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Why is it I/We always want to be w/...

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . because change is problably necessary so that you can . . .

. . If you choose to change, you'll get what you want . . . but then again. . . change isn't always the right thing to do . . . .

I'd like to hear the logic behind this... because I don't agree... (and please don't write a novel :tongue: )

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

the one we can't...

its "the chase" and no matter what ppl say on how they hate games, we all do it (you are right clubkat -- human nature)

and you know, -- once you get, you don't want it anymore.

you can also look at this from another point of view --

you are talking to somone and you know they dig you way more than you like them. You do not need to exude any effort. You sometimes feel even awkward around them or talking to them. you start blwing them off and you lose interest. it happens.

i will have to say there are the times that the attraction is mutal or on the same level between two ppl, and that, i'd say is a good thing. :)

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Originally posted by nycchic24

its "the chase" and no matter what ppl say on how they hate games, we all do it (you are right clubkat -- human nature)

and you know, -- once you get, you don't want it anymore.

you can also look at this from another point of view --

you are talking to somone and you know they dig you way more than you like them. You do not need to exude any effort. You sometimes feel even awkward around them or talking to them. you start blwing them off and you lose interest. it happens.

i will have to say there are the times that the attraction is mutal or on the same level between two ppl, and that, i'd say is a good thing. :)

I agree, it so true..It is human nature:( :( Will the games ever stop????

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . because change is problably necessary so that you can . . .

. . If you choose to change, you'll get what you want . . . but then again. . . change isn't always the right thing to do . . . .

I see your logic...

But I want elaboration...

And I want a thesis...

All 50 pages of it...

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

It goes back to the days of Adam and Eve...

Why'd Eve eat the forbidden fruit???? Because it was forbidden.

We always want what we can't have... I mean, if you could have it easily, would you really even want it??

i agree that their is a behavioral tendency to desire what we cant' have simply b/c of the fact that we can't have it..

but what about this scenario.. you want to be w/ someone only later to discover that you can't..

this situation is different b/c your desire to be w/ the person is not provoked by their forbidden state...

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

i agree that their is a behavioral tendency to desire what we cant' have simply b/c of the fact that we can't have it..

but what about this scenario.. you want to be w/ someone only later to discover that you can't..

this situation is different b/c your desire to be w/ the person is not provoked by their forbidden state...

That's just bad luck... nothing you car really do there. :(

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Originally posted by tastyt

I'd like to hear the logic behind this... because I don't agree... (and please don't write a novel :tongue: )

. . . . And they say I'm unwarranted calling myself the Killer of Threads . . . .

. . . Well. . . the way I see it . . . If you see something that you want, and you attempt to get at it, but to no avail. . .something, some factor of some sorts, is standing in your way from reaching the prize . . .

. . . The next logical thing to do would be to identify what obstacle is standing in your way and attempt to remove it . . . which requires change . . .

. . If one does indeed identify the obstacle and sizes up what needs to be changed to overcome it, one must then attempt to weigh the cost/benefits of changing . . .

. . . Example : You like a girl (or a guy, in a girl's case), but he/she doesn't really have the same core interests and lifestyle as you, then you must either A) modify your life to match, or at least become similar to theirs or B) ascertain that the obstacle is not worth overcoming, hence you don't change your life and reach the goal (the guy or girl in question). . .

. . . Compromise can be reached. . . a middle ground where both parties can change . . but the sad fact is, if two people who click on various levels can't integrate into each others lives without major change, it aint ever gonna happen the way each party wants it to . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . . And they say I'm unwarranted calling myself the Killer of Threads . . . .

. . . Well. . . the way I see it . . . If you see something that you want, and you attempt to get at it, but to no avail. . .something, some factor of some sorts, is standing in your way from reaching the prize . . .

. . . The next logical thing to do would be to identify what obstacle is standing in your way and attempt to remove it . . . which requires change . . .

. . If one does indeed identify the obstacle and sizes up what needs to be changed to overcome it, one must then attempt to weigh the cost/benefits of changing . . .

. . . Example : You like a girl (or a guy, in a girl's case), but he/she doesn't really have the same core interests and lifestyle as you, then you must either A) modify your life to match, or at least become similar to theirs or B) ascertain that the obstacle is not worth overcoming, hence you don't change your life and reach the goal (the guy or girl in question). . .

