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Topic: touchy subject: interracial dating and reactions from others

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have you ever, while dating someone obviously of another race, encountered treatment different from that if perhaps you both were of the same race?

just curious. if not, good; that's the way it should be. if so, care to share? understandable if you don't want to, and better if you're a big enough person to forgive it

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Being that most people think I'm something that I'm not (I'm mulatto, but people think I look: Latina, Italian, Greek), the only problems I've had is with some family members...

After our second date, my hs bf's dad found out I was half black and didn't want his son to date me... but he got over it and I never knew until years later.

And my last bf's grandma (who is, incidentally, from PR and lives in the projects) told me to get out of her apt. after she learned I was mulatto...

Fortunately those are the only incidents I have noticed.

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unfortunately i have to answer yes. There are several family members that are prejudice/racist. Wheni was in high school my mom told me not to mention anything to my grandmother about my bf at the time who is black. I bit my tongue until she happened to say a racist comment when we were watching tv and that led to a huge fight. we didnt speak after that for almost two years. My father and I also used to get into some heated arguements as well. What kills me is that my parents are white and my sister and I are asian (we were adopted) so you would think that my father and grandmother would not have these negative feels or at least be more open minded!?! right?

the other is stupid junior high bf/gf thing. My first bf was white and he took a lot of shit for going out with me. (my town is 98% white and very conformist) I mean you always get "the looks" here and there but i guess its somethign that i have grown accustomed to (sad to say) bc just about all my relationships have been interracial (white, black or latino)

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My g/f's mom is black and her dad is white, but she looks mostly black and we used to get some shit in Boston being that I'm white. The skinhead gangs up there really wouldn't do anything other than give us evil looks since they kinda knew who I was. The most shit we got was from black guys who would tell her to stick with her own kind which would piss me off, so I'd get in their face and shit went bad many a time. I had 15 black guys knock on my dorm room one time, but luckily the RA happened to be walking down the hall, otherwise I probably would've got my ass beat.

Down here it's not as bad. Just some of those religious groups down in Times Square. I don't know who they are, but they're preaching on the mic and wearing those velvet capes with the sequens and shit on them. We were walking down the street, and a group of them stopped in mid-sentence and started yelling at my g/f that she was going to hell for dating a white man and that Jesus was gonna cut her head off with a double-edged sword. I don't know what the hell that shit was about, but my g/f replied by turning around and giving them the finger and yelling "Fuck Jesus". Awww. I was so proud of my baby that day. :)

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Originally posted by heretic909

My g/f's mom is black and her dad is white, but she looks mostly black and we used to get some shit in Boston being that I'm white. The skinhead gangs up there really wouldn't do anything other than give us evil looks since they kinda knew who I was. The most shit we got was from black guys who would tell her to stick with her own kind which would piss me off, so I'd get in their face and shit went bad many a time. I had 15 black guys knock on my dorm room one time, but luckily the RA happened to be walking down the hall, otherwise I probably would've got my ass beat.

Down here it's not as bad. Just some of those religious groups down in Times Square. I don't know who they are, but they're preaching on the mic and wearing those velvet capes with the sequens and shit on them. We were walking down the street, and a group of them stopped in mid-sentence and started yelling at my g/f that she was going to hell for dating a white man and that Jesus was gonna cut her head off with a double-edged sword. I don't know what the hell that shit was about, but my g/f replied by turning around and giving them the finger and yelling "Fuck Jesus". Awww. I was so proud of my baby that day. :)

Hey heretic. I'm from Boston and I'm kind of curious about the "They knew who I was" comment. Would I know who you are?? Did they know who you were because they were skin heads (which I'm DEFINITELY not), or because you're a local name or something??

Just curious, and good story! How on earth can someone preach about Jesus and then show that amount of hatred!?!? Makes me sick.

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I once went out with this guy who was black, and I am PR and Italian, but look mostly PR. We would be walking in the mall and holding hands and people would just look at us, throw dirty looks and make comments...Like it was wrong....People are just ignorant and dont know any better...At times it can make you feel uncomfortable....so that shit sucks and if it does happen then they dont know any better....:mad:

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Well.. I'm Asian, and both of my parents are white Irish Americans.. my mother is biologically unable to have children so my parents adopted me and my brothers (who are not my biological brothers either), and I know my mom's father gave her shit for adopting my one brother because he is half black, half white, and my mom's father was racist towards blacks.. he never really got over it, and he didn't come around to visit much, but he passed away when I was quite young so I really don't remember..

As far as me dating though, my parents don't really care (for obvious reasons) so I'm really happy to be in such a supportive family, that, in itself, is multi-racial.. :) :) :)

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Originally posted by heretic909

My g/f's mom is black and her dad is white, but she looks mostly black and we used to get some shit in Boston being that I'm white. The skinhead gangs up there really wouldn't do anything other than give us evil looks since they kinda knew who I was. The most shit we got was from black guys who would tell her to stick with her own kind which would piss me off, so I'd get in their face and shit went bad many a time. I had 15 black guys knock on my dorm room one time, but luckily the RA happened to be walking down the hall, otherwise I probably would've got my ass beat.

