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Roger Sanchez....the S Man Cometh!!

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Ok so my love, my light, my man that KEPT ME WAITING TILL THE VERY DAMN END AT 9AM to PLAY "ANOTHER CHANCE" (Glad you thought you were cute Rog) Ripped the Hell out of Vinyl!!!!!! Heard tons of Classics! I am so happy right now! Thank you for the T-shirt and Incense!


I have so many pictures I can not wait to put them up. I felt like it was a huge Reunion of all the Old Skool Clubbers and Staffs. I was bugging seeing those faces took me back. VERY COOL.

AndyZ: YOU SEX Z BITCH! Even though you took a break now and then we stuck it till the end. In Your words "It's time for Club Bed!"

Snoozi: I can not even tell you that you are def one of my most favorite people to club with!! My sista My sista!


Quoth: Better Late than never!

CORBETT: (1) MISSED YOU BRO :D , (2) Lemme make a call!;)

CROBRA: WHEN THE HELL DID YOU POP UP? *poof* Chris is here

JOE G: Even at 8 am you were hanging in there Much respect!

DJ JON STEPHEN: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! Bouncers ate your strawberries :( I will make you more :D


PHENIX: Thursday papichulo Thursday! DEFECTED IN THE HOUSE!

Lisa: YOU RAWK see you @ Centro!

Dave Christopher: Always a pleasure my heart!


Amongst the various icon's of the music industry from TODD TERRY and Michael Moog, to Debra Ericson, and Michael James were what I consider the nicest crowdand some of the best people I have partied with in a while. Hope you all had as much fun as I did!

**Night Night ****

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Guest danni133

Ok I have NEVER EVER had more fun semi sober at club EVER. Sanchez was awesome, I definatly feel his type of spinning. All night we danced. I met so many amazing people last night I don't even know where to start. Lemme see...

Djjonstephen: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! You made my night so incredible I can't even begin to thank you. And if you keep that charm up, I'll definatly be kissing you the way I did last night :eek: We definatly have to make plans ASAP...sushi, movie, and a sleep over? Hellz yea :D I'll bring the red fish, you bring the Bacardi and Scotch ~wink wink

Cottoncandydream: You are one righteous gurlie! Was so good to finally meet ya and put a name to the face.

Fierydesire and Regina: You two are the sweetest gurlies! So good dancing with you guys on and off the speakers. Fiery me and you for V-Day! hehe

I met so many other CP chicks but I can't seem to remember the names. Never have I felt so welcomed around a crowd of girls without the petty bullshit that surrounds it. Last night was the exact opposite and it was nothing but pure CP love. The CP guys were also awesome...so happy I came out when all of the old skool was there...Gotta love the fam ;)


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only stopped by for a little bit, but sanchez was spinning nice and funky beats. but the high sounds were killing me the whle time i was there, wish i listened to msoprano and brought some earplugs. and why, oh, why do they have to use that anooooyyyinng siren. other than that sanchez was dope. even if i was only there for like 2 hours, maybe less.

oh, and what happened to the chill-out room????

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Mad Props to the man!!!!!!!

Roger made Vinyl becoming one big moving sweatshop. Made it last night completely sober.......but still had one incredible time. Talking to Az-Tec, he kept telling me how Roger was in his top three favorite DJ's and all I dould do was nod and smile because I thought he was just talking him up. Also, I never heard Roger before so I was just anticipating. Fucking impressed the shit out of me.

So everyone knows I was absolutely dead tired by the time I got there......Xenedrine and 2 Red Bulls weren't even helping. Got there around 2 and just started dancing.....kept on dancing. Kept moving non-stop until I just had to go.

Perfect amount of people, room to dance, great vibe, and Roger supplying some nice beats constantly throughout the night. Made my bday..........btw thanx to every single one of you who came out to chill with me for my bday. Although I know I am not the only reason that you were at Vinyl, you still made my night by being there.

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Hola everyone!!

I had a great night last night.. and even when my friends left I stayed on my own!!

I meet some new CP heads, that I will hopefully recognize from now on, though I don't know if I will rember the names!!

I was one of the closers walked outta there at 9am... I was with Melissa, and was weraing this pink shirt if you rember me!

djjonstephen --> Happy Bday! it was good seeing you again! Hope you had a banging time on your bday!

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Originally posted by blondymu

Hola everyone!!

I had a great night last night.. and even when my friends left I stayed on my own!!

I meet some new CP heads, that I will hopefully recognize from now on, though I don't know if I will rember the names!!

I was one of the closers walked outta there at 9am... I was with Melissa, and was weraing this pink shirt if you rember me!

Wait, do you go to NYU, no, no, its from Oakenfold at Rokefeller, no, no...OK I give up, I just don't know. ;) Good meeting ya last night/this morning. Sorry about your friend earlier in the night. She has gotta be more careful. Hope you had fun anyway. I will recognize you next time out.


