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Danny Howells......WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM?!

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Last night was my first time hearing Howells and while I agree that he started off a bit flat (great beats, but the crescendos would fall off quickly), he totally blew me away after about 7:30. The remix of "Erotic City" was unfuckingbelievable, as was his take on "Song of the Siren" and "Silence," both of which he reinvented for me. The set completely changed after 7:30ish, as Mugz so concisely described: funk to breaks to heaven and beyond. Sonic orgasms...

Hey - anyone else note my man dressed like Merlin?

Closed the place out at 9 a.m. and reluctantly so. I could have stayed for hours. The night ended with Loch and I stomping in a circle with an awesome group of strangers, screaming out "One more!" to an exhausted Howells.

And let me reiterate how much I absolutely ADORE Vinyl. The vibe in that place is allllllll love and respect. Yes, security can be tight but IMO they also treat their patrons with tremendous dignity, considering the debauchery that goes on there. For those who complain about being booted, I say that Vinyl is simply trying to avoid the same fate as Twilo, Tunnell, etc. Better they are too strict than too lax and yet another NYC venue is closed down.

Vinyl's security expects their patrons to be composed and discreet about drug use, etc. I appreciate that and thank them for the safe and dignified setting they provide.

Shannon: great to see you again (cutie boyfriend btw ;)) Sorry we didn't get to chat more.

God I love music. It alone is a reason to live. :bounce:

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Originally posted by pkern

Last night was my first time hearing Howells and while I agree that he started off a bit flat (great beats, but the crescendos would fall off quickly), he totally blew me away after about 7:30. The remix of "Erotic City" was unfuckingbelievable, as was his take on "Song of the Siren" and "Silence," both of which he reinvented for me. The set completely changed after 7:30ish, as Mugz so concisely described: funk to breaks to heaven and beyond. Sonic orgasms...

Hey - anyone else note my man dressed like Merlin?

Closed the place out at 9 a.m. and reluctantly so. I could have stayed for hours. The night ended with Loch and I stomping in a circle with an awesome group of strangers, screaming out "One more!" to an exhausted Howells.

And let me reiterate how much I absolutely ADORE Vinyl. The vibe in that place is allllllll love and respect. Yes, security can be tight but IMO they also treat their patrons with tremendous dignity, considering the debauchery that goes on there. For those who complain about being booted, I say that Vinyl is simply trying to avoid the same fate as Twilo, Tunnell, etc. Better they are too strict than too lax and yet another NYC venue is closed down.

Vinyl's security expects their patrons to be composed and discreet about drug use, etc. I appreciate that and thank them for the safe and dignified setting they provide.

Shannon: great to see you again (cutie boyfriend btw ;)) Sorry we didn't get to chat more.

God I love music. It alone is a reason to live. :bounce:

very well said.....
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Originally posted by pkern

God I love music. It alone is a reason to live. :bounce:

Godamnit I should have gone!


I agree with that last comment though..

Nothing is better than a DJ that saves you

from the darkness of the world and makes you feel

happy to be alive.


Howells certainly has pumped me up

with this "LUST FOR LIFE" on several occasions.

Those that never have tried him..

don't know what they are missing.


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Guest tilly
Originally posted by pkern

God I love music. It alone is a reason to live. :bounce:

the only thing about last night I feel like I missed out on was not HANGIN with you and one of my dear friends in a "social and friendly" setting;)

Glad you 2 had a blast...much needed I'm sure.


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Originally posted by tilly

the only thing about last night I feel like I missed about not going was HANGIN with you and one of my dear friends in a "social and friendly" setting;)

Glad you 2 had a blast...much needed I'm sure.


We missed you girl - next time, next time. :D

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Originally posted by pkern

Hey - anyone else note my man dressed like Merlin?

yeah ... thats the "wizard of trance" with the "trance nurse" .. mad cool kats!!!

.. DH was way off lastnight , imo , no disrespect, he's the man of course ... i think it was the fact that he only spun 3-4 hours opposed to his 10 hour+ sets .. ashley was a breath of fresh air , quality stuff ....

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Originally posted by newsense

yeah ... thats the "wizard of trance" with the "trance nurse" .. mad cool kats!!!

.. DH was way off lastnight , imo , no disrespect, he's the man of course ... i think it was the fact that he only spun 3-4 hours opposed to his 10 hour+ sets .. ashley was a breath of fresh air , quality stuff ....

finally...a person who understand where i'm coming from.

not totally what i expected from DH. I didn't get my $'s worth completely. But i gotta say...Ashtrax...good stuff.

