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when friends get in the way


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NOt sure of what to do next(if anything at all)

I've been seeing this guy for about 2 months...nothing serious, just chilling and having a good time. In the meantime, hes been doing his thing and ive been doing mine. When he first tried to get intimate w/me i told him that i couldnt sleep w/him w/out knowing what else (or who else) he was doing. One night, we did sleep together though (we used protection) Recently he went on vacation and when he came back i asked if he would get tested. He said ok, though he was intoxicated at the time...

Last Sat. a bunch of us hung out (my friends and his) afterwards, we all went back to chill at someone's house and him and my friend started arguing and dissing on eachother like cats and dogs. Keep in mind htat my friend provocked most of it and was being a bitch for no apparent reason. At first, i tried to get them to "play nice" but he said not to worry about it. The dissing got worse and a lot of unnecessary things were said. AT that point i saw no point in my intervention.

I called him up today (2days after this happened and havent heard from him) and said that i appologized for my friends behavior. He said it was ok, but that she was a bitch, etc, etc (i cant really disagree here) He also said about the testing business it made him feel dirty. He said he knows when he needs to be tested and that right now theres no need to. He said he was ok w/us not doing anything sexual, we could just hang out. that its my call... We ended things off w/ him saying "ill be in touch w/u"

I have already talked to my friend about her behavior, but shes done it before and i doubt that she will change...Any suggestions about her/him?:rolleyes::eek::o

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That's fucked up...do you think maybe your friend is jealous of you and him perhaps?

I think you should stand your ground with the testing though...fine, he feels he shouldn't do it, but that would be a sign of respect to you if he did it...it's not like you're asking him to fucking scale the Sears Tower.

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Guest bellaragazza

any man who wont get tested has something to hide. if he's so fucking positive that there is nothing to worry about then getting tested shouldn't be such a big deal nor should it make him feel dirty.

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First of all, you have every right to ask him to be tested. But he also may feel that since this isn't really a serious relationship that it's kinda messed up. I feel that everyone should be tested anyways, but that's my opinion.

As far as your friend goes...maybe she is just jealous, but does she always act like this? If she's a good friend of yours then talk to her about it. Maybe she just doesn't like him and it hurts her to see you with him??

Be careful....don't get hurt. It seems like you're in a pretty vulnerable situation right now.

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Originally posted by lolly

First of all, you have every right to ask him to be tested. But he also may feel that since this isn't really a serious relationship that it's kinda messed up. I feel that everyone should be tested anyways, but that's my opinion.

As far as your friend goes...maybe she is just jealous, but does she always act like this? If she's a good friend of yours then talk to her about it. Maybe she just doesn't like him and it hurts her to see you with him??

Be careful....don't get hurt. It seems like you're in a pretty vulnerable situation right now.

Some of my friends have said the same thing...that since it isnt a serious relationship, he may not feel that he needs to get tested. But...I decided to stand my ground on this one, because even if its not a serious relationship...sex is a serious matter in and of itself, and besides whats the big fucken deal ???

As far as my "friend" she has done this before. In fact she's done this with every guy ive ever been with/dated, just that different people respond to her bs differently. I've spoken to her in the past and it hasnt worked. So for now, im just to pissed off to speak to her...but we'll see with that:blown:

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