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Originally posted by rdancer

I especially loved the part when Msoprano, Pfloyd, and Blazeny started yelling Draper at Derb. That was mad funny ... classic

:laugh: ah man that's fucked up derb wasn't bad per say just the same as always, I mean if you like it you loike it if not what can you say i mean really. I was really felling vicious last night though, I do hear what people are saying about tha prgression, it really wasn't thier at all and the crowd was kinds all over the place, but still he laid down some really solid tracks...

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What can I say about last night......Got to the club around 1. To my surprise Vicious was already on and he was on point. Dropping hard beats in between some nice vocals. The only thing I regret was getting there so late because I was told later on that he dropped some classic Tunnel joints. Then Derb came on. As I said in another post, the guy pretty much sucked. It was one hard song after another. For christ's sake, the guy played like 4 Scot project remixes in an hour. No flow to his set at all. After the first hour they should have booted him and let Vicious come back on. Other than that it was a good night. It was great to meet some of the people from the board:

Msoprano-thanks for introducing me to everybody



Some new faces I met:







There's a few more names I forgot. Maybe I'll get everyone after next Friday......:D

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Ok great night last night... Vicious was ill. me and pfloyd definately lost it when the outer space remix came on and ordinary world too i fawkin love those songs. And late night when the future is now came on another classic. i wish he played it just straight up though. he had alot goin on when it was playin, oh well.

as for the chant we tend to be ruthless at times but we mean well:D

good to see all the cp heads... Stage crew in full effect and growing.

justin thanks for the raver stomp. even though i had to harass the shit out of you to do it..


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JV did spin better then usualy, didnt think it was amazing but I did have a good time. Derb is fair, wasnt expecting much from them, everything kinda sounded the same. Little more crowded then usual at the club which is a good sign. The taking off of the shirts has to stop, this isnt exit... People like that ruin the image of the club. There was song I like that JV has spun 2 or 3 times at roxy, I dont know the name if anyone can put an ID on it please respond. SOme of the lyrics are: "I loose my self" --&--"Sometimes It ???? like fire"



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we got there at like 12:30 and i was also surprised to see that JV was on. I wanted to meet some club planet people but I didn't know where they were. I went into that little lounge shit and asked some people but they didnt know what the fuck i was talking about. Derb played Mauro Picottos Lizard which was one of the only decent songs but they just arent the style of music that most people are into so everyone says they suck.

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lanie shouted me out!!!! aite~

last night was awesome... when i first got in, i was like, damn who is djing... hes droppin some hot shit and i look up and there is vicious tearing shit up...

i can now go to school happy... well i was happy until i saw the festivities for next week.. :(

lolol... :grin:

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I had a very enjoyable evening last night.. Vicious definitely threw down the old Tunnel style.. hopefully he will keep it going strong throughout the weeks!! :D :D :D

Derb was ok, I was enjoying them for most of the set, but towards the end it got a little.. um.. unbearable.. :blown:

Great to chill with all my CPers.. I sacrificed the night at Exit to be with you guys instead of my normal Friday-nighters, and I am hearing so much shit for it.. so next week.. I will be back at my home.. (and I will be dragging a few of you back home with me) ;)

Just wanted to say THANKS to trancend for finally showing me the raver stomp (even if the music wasn't exactly hard enough) & THANKS to djmikebugout for finally dancing for me. *kisses*

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Codi, you wuss!

Stand up for yourself, stand up to what you believe in!!!!


Stop letting them push you around!

It was a great night.

Stage Crew was definately on point.

JV amazed me with his set last nite,

Derb wasn't that bad either, the traxx he played, was something i was craving for back in Exit.

So overall, it was fun nite.

Nyce meeting all you CP'ers, and enjoy your weekend! :D

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Originally posted by dzadza

You guys really thought Vicious was so much better than Derb? I mean Derb was all cheese, it all sounded the same to me. Vicious was just a bit better. Tight mixing, programming wasn't good. His sound wasn't much different from the Derb sound. I didn't see any progression through the night, just steady tracks one after the other. Same hard beats with occasional ni-nana on top of it. I don't want to sound too negative, it's probably not my style. Bounced over to vinyl afterwards, and that really made my night.