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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

Roha3000: BABY you get love too MUUUUUUUUUUUUAH thank you for hanging in till the end!

No love for me?? Thats messed up!

Well even being there after being up for 24 hours i still had a good time.... def agreed with roha music was better earlier on..... sorry i couldnt hang past 7....

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Roger Sanchez is the man!! He dropped an incredible set of clasic house and banging funky beats. Wow, I was speechless when I left, especially after he dropped Follow Me. Great seeing djjohnstephen, Happy Birthday bro. And danni133, wow! It was a pleasure to meet you.

See you all again there soon...:smoke:

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Sanchez was hard as hell. I liked a lot of the djs in the chillout room aswell. I'm so tired, I just woke up (yeah, i know its 8:35 at night)... Shouts to the usuals, whats up shadowchaser & jp, nice meeting you.

Jon, lol, I'm officially renaming that room to the JoeG room now!

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Originally posted by joeg

Sanchez was hard as hell. I liked a lot of the djs in the chillout room aswell. I'm so tired, I just woke up (yeah, i know its 8:35 at night)... Shouts to the usuals, whats up shadowchaser & jp, nice meeting you.

Jon, lol, I'm officially renaming that room to the JoeG room now!

right back atcha dude.

excellent fucking night. hard as hell and great classics set at the end (so they tell me.) i didnt like the fact that the dj's were in the chillout room tho. their sets were fine but it was entirely too loud, considering the horrendous sound in the main room. no escape from the noise!!!

ummmmm gestapo security out in full force too, but vinyl's revolving door policy is a damn godsend!

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I definitely loved hearing Lovely Day, Safe From Harm, Music is the Answer...but I felt the need to leave at 6 so I'll take everyone's word that it was great from 6-9 :) Nice seeing everyone as usual. Um Zehra...wtf was that on your car? :laugh: Can we name him? Happy birthday Jon, glad Sanchez kept you dancing...you sure didn't look like a man who'd been out to Scores (?) :laugh2: till 8 am the night before. Blondymu, what a sweetheart, hope you found what you were looking for ;) Danni, you're a doll...glad to see you had so much fun ;). Looks like everyone had a blast, I'm sure I'll be seeing you all real soon:)

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Waz up PPL. Roger kicked ass. Some grate vocal house tracks (all those vocal hose haters, Roha, keep it to yourself). I think I can never get sick of Vinyl. I only whish I got there earlier, because DJ Dan was a big letdown.

Some shoutouts:

Great seeing all the usual suspects, you know who you are.

Cottoncandydream – Lets c some pics. Always a pleasure seeing you.

Az-tec – nice meeting you bro. Beats the hell out of Cyberia.

Blondymu – Sorry I could not help you out. Tell you friend to be more careful next time. Yet you stayed until the end.

Cobra – one thing I’m going to say. 21st street Crackhead Ave.

Till next closing time PeaceOut.

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damn okay sorry I'm half stunned by a certain post okay

Lainie-----I'm speechless you are the GODDESS that rocks my world so glad we all closed it out together! did you go to Shelter or LI? damn girl I was going to run after you down the street but I turned around and didn't know which way you went! until next time ;)

okay so now I'm a "usual suspect" damn being there every week and dancin' your ass off doesn't get you shout outs anymore hmph that's okay I'll just have to send there massaging hands into retirement then ;)

Andy and Crobra great closing out with you guys.... Andy, how's your side?

Bog and Ron glad you guys came earlier from DJ Dan it wouldn't be a Vinyl sat night without ya :)

Jonnnnny boy HAPPY B-day how was the s-bowl with dad? damn weird that you were the sober one last night hehe but we still got our groove on so it's okay too bad you didn't close out with us it was SLAMMIN

JoeyGGGGG mayor of the chill out room haha so glad you hung in there with us till the end

Kevin DON'T HURT ME!! hahaha my overworked sleep deprived buddy hey how's that fleecy blanket ??

Danielle---you trooper you!!!! I love ya babe always hangin in there

damn who else was there I'm sorry I was on no sleep :)

Danni--no need to sit alone in the chill out room there's always a few of us in there tired, cracked out or involved in some philosophical discussion lol

Nathan---damn boy you can tear it up lol

Rick--who won't see this----damn you security guys can dance haha

hmmmmmm no Clubkat....no Siceone....no Tasty :(

Regina and Fiery----sorry you guys were bored :( it was nice seeing ya for a bit

Corbett---nice meeting ya

hmmmmmmmmmm I don't think anyone I hung with there posts if so I am making a public apology for not giving you any love

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Originally posted by bleeker6

i was really disappointed with sat night at vinyl.. I found his track selection off, the sound was flat and the vibe was nonexistent

maybe i was at a different party then you guys.

Welcome and fuck you bleeker. Sanchez was on point and off the hook. He kicked my ass and surely will kick yers. How's that for your first post you chucklefuck?

props to joeg on that. ::notabadwordbutnothingbeatsmyword::

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