. . . Compromise can be reached. . . a middle ground where both parties can change . . but the sad fact is, if two people who click on various levels can't integrate into each others lives without major change, it aint ever gonna happen the way each party wants it to . . .

true, but sometimes change isn't always necessary. I mean why must you change in order to be with the person. I disagree with your last comment, yeah comprimise may occur but major change is not a necessity in order for things to progress...

...also removing the obstacle may not always get you what you want.. I guess the whole changing concept doesn't agree in my mind.

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Originally posted by fierydesire

true, but sometimes change isn't always necessary. I mean why must you change in order to be with the person. I disagree with your last comment, yeah comprimise may occur but major change is not a necessity in order for things to progress...

...also removing the obstacle may not always get you what you want.. I guess the whole changing concept doesn't agree in my mind.

. . . . . If that was the case, then we'd all always get what we want. . . I'd be able to continue with my current situation and have everything that I'd ever dreamed of handed to me . . .

. . . But that aint gonna happen . . . cause I know I have to change myself to attain my happiness . . my goals . . .

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

i agree that their is a behavioral tendency to desire what we cant' have simply b/c of the fact that we can't have it..

but what about this scenario.. you want to be w/ someone only later to discover that you can't..

this situation is different b/c your desire to be w/ the person is not provoked by their forbidden state...

It sux...:( :( I am in the state you just described.

Um, you found out later after things occurred beforehand?

I guess the best thing would be to not think about it, occupy yourself with other things and not let it take over your peace of mind

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Originally posted by back2basics-

Oh Rob I know it's hard for you to cope with the fact I live a few thousand miles away, but it's just not meant to be.

Please try and get over it, move on, there is somebody out there for all of us. :)

Maybe you should explore this thing for PvD you have, I can put in a good word.


bro!! thanks for the much needed laugh :) i gotta venture over to that board of yours... we booked our ibiza shit :D keep me updated on anything you here..

as for pvd.. been there done that ;)

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . . . If that was the case, then we'd all always get what we want. . . I'd be able to continue with my current situation and have everything that I'd ever dreamed of handed to me . . .

. . . But that aint gonna happen . . . cause I know I have to change myself to attain my happiness . . my goals . . .

Not true to your first comment, we must work to get what we want, change doesn't have to be part of it in order to get things handed to us....Do you mean lifestyles and such? I don't get your logic...how does change and things handed to us coincide. Compromise is a better way to describe it perhaps but not complete change...

why must you change to attain happiness and goals?I don't feel that I have altered myself in a way to get where I am or where I am going....maybe just me. I mean perhaps its different for everyone. I am doing what I want and going about my goals.

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Originally posted by fierydesire

...also removing the obstacle may not always get you what you want.. I guess the whole changing concept doesn't agree in my mind.

See, that's the major problem I have w/the theory... Just because you change (usually) doesn't mean the other person will want you any more... I'd say usually if anything needs to change it would be the other person... and if they don't want you obviously that isn't going to happen!

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Not true to your first comment, we must work to get what we want, change doesn't have to be part of it in order to get things handed to us....Do you mean lifestyles and such? I don't get your logic...how does change and things handed to us coincide. Compromise is a better way to describe it perhaps but not complete change...

why must you change to attain happiness and goals?I don't feel that I have altered myself in a way to get where I am or where I am going....maybe just me. I mean perhaps its different for everyone. I am doing what I want and going about my goals.

. . . . a change in lifestyle is part of it, at least in my case . . . Compromise is a better way to describe it indeed, however compromise denotes that you're willing to change the course that you had originally planned in order to reach a specific goal . . .

. . . Why must you change to attain happiness and goals? . . . Well, all I can say is I've never met a person that has attained their happines while at the same time remaining static . . . just doesn't happen . . . Even if you don't realize it, when you're working towards what you want, you're changing yourself in the process . . .

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I disagree with your last comment, yeah comprimise may occur but major change is not a necessity in order for things to progress...

Z, you're misunderstanding him here... what he meant is that if two people connect but the only way they could be together would be for the both of them to make major changes... it will never work.

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