to the "im with Liquid" till the end attitude??

shows what a phony balony u r thats for sure!!!

i mean did Emi Guerra get to clean his office out before you dashed to get a job there?

Way to !!:laugh:

besides its a hell of a lot easier to inherit the best club in town. than to start Liquid from scratch and build it.

weasel way out

a trained chimp can probably run Space on Auto pilot.

i dont wanna hear a peep out of you and how great youve made Space.


No wonder Liquid has been getting a little steam lately and the owner is expanding VIP rooms and has fresh ideas on the horizon

Padilla -Taucher those Djs are more recycled than a brown paper bag!

"liquid Liquid liquid ......wait ...what theres a job opening at Space?....(abondon ship) ...Space Space Space......!!"

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ok- this just went too far. banthebull since this is your first post i am pretty sure everyone can tell it is not genuine nor fact but just a really horribly cruel thing to say. being vindictive is no way to be and i have always tried to be only positive here and keep on track with regards to why i was posting in the first place.

as for this board so many of you are awesome people that i really enjoy spending time with and people who i have enjoyed giving to and would continue to do so but i will not publicly subject myself, my name, or my employer to this for the sake of trying to make your nightlife better. in no way did i ever deserve to be treated like this, especially here. beyondo read your pm's and banthebull you should be horribly ashamed. i am genuinely hurt by your comments as i am sure of the author and wonder why you cannot just wish someone well.

and everyone else- see you around- keep having fun- enjoy the music.

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Originally posted by banthebull

Wow, I actually agree with Beyondo.

Famous Kris Quotes:

"Luis Pig is the devil"

"I hate that fuckin place"

"That place is disgusting"

"I would never work there"

"Luis doesnt give a shit about music."

I guess money talks.

let's see your first posting, and you launch a personal attack. real classy, sounds like someone has a personal axe to grind. :confused: being someone, who was not a big fan of space. I’ve seen the club grow and mature. if anything thing, Kris will help bring Space to the next level.. She is someone who truly cares about the music, and making sure people have a good time. in my book thats a definite plus. people's opinions often change; that's a simple fact of life.

stop the hating ; it makes you look like a arse ..

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Originally posted by banthebull

Wow, I actually agree with Beyondo.

Famous Kris Quotes:

"Luis Pig is the devil"

"I hate that fuckin place"

"That place is disgusting"

"I would never work there"

"Luis doesnt give a shit about music."

I guess money talks.

another first time trash talking, bantar writing, bullshit speaking, non accountable dickhead on the board .. just what we need ..

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I have to stick my two cents in here.

I have known Kris for many years and can not type fast enough to say all of the good things there are to say about her so I will stick to the subject at hand.

Kris gave up a good job at New Times to come to work for me at Shadow Lounge. She didn't do it for money...she did it because she had a love of Dance Music and the scene that surrounds it. She jumped in with both feet and worked her ass off to make the scene better. She has earned the respect of every DJ and manager who she came in contact with. She has made a contribution to us all.

When we sold Shadow, Kris had planned to move to New York to work for a label. She had several offers. Liquid sought her out and made her an offer she couldn't refuse. Not only good money, but an opportunity to put forth her vision of what music can be. She took the offer and you know the rest.

I have stayed in close touch with Kris since Shadow closed and I have been there to offer advice to her while she has made these decisions. She was never happy at Liquid. She was frustrated and miserable. Luis offered her a position before Emi left and she accepted it with the same attitude she has done everything else...enthusiasm for the opportunity to make the scene better for us all.

I, for one, am a little jealous that she is working for Luis because I know her value. I wish her the best and I am glad to have people like her shaping the scene down here.

Kris, don't listen to any of the bullshit. Those of us who know you know that you are for real.

Dade Sokoloff

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I have been asked to move this thread, and I am.

I think it is unfortunate that one asshole can cause so much commotion.

I always wonder about people who will do anything to get attention. Make up shit, create new users to make it look like it is more than one retard(o) etc....

some people are just vandals, plain and simple. They get joy out of ruining things. I just don't get it.

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Kris has been nothing but kewl to everyone on this board! I find it hard to believe anyone here has something negative to say about her. If you know her personally and are out to make personal attacks then choosing to do so on a public furom is in very bad taste.

Kris - 2 peoples opinions do not reflect the collective opinion of the board........we're thankful for everything you've done for us kris and we support you 100%

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Originally posted by banthebull

Wow, I actually agree with Beyondo.

Famous Kris Quotes:

"Luis Pig is the devil"

"I hate that fuckin place"

"That place is disgusting"

"I would never work there"

"Luis doesnt give a shit about music."

I guess money talks.

Kris would never stoop to that level...... I know her better than to do such a thing. banthebull> how can you come on this board and belittle someone that you have no clue who she is? That was of bad taste. Not a classy move at all. It takes a real man to hide behind his computer and talk nonsence :rolleyes: ....... ( cough, cough )

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kris i still stand by my opinion sorry....thats just the way i see it ...

btw im not "bant the bull" for i already get in enough trouble of things i say as beyondo ...i dont need to have yet another name to go under.

who ever that is has thier own opinions

as for Dade its nice to see you on this Board when you were at Shadow it was such a good run!

in my opinion YOU got all this guest DJ thing started and between you and George Acosta you brought Trance to Miami FIRST...I remember speaking to GA when he was at shadow sometime like in 98 and he was all over you with praises.

nice to see your still around hope your at the helm somewhere soon again

Kris and you were anti Space and stuff and you DID say you were w/Liquid till the end ....thats why i made that post

i cant stand phonies

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