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I had some errands to run on South Beach today. My car is in the shop, something to do with the liquid helium injectors or something...damn alien designs.

Anyways...as some of you may know, I do not live on the beach. I live over on the mainland. I'd like to live beachside, but the rent is a bit too high considering I'd hardly be at home.

So I had to navigate the wondrous Miami-Dade transit system. Going from bus to Metro to bus again, proved to be a bit confusing, and lengthy. First off, the buses near my house don't run frequently..every 45 minutes or so...the metro's not an issue, it got me to downtown. The wait for yet another bus, which took some backasswards route to South Beach, was another 20-30 minute wait. All in all, a half-hour trip in my car took almost 2 hours via public...most of it waiting for a blasted bus.

My question is, aside from funding, has there been problems with putting in a Metromover style system that would drop you off say on 5th and Washington? I'd bet the farm it'd be used a lot...especially if they kept it running all night. Plus, it'd be bloody great to get to Space with, no waiting for a cab, or to sober up if you've had 1 too many.

Admittedly, the current system is rather stress free ... no dealing with traffic, idiot drivers, etc...but it is so godawful slow.

Just a random thought I had...

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There are infact plans....

And if you look the other side of the causeway, you see where the MM was originally supposed to follow along side the cause way..

I here its still a possibility.. There was something in the Herald a couple of months back.

But hey! This is Miami, Why make it easy to do anything?

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Well, I am back with the independently mobile masses. Scotty said it was the dilithium matrix coprocessor. .. hehe i watch too much Trek on Channel 36 these days.

It was the starter in reality...bloody Midas wanted to jack me over almost 400 dollars for it. So I found the part at Discount Auto Parts for 125, and found a mobile mechanic to put it in for 60. Fuck you Midas. :)

I chatted about this little issue with some friends, and one idea that came up was the fact that maybe the beach residents do not want a train link to the mainland, as it will allow more 'undesireables' to have access to the community...yeah the beach is shallow, but could that really be the reason?

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congrats on having your car back up and running pod! :-)

as far as the "undesireables" and the beach....the way i see it...if they really want to go, they'll go nomatter what...kinda like...if there's a will there's a way type deal =o/ hopefully they do'nt have the will though!

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Hehe :)

I wouldn't put it over the Miami Beach government to stall development of a train or mover to the beach just to keep out the "dregs" though...

But sunnyhost is right, the "undesireables" will get there no matter what. I've been mugged right outside of crobar, and I'm sure the muggers didn't bitch about needing a train. :)

Pardon the term undesireables, it's the best I can think of.

Basically it all comes down to one fact. I hate to drive.

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you wasn't mugged - silly!

It seems that way when you get raped $15 for having your car parked.

First time I did it - I told the police my car had been stolen and that the robber also took my last $15.

The Police were very good. Within secods they had the robber complete with my car keys, and they made him bring my car back. Didn't get the $15 back - but the car was OK.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

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POD i know how u feel for my first year at MDCC i had to take the buss, the worse part about it was that i had registered kinda late and i had to get a 700 AM Class and the earliest buss passed at 630AM so i had to wake up at 530 to make sure i was at the bus stop at 615 cause the stupid buss never runs on schedule always early, to get to class 15 mins late. So more than likely i'm one of the few that knows how u felt today.

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Originally posted by Treepwood

POD i know how u feel for my first year at MDCC i had to take the buss, the worse part about it was that i had registered kinda late and i had to get a 700 AM Class and the earliest buss passed at 630AM so i had to wake up at 530 to make sure i was at the bus stop at 615 cause the stupid buss never runs on schedule always early, to get to class 15 mins late. So more than likely i'm one of the few that knows how u felt today.

Jorge......5:30....that SUKS....:rolleyes:

I've been lucky that I've never really had to ride the bus.....in Miami......YUK!!!:puke:

I did ride the bus in Tallahassee, when I lived over there.....and it wasn't bad at all......'cause the town is so small!!:)

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