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Why Does Miami Hate Trance So Much?


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Trance as a lot of people knew it got done to death. Not too sure of what the precise musical term is, but "deedledeeedledeeedleDAT-DAT-DATDATDATDATDATBOOM-silence-organ buildup-deedle..." got played out real quick.

Trance by the likes of PvD, our local boy Iggy (who manages to find the tracks no one else has, really...combines progressive elements in too...), and Edgar has remained a good alternative to the largely prog-house scene that Miami has become.

I like progressive, but when a lot of DJs sound very alike, dropping 'Smoke Machine' one too many times, it gets kinda boring.

As far as styles go, I've found myself more into the disco-house style, like what you'd hear Olav Basoski drop, or what Sheldon and Vaughan do locally...I still get out on the floor for a killer trance set though. Believe it or not, it's a rarity nowadays down here to hear a good one.

Funny, last year at this time, this board bitched about hearing nothing but trance, and wanting more house...

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Like I said before, I love any style of electronic muzik , but I believe theres nothing like TRANCE, just think about the best DJs in the world and what they spin.

I dont see why people hate some others type of muzik just because they are into Houze, TRANCE, Drum & Bass , or whatever they like. Dont close your mind, believe it or not theres a lot of space in there.

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I think Trance is still GOOD & ALIVE!!!

I think like others have mentioned, Yes too many songs are repetitive in that they have smiliar beats, the build up, the drop, etc. I think we need more catchy Tranz Songs like "Delerium & Sarah Mclachlan's Remix "SILENCE" that song is old already and yet it can be played at any Club & the place goes nutz. I think lately they've been trying to again come up with Old Lyrics that we peeps recognize and throw in these fast vocals to it. We need more good DJ's who know how to play the right Trance @ the right time & how to work the crowd. Also the good DJ's down here want the WorldWide Recognition as other top DJ's but yet they need to get along and represent Miami as a whole not to have this silly Anomosity & I'm not mentioning any names. This would make the scene more intense than it is. Peace Out!

Smokey Stogie :idea:

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check this new site:

www.I-Love-Trance-So-Much-I-Would -Donate-my-Left-Testicle-To-The-Cause.com

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Thankfully - I don't - so both me knackers stay attached and in me pants...

But seriously - whatever moves your groove... If you like it then it's all good.

Can you imagine if CP had been about in our parents time??

CP circa 1965

Why is Miami so Against Jive Music?????

I think it's because Bert, Fred and Jimmy swing their partners around a different way to what we are used to...

....ooooh, that Elvis is soooo Cheesy.....

.......personally, I love the style of Cliff Richard......

OK Fine - so we are in the studio, it's late & we are very bored!!!!


and remember - don't let your mind wander - It's to small to be out on it's own...

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