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JP nowhere on the top 150 list...


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I picked up a copy of DJ Magazine at Barnes and Noble and they listed the 150 Best DJs in the world this month... not for anything, I found the list to be, for the most part, VERY acurate.... They rated Digweed #1, Sasha #2, Tanagelia #3.... Oakenfold, PVD, Tiesto, and others followed in Top 10 ranks... but I noticed that in all 150 listed, Jonathan Peters was nowhere to be found. Now, I understand that DJ Magazine is London based, not NY... but they listed DJs from ALL over the world. Johnny Vicious was another one that didn't recieve any recognition. Every other major name was in there somewhere. What do you think?


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by liquidchaz

I picked up a copy of DJ Magazine at Barnes and Noble and they listed the 150 Best DJs in the world this month... not for anything, I found the list to be, for the most part, VERY acurate.... They rated Digweed #1, Sasha #2, Tanagelia #3.... Oakenfold, PVD, Tiesto, and others followed in Top 10 ranks... but I noticed that in all 150 listed, Jonathan Peters was nowhere to be found. Now, I understand that DJ Magazine is London based, not NY... but they listed DJs from ALL over the world. Johnny Vicious was another one that didn't recieve any recognition. Every other major name was in there somewhere. What do you think?


Well its simple: How can someone judge something that is un-judgeable...Ok Miami was ranked number 1 in the BCS, why cause they won, but how can you rank a DJ there is no competition and if there were its totaly a decison based on personal taste. Now I would love to see them publish what the DJ's make a year, and actual money, now that would be a list, JP would def be up there, J. Vicious drove a Ferrari (not sure if he still does). Well money talks and all else walks... Don't worry about stupied lists, let the E channel handle that

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JP is not as well known worldwide .......due to the fact he doesn't travel as much as the other top DJs do.....he goes around the US for cameo appearences....but not overseas.....JP has the longest residencey going in NYC.....Luv him.:D

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by petedrags

hey saleen, is that jesse james the so called motorcycle king

Yup, he emailed me today, I was sooooooo pumped up, I emailed the discovery channel giving my review of the show and the producer sent it to him and he emailed me back....Such as cool guy, he loves his fans.. I entered the contest to win that bike, its the bike he took to Sturgis this year. He just did Shaqs and Goldbergs bikes.....Hope I win. Hes like a picaso with metal.......

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well.. i'm not sure where that mag is based from.. but usually the top 100 lists come from mags more highly distributed in europe.. its all just a popularity contest anyway..

oakenfold should not be anywhere near the top.. and sasha didnt' spin 6 months out of the year, yet somehow was ranked 2.. its all bullshit..

jp doesn't spin worldwide so he'll never end up on one of the top lists.. unless some list based out of ny or even the US comes up..

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Originally posted by spikesnj

yes I love factory and jonathans insane pots and pans....but he hasnt got skills like any of the european dj's......

Dude are you kidding me.. He has so much more skill then most euro djs that I've heard..

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Originally posted by tranza

Dude are you kidding me.. He has so much more skill then most euro djs that I've heard..


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I know NYCers are stereotyped for "wearing blinders" and not really caring about much outside new york, but you guys are showing a classic example of it.

JPs sound doesn't play ANYWHERE outside the east coast. If he spun anywhere overseas he'd be laughed out of the booth (this is harsh, but it's definitely true). The same would hold true for Johnny V.

Now, this isn't saying that JP isn't a great DJ. I've heard him at factory and he definitely has skills, but his skills and selection are VERY different from the top DJs. Not what I look for in a DJ, but everyone's different. If you think JP's the #1 DJ in the world, then he is! It's not about what other people think, it's about what gets you moving, and JP definitely does that to a huge group of people every Sat. at SF.

Personally, if I go to a club and hear a Madonna remix I'm not going to feel it. If I hear a half hour drag-out loop mix of a song I'm probably not gonna feel that either. Therefore, JP isn't on my list of top 100 either.

Don't worry about lists, but if you're gonna read them, at least try to understand why your top picks aren't up there. There's more to club life than NYC.....

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