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Originally posted by mysterynyc

ok first of all...that's my opinion. secondly, I go to a club and pay $25 expecting to hear something as well as dance. If I'm not feeling the music, I'm not going to be too inclined to dance. It's all about setting a certain vibe.

The reason people come to see a certain DJ in a club that they like, is because they've heard his CDs and they like his sound.

But if his sound is COMPLETELY different at the club, its kind of a waste of $$.

Bro, you completely miss the entire point of going to hear a dj spin live that is world renowned. I would be righteously pissed off if I heard the same shit in the club as I do on his/her CD. The whole point of playing is to keep people moving, keep it fresh, and keep them guessing. But you are a dj so you already know that.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Bro, you completely miss the entire point of going to hear a dj spin live that is world renowned. I would be righteously pissed off if I heard the same shit in the club as I do on his/her CD. The whole point of playing is to keep people moving, keep it fresh, and keep them guessing. But you are a dj so you already know that.

I'm not talking about the SAME EXACT TRACKS,lol.Of course you want it fresh. What I meant was the same STYLE. Yes...he does vary in his style, but whatever I heard last night, I was expecting better.

But you gotta admit, it wouldn't hurt to hear a track from one of his compilations on a club's system :), just to kind of let the fans know he's appreciating that they listen/buy his CDs.

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Originally posted by mysterynyc

I'm not talking about the SAME EXACT TRACKS,lol.Of course you want it fresh. What I meant was the same STYLE. Yes...he does vary in his style, but whatever I heard last night, I was expecting better.

But you gotta admit, it wouldn't hurt to hear a track from one of his compilations on a club's system :), just to kind of let the fans know he's appreciating that they listen/buy his CDs.

why must u be the only person on the board to feel this way...ive read a few baords with howells reviews and youre the only one who speaks negative......

after every break i was waiting to hear what beat was gonna come in...kept me guessing all night and i had no clue what was gonna be next.....

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Originally posted by msoprano13

why must u be the only person on the board to feel this way...ive read a few baords with howells reviews and youre the only one who speaks negative......

after every break i was waiting to hear what beat was gonna come in...kept me guessing all night and i had no clue what was gonna be next.....

what is this "why must i be the only person who feels this way" stuff lol.

i'm sorry if its my opinion, and i expected better. I guess i'm musically picky like that lol. and I'm NOT the only person who feels this way.

Newsense said the same thing. Howells was playing stuff that was a bit off. It didn't have any sense of funk to it. No tribalness, no groove. Maybe in the end, he played breaks, but I want the WHOLE set to be good. You're $25 because your expecting something, you know what I mean?

I was a bit let down by him. Even if he did spin a good set in a lot of people's eyes, he's still much more talented than that.

now people....PLEASE dont get defensive. This is just one man's opinion (mine),lol.

If anyone is a huge Danny Howells fan, its me. I just expect alot from him, cuz he's the man. He set a high bar for himself, and unfortunately he didn't reach the bar last night, in my opinion.

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Originally posted by mysterynyc

I'm not talking about the SAME EXACT TRACKS,lol.Of course you want it fresh. What I meant was the same STYLE. Yes...he does vary in his style, but whatever I heard last night, I was expecting better.

But you gotta admit, it wouldn't hurt to hear a track from one of his compilations on a club's system :), just to kind of let the fans know he's appreciating that they listen/buy his CDs.

your like a walking contradiction..

please see my response to you're post about howells bringing his "A" game which you seem to be avoiding and stop peddling your arrigant elitist bullshit..

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

your like a walking contradiction..

please see my response to you're post about howells bringing his "A" game which you seem to be avoiding and stop peddling your arrigant elitist bullshit..

omg...will you end this fuckin attitude already man. wow. you really misunderstand me, especially about the 16B- Secrets track.

I'm the biggest fuckin Danny Howells fan on the planet, and I expected better from him.That's all.

I have every CD of his dating back to his Jackpot Records days.

I can compare to his other sets because I heard him @ Melkweg in Amsterdam, along with Sander K, PvD, and Stef Vroljik...who has a track on Danny's NuBreed compilation.

So stop with this defensive attitude. If anyone is a huge fan of him its me, that's why I set my personal "Danny Howells bar" so high. So calm the hell down already with this nonsense.

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mysterynyc I guess no one will say it so I guess I will what we are trying to say is you dont know what the fuck you are talking about...

and if you want to get into opinions about Dj's I've got a special one for you.. you suck as a DJ and thats why people dont find you critiques credible...

