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Some People Need to Grow The Fuck Up and Stop Leeching Off of What Used to Be


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Originally posted by vampienyc10

I agree with you Hacker.. and Blowfly, I think you should stop bothering this poor girl.. She can use this site to slap you with a restraining order AND charge you with harrassment..

uhm, that's been done. there IS a restraining order against him. unfortunately, the arm of the law doesn't extend to public message boards.

and how come that link/gif hacker attached no longer exists?

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Originally posted by bebby6919

Well, I cant really say much b/c i dont know Lainie like most of the CPers. But im gonna put my 2 cents in anyway. She used to not like me, why? I have no idea..... So, in return I didnt like her.. lol Well I just didnt bother trying to be nice of kissing her ass like a lot of people do but she was such a sweet heart to me last friday and I think shes mad cool. I thought she didnt like me, but i guess I was wrong. I dont think that conversation is the whole conversation. When you have a convo with someone you can use copy and paste and re-write what the other person said to whatever you want.. Whos knows you didnt mess with that convo??

Ok just because I know Pete, yes Pete does have a lot of time on his hands but Pete's also not a loser (ok not that big of a loser anyhow *wink*) that he'd spend time editting to frame her.

What do you think this is, a conspiracy?

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Originally posted by rfkfreak

Ok just because I know Pete, yes Pete does have a lot of time on his hands but Pete's also not a loser (ok not that big of a loser anyhow *wink*) that he'd spend time editting to frame her.

What do you think this is, a conspiracy?

No, I put my 2 cents in and I took it back.. lol. I thought this post was abotu something totally differnt.. sorry... I was :confused:

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Originally posted by bebby6919

No, I put my 2 cents in and I took it back.. lol. I thought this post was abotu something totally differnt.. sorry... I was :confused:

Well, considering threads sometimes grow into something other than the originator of the thread believed it would grow into, I was just responding to what you wrote and was wondering what your response would be.

So to recap, you wrote it's not the hard to edit and what not and I responded that I don't think Pete would do something like that and again I was just wondering what your thoughts would be.

Also, never forget that a person can act any which way they want and sometimes it's not genuine.

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Originally posted by loch

uhm, that's been done. there IS a restraining order against him. unfortunately, the arm of the law doesn't extend to public message boards.

and how come that link/gif hacker attached no longer exists?

Oh my dear gawd! are you serious? I had no idea....that's just plain ridiculous! I feel for the girl..

Mark! WTF is wrong with you boy? Jesus Christ! there's other fish in the sea..

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Guest tilly

Thank you all for trying. The beauty of this thread isn't people taking sides or banning against one person, its really to serve as a wake up call to BLOWFLYII who is pissing a lot of people off....NAMELY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I NEVER SEE HACKER IN THE DRAMA BOARD. It took a LOT to get him to this point of being utterly frustrated. He is ONE guy who has remained neutral throughout this entire thing. If you look at the names of others, these are people that don't even know me. This should tell you something, Mark. YOu are scaring and annoying a lot of people. You said it yourself, "I hope that I don't drive people nuts with my compulsion talking about you now that we have broken up." WELL COngrats..you've accomplished that and then some.

You say that I owe you an apology for costing your parents all this money for gettting you arrested and getting a restraining order against you and I say FUCK YOU...you did this to yourself...and you continue to do it through CP and for the world to see. I love how dave put it best, "airing our dirty laundry." If anyone had their doubts 4 months ago when this all went down, you have confirmed my justificaton and MORE during this time.

You have not only harrassed me, but you have essentially harrassed this entire board. Sending random PM's or late night IM's to people that you think are friendly toward me to "tell your side of the story." I know you do this to justify to yourself that the people that care about me care about you too. YOu know what? NO ONE CARES about either side of the story. It is past. It is over. :blown: All people care about is here and now. Here and now in my world does not include you. Here and now for you does not include me.

The funny thing is that I spend all this time writing paragraphs upon paragraphs of these words where the 5th grade could resite every word back to me and for some reason you just ignore me and do what you want. YOu ignore everyone that gives you advise about me and do what you want. People are sick of it. They don't want to see my dog (that you've never even met) in your sig. They don't want to see you chasing me around the board calling me honey bunny. NOr do I! It's mental. It's scary and weird. This behavior is only making your situation worse. Trust me, this sappy little kid who got his heart broken is turning into OMG this guy is really PSYCHO:blown:

Think about it. I am going to write this again and you should listen this time...LEAVE ME ALONE. I'm sick of spending time in the DRAMA board.

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Originally posted by rfkfreak

Well, considering threads sometimes grow into something other than the originator of the thread believed it would grow into, I was just responding to what you wrote and was wondering what your response would be.

So to recap, you wrote it's not the hard to edit and what not and I responded that I don't think Pete would do something like that and again I was just wondering what your thoughts would be.