Wassup boy. Another great night out. Thanks for everything Lainie, had fun working the table for a little while.. sorry if I was a little nag. Hehehe, I don't know what was up with my friend talking about Junior spinning and stuff. Haven't seen that kid since high school. Roxy was pretty good, I actually liked JV better than Derb. Thanks for the drinks, I got pretty damn silly later on. It was great seeing so many CP heads running around. CLubplanet definetely hooks us up. Thanks dzadza for making me come out to Vinyl after Roxy. I saw a lot of Roxy people at Vinyl afterwards. We got in around 6:30 and the place was packed! Surprisingly there were a lot of SF people in there, but everyone was having a great timing listening and watching DT. IT was almost as fun watching DT spin as listening to him. Left around 9:30 and drove home to crash for a few hours. Gotta love waking up at night. Hope to see everyone out again sometime soon. Too many names to list!

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last night was awesome... when i first got in, i was like, damn who is djing... hes droppin some hot shit and i look up and there is vicious tearing shit up...


i was gonna write the same thing. I walked in and was like, Holy fuck this is Derb? Then Soprano was like "na man this is vicious".

Pretty decent night, blazeny almost started a "go home derb" chant, that was great.

Vicious ripped that place apart.

Robinmess " Derb is very Draperish" - Very eloquently stated. :D

bebby6919 - Nice meeting you, you are a kick ass chick :D I can't believe you remembered all the names! Good job.

My body seized up at like 330 ish , I couldnt fuckin move for the life of me. Next week I sleep more before I go out.

Earl, start postin man!

Lainie - Thanks for re signing my card

Oh and I tripped in front of the same bouncer that kicked me off the line last week for trippin. Im such a dumb ass.

I will c all u crazy fawks next week!

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Originally posted by linabina

:laugh: soooo.. no lingerie match?? we're just gonna say screw him and run away together huh.... sounds like a plan :idea: ::lol norobinwecantmakeitathreesomesorry:

I don't want a threesome... I just want you;) :tongue:

ANYWAY, on to more realistic topics....


ok sorry had to get that out of my system(never heard that in a club before)...

Yea, so Vicious destroyed the fuck out of roxy last night early on. Classic tracks, stage crew tearing it apart as usual. The ladies were Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiineeeeee last night wtf...... Um... Derb came on, he wasn't as bad as everyone makes it sound... He held the crowd longer then the last few weeks, and he had ppl moving. Job was done, so people will continue to come back each week.

I stayed till after the song after Adrenaline and bounced.

No shout outs this week... You all know who you are.

Funny Moment... Chanting draper...

Annoying moment... that kid on CP that was fuckin up Sopranos, Legends, and my ass ALL FUCKIN NIGHT... BRO I am the Game... you are not.. enough said.


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Originally posted by legend38


i was gonna write the same thing. I walked in and was like, Holy fuck this is Derb? Then Soprano was like "na man this is vicious".

Pretty decent night, blazeny almost started a "go home derb" chant, that was great.

Vicious ripped that place apart.

Robinmess " Derb is very Draperish" - Very eloquently stated. :D

bebby6919 - Nice meeting you, you are a kick ass chick :D I can't believe you remembered all the names! Good job.

My body seized up at like 330 ish , I couldnt fuckin move for the life of me. Next week I sleep more before I go out.

Earl, start postin man!

Lainie - Thanks for re signing my card

Oh and I tripped in front of the same bouncer that kicked me off the line last week for trippin. Im such a dumb ass.

I will c all u crazy fawks next week!

I'd say... stop posting and don't follow me anymore.

and also... good job with the tripping u dick aaaaaaaaaahahahhaha

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~~~~ vicious was off the hook!!! i was kinda upset when derb came on but it was great hearing the derb and papranoid.it did kinda get annoying after a while but i need to say that this was the night that i danced the most ever at roxy with the stage crew!!!!

i need to mention that the highlight of my nite was hanging out with mad myles in the dj booth..those of u who know me well know how much that meant to me!!:love:


roninmess mwaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

legend38 mwaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz




fiery desire (nice to meet u)

quoth(next time get more sleep hun)



djmikebugout(u were dancing all over the stage im very proud)

rdancer&trancerxn112(my favorite twins)






~~~as usual im sure i forgot someone in case i did do that im sorry:(

see u all next friday!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D

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Originally posted by legend38

bebby6919 - Nice meeting you, you are a kick ass chick :D I can't believe you remembered all the names! Good job.

I really remembered them all! I think i forgot a few.. oh well. Ill remember next week.. :D

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Originally posted by msoprano13


ive had a good time at roxy every week...as soon as derb came on me and djjohnstephen were like aight lets go get drunk and we chilled at the bar for a while...deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerb

haha how classic was that mike when some1 said to you(sorry I forgot who)"Damn you always have a drink in your hand"

Mike- "bro this is my 3rd drink"

Me- "Yeah but you finished a fuckin bottle earlier"


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