Just my opinion

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Originally posted by mysterynyc

omg...will you end this fuckin attitude already man. wow. you really misunderstand me, especially about the 16B- Secrets track.

I'm the biggest fuckin Danny Howells fan on the planet, and I expected better from him.That's all.

I have every CD of his dating back to his Jackpot Records days.

I can compare to his other sets because I heard him @ Melkweg in Amsterdam, along with Sander K, PvD, and Stef Vroljik...who has a track on Danny's NuBreed compilation.

ok. did you actually HEAR him IN amsterdam? were you there?

if not, you just heard a CD.

and along the lines of every cd of his...

a good friend told me once that listening to a CD and hearing a DJ live is like night and day. I didn't believe it until i heard scott henry spin live. What a difference.

The same goes for danny's cd's. deep, beautiful and well done but usually NOT what he'll play at any given night at vinyl.

if you go in expecting to hear what you bought on the last CD, prepare to be suprised and disappointed (depending on your view)

i'd personally expect to NOT hear anything like his CD's. You're going to see a DJ spin his newest tracks and showcase his style with cutting edge music nobody else gets to hear.

you're not going to see a backstreet boys concert.

get it straight kid

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Ok mystery you are entitled to your opinion and that should be respected.

what i don't understand is this. you say you are this huge Howells fan. did you catch him in July or beginning of september or New years?? or have you ever caught him live in NYC? it sounds to me that his sets in NYC have never resembled what is on his cd... so why would you expect it to now? i can't speak for his sets anywhere else because i have never caught him live anywhere else.

If last night wasn't your taste then i would say you wouldn't have liked any of his sets at vinyl. Granted i thought NYE was better, but i was very pleased with what i heard for the few hours i was there, and i can't wait until next month.

I am not here to put you or any of your views down i am just curious as to what you base your opinions on? as someone stated earlier it is very silly to try to compare something you hear on a cd to being there live.

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Originally posted by cintron

ok. did you actually HEAR him IN amsterdam? were you there?

if not, you just heard a CD.

and along the lines of every cd of his...

a good friend told me once that listening to a CD and hearing a DJ live is like night and day. I didn't believe it until i heard scott henry spin live. What a difference.

The same goes for danny's cd's. deep, beautiful and well done but usually NOT what he'll play at any given night at vinyl.

if you go in expecting to hear what you bought on the last CD, prepare to be suprised and disappointed (depending on your view)

i'd personally expect to NOT hear anything like his CD's. You're going to see a DJ spin his newest tracks and showcase his style with cutting edge music nobody else gets to hear.

you're not going to see a backstreet boys concert.

get it straight kid


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Originally posted by blaznny

Ok mystery you are entitled to your opinion and that should be respected.

what i don't understand is this. you say you are this huge Howells fan. did you catch him in July or beginning of september or New years?? or have you ever caught him live in NYC? it sounds to me that his sets in NYC have never resembled what is on his cd... so why would you expect it to now? i can't speak for his sets anywhere else because i have never caught him live anywhere else.

If last night wasn't your taste then i would say you wouldn't have liked any of his sets at vinyl. Granted i thought NYE was better, but i was very pleased with what i heard for the few hours i was there, and i can't wait until next month.

I am not here to put you or any of your views down i am just curious as to what you base your opinions on? as someone stated earlier it is very silly to try to compare something you hear on a cd to being there live.

heard him in Amsterdam...@Melkweg.....in February..off he hook stuff.

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Originally posted by mysterynyc

heard him in Amsterdam...@Melkweg.....in February..off he hook stuff.

from my experience djs spin differently at different locations because the crowd is different. Also Like someone said earlier they spin their newest stuff. I mean you caught him almost a year ago. DJ's are constantly changing and tweaking their sound i mean thats what makes them great. And whatever he has done that is different from what you heard seems to be working because the majority of the people have loved his past couple of sets.

There are plenty of djs that don't change their sound and play the same shit every week... I think one's name is Tony something or other :laugh::blown:

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Originally posted by blaznny

from my experience djs spin differently at different locations because the crowd is different. Also Like someone said earlier they spin their newest stuff. I mean you caught him almost a year ago. DJ's are constantly changing and tweaking their sound i mean thats what makes them great. And whatever he has done that is different from what you heard seems to be working because the majority of the people have loved his past couple of sets.

There are plenty of djs that don't change their sound and play the same shit every week... I think one's name is Tony something or other :laugh::blown:

yeah..and unfortunately...international DJ's highly underestimate the NYC crowd so they don't spin as well as they would in say: Ibiza...or London...or Amsterdam.

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