Also, never forget that a person can act any which way they want and sometimes it's not genuine.

No, I dont think its a conspiracy at all. I am totally confused about what this topic is about b/c i posted and them someone responded saying that this is about blowflyii and tilly.. I dont know who thay are and whats going on. So, to tell you the truth I'm just very confused.. lol :confused: .. so im sorry. It was wrong of me to say what i said.

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Just be sweet and nice to me and things will get better that is the riddle you have not solved. I do not want to be in drama also. I just like being near connected, close to you because it comforts me. You are special I am not trying to cause harm to you at all. I want you to be normal deb again. I feel happy when I see you in person. Come on who else gives the leg. You have something about you that is wonderful and I cannot explain at times. I am not sad becasue we ended. I m happy that we happened. For some reason you thought I enjoy bothering you, that was never the case. I just wanted your attention and I would take any means to get that attention. No I have not met Samson but he is cute like Prince was and I would like to meet him someday. I am persistent in wanting to be friends because I think ou are worth it. I work dilligently to get close to you again.

My advice be nice to me, do not ignore, or insult me and things will slip away. And another thing you did care for me a lot whether it was love out of convenience or just a need to be with someone I do not know. I will try anything and sacrifice anything to prove to you that I am a loving friend.

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Guest tilly

what you are having a hard time comprehending is that I WILL NEVER BE your friend again. YOu must accept that and move on. I think that you are crazy and insane and I want no part of it. I am looking into internet stalking and there are laws that will protect me from you through the internet. I suggest you stop this mission that you are on..you are not only wasting your time but losing credibility with each and every one of these board members.

YOu know that once I cut someone out of my life, I am finished and there is no reversing it...the sicilian way and it pertains to you.

You have made me NOT want to ever even see you ever again let alone speak or be friends with you. THis will never change. NEVER.


Trust me, you don't want to end up in jail again...and take this as a fair warning about the internet harrassment suit that I am going to persue. I warned you about the restraining order and your father countless amounts of times and you know what, I DID IT, why? cause you gave me NO CHOICE...I am NOT kidding about this internet thing either. YOU KNOW THAT. I am NOT someone to piss off and Mark you have pissed me off one last fucking time.

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You do not realize that you can just leave this board. You do not have to be here. In the next few weeks I will give you a choice and all the power you need. CHoice is yours. Stop being so strong headed, you blame it on sicilian, no it comes from abuse!

Clear your anger and be nice and caring again.

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Originally posted by blowflyii

Stop being so strong headed, you blame it on sicilian!

NEVER piss a sicilian off, I should know my dad is off the boat from sicily!(how about a nice sicilian necktie? lol) Seriously yo, you should just quit while your behind, its not going to get better, its only going to make you feel worse and make her despise you more then you already have seemed to have done along with a bunch of other people on the board. You should concentrate on yourself and stop putting all your Energy into trying to get her attention. I don't know either of you from a hole in the wall but i've heard this story one too many times and it never ends nicely, especially when your up in her shit 24/7 whether it be replying, lurking, or posting pics of her dog(whats that about?) dont answer that!). Your best bet is to do the manly thing, be strong and just walk away(we all know its hard but its inevitable) and start anew, its not going to happen overnight but when it does, you're gonna be much happier then you seem to be now.


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blowflyii, you need to back off! This is some serious shit here, if you've already been locked up once, why are you still doing this?

I can understand that it hurts when you care about someone but...doesn't there have to be some reciprocation? Tilly OBVIOUSLY is done with you. You need to move on and stop scaring this girl. What do you think? You're going to scare her into loving you?? Not cool at all.

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Im sorry I gotta ask...Is this shit for real????

If so...Dude...Blowflyii, it aint funny. You sound like a fuckin weirdo. Do you have some kind of chemical imbalance or something? Leave the poor girl alone.

Tilly...My best advise to you is to ignore him. If he is actually harassing you, save all the posts, emails, IM's, PM's, voice mails whatever you got and speak to the police, a lawyer, whatever.

This aint kosher.

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Originally posted by alexgerman68

loch doesn't pay attention very well.....sorry you had to repost your subliminal message.

Oh hacker I thought you would never enter the drama boards....my eastern european friend....stick to your gut.....its about the music..........

just to ask bluntly... do i know u?

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by thehacker

just to ask bluntly... do i know u?

it's mark again. alex german is the guy that introduced us and incidentially introduced me to clubplanet. He lives in Germany now and mark is posting under his name to get my attention. big surprise.

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This is messed up. I dont know Tilly or Blowflyii but reading this thread I have to feel sorry for Tilly. I had a family member that went through the same thing. You need to stay strong and not let this person get to you. It's a damn shame that there are people who would go out of their way to hurt someone emotionally......

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