Down here it's not as bad. Just some of those religious groups down in Times Square. ...

heretic... i think you had replied a long time ago in response to one of my posts... but you went to Berkley School of mUsic, right?

yeah i've been told that boston is actually known for being of the most racist cities in america :(

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im an asian guy and i love dating white girls.. i like the attentions.. in interacial relationships there will be some uncomfortable moments(my last gf is irish catholic and her brother who is in FDNY hated me just because im asian) but it's a trade off for jungle fever excitement!

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Hey heretic. I'm from Boston and I'm kind of curious about the "They knew who I was" comment. Would I know who you are?? Did they know who you were because they were skin heads (which I'm DEFINITELY not), or because you're a local name or something??

Just curious, and good story! How on earth can someone preach about Jesus and then show that amount of hatred!?!? Makes me sick.

I used to go to a lot of shows at The Rat when it was still open years ago and they'd see me down there. I never put up with their bullshit, especially after they attacked one of my friends' bands. So it's not like they were cool with me, but they knew my face and never tried fuckin with me too much as time went on.

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Originally posted by nycchic24

heretic... i think you had replied a long time ago in response to one of my posts... but you went to Berkley School of mUsic, right?

yeah i've been told that boston is actually known for being of the most racist cities in america :(

Yeah, I graduated from Berklee a few years ago. It didn't help either that I lived by myself in Roxbury which is a fairly ghetto area. It wouldn't be too bad if I was just coming home by myself after clubbing, but if I had my g/f with me, we usually tried to take a cab.

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Originally posted by heretic909

Down here it's not as bad. Just some of those religious groups down in Times Square. I don't know who they are, but they're preaching on the mic and wearing those velvet capes with the sequens and shit on them. We were walking down the street, and a group of them stopped in mid-sentence and started yelling at my g/f that she was going to hell for dating a white man and that Jesus was gonna cut her head off with a double-edged sword. I don't know what the hell that shit was about, but my g/f replied by turning around and giving them the finger and yelling "Fuck Jesus". Awww. I was so proud of my baby that day. :)

Yeah I know those guys... for a while they were planted outside of my subway stop so I got to hear them every day after work. Some people deserve to get their fucking mouths sewed shut just to stop the shit from spewing out.

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All the fuckin time, though my ex, being the person of color in the relationship, felt most of the brunt of the bigotry. Anyway, it's a painful subject for me which I'm not ready to go into. But the bottom line is, people you'd never expect to be can be little nazis and it makes me wanna hurl, as well as lock them up in a racial sensivity camp for a year.

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Guest jaxl

My bf is black Cuban and I'm mixed with just about everything and you can't tell what the hell I am. But I would get the looks and comments all the time whenever I was in Garden State Plaza (Paramus). I had an experience @ Short Hills Mall where I went into a store (Jessica McClintock) after work one day ( I was dressed in a suit), bought a rather expensive dress for a wedding, saw something I thought my younger sister would like. So the next day, we went back(dressed in jeans) and with her husband (who's black). We ended up walking out, without a dress, because none of the salespeople even bothered to give us a second look. Needless to say I never shop at Short Hills anymore (as that one was just one of several experiences I had at that mall - all different shops).

Now that I'm older, I just shrug it off, because I realize there's always going to be ignorant people in this world that need to be drawn and quartered.

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Originally posted by heretic909

My g/f's mom is black and her dad is white, but she looks mostly black and we used to get some shit in Boston being that I'm white. The skinhead gangs up there really wouldn't do anything other than give us evil looks since they kinda knew who I was. The most shit we got was from black guys who would tell her to stick with her own kind which would piss me off, so I'd get in their face and shit went bad many a time. I had 15 black guys knock on my dorm room one time, but luckily the RA happened to be walking down the hall, otherwise I probably would've got my ass beat.

Down here it's not as bad. Just some of those religious groups down in Times Square. I don't know who they are, but they're preaching on the mic and wearing those velvet capes with the sequens and shit on them. We were walking down the street, and a group of them stopped in mid-sentence and started yelling at my g/f that she was going to hell for dating a white man and that Jesus was gonna cut her head off with a double-edged sword. I don't know what the hell that shit was about, but my g/f replied by turning around and giving them the finger and yelling "Fuck Jesus". Awww. I was so proud of my baby that day. :)

great story man.. good for you and your gf..

i know exactly who you are talking about too.. they preach on the corner of 34th and 7th all the time...

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They're called Isrealites.

Very, Very confused people.

Don't mind them. I'm black and they told me I was going to hell because my grandfather is cuban. They said something about Cubans not being part of the right tribe.

I just laughed and gave them my screw face.

They're just mad because they're population is dwindling after thier "messiah" didn't come at the crack of 2000.

Inter-racial partnership is okay with me. As long as you have what makes you happy, everything is relative.


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my parents are of different ethnic backgrounds... my father is swedish and scottish, and my mother is from trinidad (island near venezuala) luckily people think i look exotic and its a great thing to have such a different mix... but my mother has told me horror stories in the 70's and early 80's when she first moved to the US. i primarily date italians (b/c they are soo damn good-looking) but i wouldnt hesitiate to venture outside of that preference. ethnicity doesnt make a person who they are.


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