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whats your biggest turnoff sexually?


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I must say when a guy has his snake comming out of the jungle it is bad, like hello we shave for you so shave for us! Another thing is when they smell down there, I mean don't you know what soap is? Oh the worst is when a guy pushes your head down while your giving him a blow job,,, I had one guy do that to me so I bit his shit lol I guess he wanted me to swallow his 10 incher lmao I almost threw up! I dont know about some guys! All I'm saying is if I take care of myself so I am smoothe and smell good for you you should do the same!

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yeah I hate that shit when they try to push your head down there...come on, Ill just do it on my own:o :rolleyes: Yeah the smell thing is universal, applies for both sexes. The biggest turnoff is a guy who doesnt EAT PUSSY!!!! WTF is up with that:confused: If ya don't munch the carpet, what good are ya? :tongue:

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I think an unruley bush is agreed all around to be a turnoff.

A bad kisser, not a sloppy one, just a plain out bad one is another. then again, if you can't kiss my top lips, you won't be introduced to the other set.

And finally, too much body hair all around. I like feel of hot, smooth skin pressed against myself. Not getting rug burn because there's so much friction between us.


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Someone that doesn't know how to kiss, ie. lots of saliva, too much tongue and teeth,

Someone who's too aggressive right at the beginning, it's nice at certain times but not all the damn time.

Someone who's only interested in getting his own and not doing anything for you. Hate guys like that :mad:

Oh, and someone who rushes...where's the fire???Sit back and enjoy the time...;)

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Originally posted by sassa

Someone that doesn't know how to kiss, ie. lots of saliva, too much tongue and teeth,

Someone who's too aggressive right at the beginning, it's nice at certain times but not all the damn time.

Someone who's only interested in getting his own and not doing anything for you. Hate guys like that :mad:

Oh, and someone who rushes...where's the fire???Sit back and enjoy the time...;)

I like these ones that SaSsa mentioned ;)

also got to mention the smell... i ALWAYS make sure i ain't got no funk goin on ~

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bad kisser is the worst... i think kittie put it best...

if you can't kiss my top lips, you won't be introduced to the other set.

too much body hair is freakin gross too to me... i dunno... it just skeeves me.. :puke:

let's keep the pube hair (boys & girls) to a minimum and keep the world a happy place... :tongue:

and as a rule... if you want us to :o... then you better freakin :tongue:

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Originally posted by misskittie

Wow. Being agressive is hot to me. I like a man or woman that is assertive and comforatble with their sexuality. Shows a sense of confidence...but, only if they know that it will soon be my turn.

I like it too... but some people don't know when to stop, especially if you've just met that person- it can get to the point where it's just being pushy, and you're like ok, asshole, just get the fuck away from me now.

On the flip side, I don't like it when someone's not aggressive enough- I can be shy, so I need someone who can take control of the situation.

Selfishness is definitely at the top of the list. And if someone's a bad kisser... :puke: ...

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Originally posted by sassa

Someone that doesn't know how to kiss, ie. lots of saliva, too much tongue and teeth,

Someone who's too aggressive right at the beginning, it's nice at certain times but not all the damn time.

Someone who's only interested in getting his own and not doing anything for you. Hate guys like that :mad:

Oh, and someone who rushes...where's the fire???Sit back and enjoy the time...;)

Couldn't agree more!!

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i think those are universal

also, you girls

... ooh

i will get a resounding agreement with this


when you rake my shit with teeth.. urrrgh

not a good thing

OPEN you're mouth more!!!

also, a girl who is a bad kisser,

and a real hairy bush, i mean.. like if it's an afro down there, then

uhhhh no... don't think so

WAX god dammnit



but hmm

can't think of anything else..


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Biggest Turn Off sexually speaking :

Is when a girl tries to be sexy and seductive and she clearly cant makes her look cornballic... or if she tries to talk talk dirty in bed and she winds up saying some stupid shit... its like damn... why you go and do that for??? IMO when in doubt dont!... can anyone relate to this???

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~~ bad kissers

bad in bed.....action passion variety!!!!!

too much body hair

bad hygiene

to me PERSONALLY ugly hands.....if they are gonna be all over my body they better be clean and taken care off and nice in general......maybe thats my fetish i dunno:confused:

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Women who just lay there like a corpse...

and no they arent corpses to begin with...i do like live ones too


I tend to avoid getting sexually involved with a person

whom i dont have attrations in other areas...intelligence, humor, common hobbie...bla bla...heh..

Then thus thus then i try to work on my partners faults as well as adapt myself as well....


"Fuck till you faint."

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Originally posted by sexyclubber01


honey you wont belive how many girls think that sexy

and also what the fuck it up with the bitting my lips

let me bit my own lips my lips are quite soft and supple yet firm and can be used in a comanding fashion

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the thing i cant stand is when you see a beautiful girl, u can see she's gorgeous and flopping around in all the right places and then you look at her ass and HER PANTY LINES ARE DOWN TO HER ANKLES. i mean like wtf is she wearing grannies's undies. that shit is madddd nasty. i think that shit should be illegal. how does that show she can take care of herself. a nice thong + nice ass = happy nites

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