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I Am A Little Concerned for You All....


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Please understand that I am not knocking any of you for your age or inexperience. I used to post on this board quite often, some of you may remember. When I did post, every now and then I would throw up some factual information to educate. Now, I occasionally read the board, see whats going on. In the last few weeks, I have become increasingly more concerned for all of you.

I see entirely too many posts or threads with misconceptions, untruths or plain ignorance.

If you are having sex with ANYONE, you need to know the facts. Dont ASSUME anything. This is you life we are talking about. Do not play around with birth control, this is SOMEONE elses life we are talking about. Do not think it wont happen to you, because sooner or later your luck will run out.

Sex can a wonderful and glorious thing. Dont abuse it.

Be Safe.

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Originally posted by xxlea

What specific thread or post prompted this concern? I don't recall a post about birth control or "accidents" recently.

Then again half of the time most of these posts are purely for entertainment purposes.

Nothing specific really. Just little comments hear and there.

And belladiva, why shouldnt I be concerned?

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Originally posted by belladiva26

is it me, or is anyone else here confused??:confused:

why do you care anyway??

Whoa...why not care? I am sure Claire wasn't trying to be patronizing or look down upon anyone, she was just expressing concern. And whether or not she was speaking of a specific post, it's a good message to keep in mind.
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Im pretty sure ALL of us know the consequences that any sexual activity can risk us. ::and if some still dont...then what time and place are they living in :eek: ::

But that doesnt mean that ALL of us havent practiced what was preached, or that we have, just by what we post babe.

thanx for the reminder...it is true that everyone must stay safe.

::btw..im still working on that task that you gave me:: ;)

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Originally posted by belladiva26

is it me, or is anyone else here confused??:confused:

why do you care anyway??

See unlike me who could give a rats ass if most of you became disease infested 15 year old parents, Claire actually concerns herself over people on an individual level and she actually gives two shiznatz about your guys (why I haven't figured out yet).

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Originally posted by belladiva26

in my opinion, what people do behind closed doors isn't of any concern to me.... obviously not in your case

When people are posting on a PUBLIC message board, the info comes out from "behind closed doors." Claire just took that info and expressed her concern...and whether or not her message applies directly to you or even anyone on here, it's always good information to have. What is the problem with educating people and telling them to be safe?
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Originally posted by belladiva26

in my opinion, what people do behind closed doors isn't of any concern to me.... obviously not in your case

People's own negligence behind closed doors could affect my own closed door life. God forbid I become involved with a man on a romantic level who failed to use protection with a girl and contracts a STD. Even if him and I use protection, that does not guarantee I will not acquire what he has.

I'm guessing you never listened in high school when in sex ed and they told you about birth control and contraceptives to protect yourself. This is basically the same type of education. I think it's good that Claire voiced her thoughts. And what's so bad about that? This is a public message board and she noticed some things that just didn't sit well with her. Claire happens to be one of the most incredible, brightest, and sincere women on ANY message board. I commend her for the life which she is leading and I thank her for posting this topic. A little more education and eye opening never hurt anyone. Look at it as a refresher course.

You teach history so you don't repeat the past. It's the same principal. BTW Belladiva, may I ask how old you are? Purely out of curiosity.


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Originally posted by misskittie

People's own negligence behind closed doors could affect my own closed door life. God forbid I become involved with a man on a romantic level who failed to use protection with a girl and contracts a STD. Even if him and I use protection, that does not guarantee I will not acquire what he has.

I'm guessing you never listened in high school when in sex ed and they told you about birth control and contraceptives to protect yourself. This is basically the same type of education. I think it's good that Claire voiced her thoughts. And what's so bad about that? This is a public message board and she noticed some things that just didn't sit well with her. Claire happens to be one of the most incredible, brightest, and sincere women on ANY message board. I commend her for the life which she is leading and I thank her for posting this topic. A little more education and eye opening never hurt anyone. Look at it as a refresher course.

You teach history so you don't repeat the past. It's the same principal. BTW Belladiva, may I ask how old you are? Purely out of curiosity.


Nod, Claire is one of those concerning people who is actually very good hearted.

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Originally posted by rfkfreak

Oh and STFU™


What's the problem with somebody trying to spread a little knowledge and show some concern? WTF is the big deal and why are you so offended by it?

Jesus... someone's trying to spread a positive message and people get fucking attitude... I truly don't understand...

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Originally posted by tastyt


What's the problem with somebody trying to spread a little knowledge and show some concern? WTF is the big deal and why are you so offended by it?

Jesus... someone's trying to spread a positive message and people get fucking attitude... I truly don't understand...

I have been thinking the same thing. I dont understand why.

As a 26 year old single mother, who has seen her share of heartache and very close calls, it might be possible that I have something to share. Some more knowledge or experience that will help you. There is absolutely no need to get defensive or annoyed.

I appreciate the words that have been said about me by the people who know me. It means alot.

Remember, HIV/AIDS didnt go away. There is no cure. You are guaranteed to die from it. Doesnt that scare you? More and more people are contracting this every single day. That shows there are people who either dont know or dont care.

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ok.....obviously you guys took everything i said as if i was saying it with an underlying bitchy-ness. i asked Claire why she cared and she answered me with a question "why shouldn't i care?".

i dont know details of claire's life and her reasons for posting this post --- it just seemed like a random post cuz i havent seen anyone mention getting a STD, taking about birth control or getting pregnant for that matter.

perhaps i didnt word it correcting when i said what people do behind closed doors is of no concern to me......it obviously hit a nerve with everyone here. of course i care what people do, but i feel that everyone is at an age where they know right from wrong and can make adult decisions ....

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Originally posted by belladiva26

ok.....obviously you guys took everything i said as if i was saying it with an underlying bitchy-ness. i asked Claire why she cared and she answered me with a question "why shouldn't i care?".

i dont know details of claire's life and her reasons for posting this post --- it just seemed like a random post cuz i havent seen anyone mention getting a STD, taking about birth control or getting pregnant for that matter.

perhaps i didnt word it correcting when i said what people do behind closed doors is of no concern to me......it obviously hit a nerve with everyone here. of course i care what people do, but i feel that everyone is at an age where they know right from wrong and can make adult decisions ....

Honey if that were the case then we people wouldnt be dying from AIDS still. We wouldnt have staggering numbers of unwed pregnant mothers. I cant assume that just because all the people on this board are having sex that means they know all they need to know.

If by my experiences or knowledge I can open at least ONE persons eyes to whats going on, then Im happy. If you are totally educated about the facts and are ALWAYS careful then good for you. But just remember, the only sure fire way to NOT get pregnant or NOT contract a disease is abstinence.

Sorry to sound like a bad after school special.

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