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Attn: Fake and Bake Biotches!

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Study: Tanning device use increases cancer risk

WASHINGTON (AP) — People who seek a glamorous tan using sun lamps may double their risk of developing some common types of skin cancer, according to a new study that found the risk was highest for those who start at a young age.

The study, appearing Wednesday in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, concluded that people who use tanning devices were 1.5 to 2.5 times more likely to have common kinds of skin cancer than were people who did not use the devices.

The study confirmed what doctors and other health care workers have long suspected — that sun lamp use increases the risk of basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers, said Margaret R. Karagas, first author of the study.

"Even though we suspected tanning lamps might cause these types of skin cancers, there really hadn't before been epidemiological studies that addressed that issue," she said.

Dr. James Spencer, vice chairman of the department of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York and an expert spokesman for the American Academy of Dermatology, praised the study as confirming in humans what has already been shown in animal studies — "it is actually worse to go to the tanning parlor and get a little bit each day" than it is to get an infrequent sunburn.

Both can seriously damage the skin, he said, but the small, day-to-day exposure is worse for the skin in the long run, he said.

"The tanning industry has said ... as long as you don't burn you'll be OK," said Spencer. "This study shows that this is not true."

Joseph A. Levy, vice president of the International Smart Tan Network and a spokesman for the Indoor Tanning Association, however, said the study "is not an indictment of commercial tanning facilities in any way."

He said that occasional sunburn "is a risk factor in all forms of skin cancer and intermittent sunburn is what the tanning industry is trying to stop."

Levy said there are about 25,000 tanning salons in the U.S. He said it is a $5 billion industry patronized annually by about 28 million Americans.

In the study, Karagas and her colleagues interviewed 603 basal cell skin cancer patients and 293 with squamous cell skin cancer. They also talked to 540 control subjects, people who did not have either type of skin cancer.

About 1 million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancer. About 80% are basal cell; 16% squamous cell, and 4% are melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer. Melanoma patients were not included in the study.

The study interviews included questions about tanning device use at any point in the patients' lives and about other sun exposures.

Among the skin cancer patients, 190 reported that they had used tanning devices at some time. In the control group, only 75 had used tanning devices.

Karagas said a statistical analysis shows that those who used tanning equipment were 2.5 times more likely to get squamous cell skin cancer than were people who had not used the devices. For basal cell cancer, the risk was 1.5 time greater.

The risk was highest for those who first used the tanning devices before the age of 20, said Karagas. For this group, the squamous cell cancer risk was 3.6 times greater than the controls. The basal cell cancer risk was 1.8 times greater.

The researcher said the statistics were adjusted for the effects of routine normal sun exposure and other factors that might contribute to skin cancer.

Levy said the study is not relevant to the modern tanning industry because most of the patients interviewed were exposed to tanning equipment before 1975.

"Indoor tanning facilities did not come into play (in the U.S.) until 1979," said Levy.

Thus, he said, many of the people interviewed for the study must have improperly used home sun lamps. Commercial tanning parlors, said Levy, use calibrated equipment that carefully regulates and controls exposure.

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . .28 million Americans with a fake tan that I can spot a mile away . . .



theres only two types of tans people get... either its obviously(since you can "spot [it] a mile away") "fake bake", or by necessity, its natural.. therefore, since everytime you see someone who has gotten color you determine in which way it was obtained..

my question, providing the artificial tan does not cause the individual to achieve "leather face" which is clearly beyond excessive use, whats the difference between spotting the fake tan and spotting the "real"(natural) tan?

why is "fake" tanning so disrespected while tanning by natural means is not...

apparently, someone who goes to the beach a lot during the summer and gets dark is *better* in some way(unbeknownst to me) then the person who lays in the tanning bed..

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Originally posted by bkissa

i used to tan and then i started going to sound factory and saw the damage it would cause by the time im 25. now i prefer to stay white. :cool: :cool:


you should market that as treatment for tanaholics.. just bring them to factory for therapy..


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Originally posted by PFloyd40



theres only two types of tans people get... either its obviously(since you can "spot [it] a mile away") "fake bake", or by necessity, its natural.. therefore, since everytime you see someone who has gotten color you determine in which way it was obtained..

my question, providing the artificial tan does not cause the individual to achieve "leather face" which is clearly beyond excessive use, whats the difference between spotting the fake tan and spotting the "real"(natural) tan?

why is "fake" tanning so disrespected while tanning by natural means is not...

apparently, someone who goes to the beach a lot during the summer and gets dark is *better* in some way(unbeknownst to me) then the person who lays in the tanning bed..

. . . . Well, it's not a question of better (although real tans are) it's just a question of the aura around the person . . If you live in the sunshine for long enough, you develop this kind of aura that just says : "I live in a sunny hot climate" . . It just does . . .I can't explain it, but I know it when I see it . . .

. . . I lived in Florida for ten years . . . . Down there, you don't have to really "Tan" in the classical sense. . . Over time, you just get darker and darker cause of endless days in the sun . . I'm fairly dark skinned, and I can tell you that I'm about 20 shades lighter than I was when I was living down south . . .

. . . you can see it when a person has been in the sun for days/months/years on end as opposed to going into a tanning booth . . . it's not all around even, it's got a more natural look . . especially on people who go to the beach and swim alot . . Another key giveaway is a person's freckles . . . My cousin, who's whiter than white on rice, fake tans up here . . never get's freckles from the beds . . . When she would come down to Florida and hang out at the beach with the family . . . freckles galore . . I'm not saying this is the rule, I'm just saying from my observation of her and other people that I knew that frequented tanning salons, it seems to be the norm . . .

. . . plus, that sunbaked aura is mad attractive . . . The reason chicks get away with the fake version of it up here is because there's nothing else to compare it to . . .

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

i think you misunderstood my question.. but you certainly gave a response that proves what i was getting at..

Maybe I'm dense this morning but I still don't quite get where you're going with this...

But anyhoo, the thing I hate about fake and bake... besides the obvious that, to me anyway, it looks different from a normal tan...

There's something about someone paying to lay down in a tanning bed that seems ridiculous to me... like waste of time and money... Or it could be that I just feel that way because it's not something I have to worry about.

As far as natural tans go... they could come about from doing anything outdoors, not just parking your butt on a beachtowel. But from doing any outdoor activity. So like Phuturephunk said... it gives them this glow, this aura of health and activity. Of course that too can be taken to the extreme, which is never a good thing.

Oh, another thing. Fake tans are often accompanied by other fake stuff. Except for my hair color, I'm a pretty natural kinda gal, so I really don't enjoy looking at that sorta thing.

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Originally posted by workenonlife

yea i was just watchen about that sh1t on the news it's pretty intresting i guess i'm happy i never taned always wanted too but i heard the pale and sickly Look was in this year so i never botherd :cool:

LOL!! :laugh:

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fake tanning is horrible....it makes your skin look like elastic...but weather u do it naturally or by the means of nuclear bulbs do it responsible and wear lotion.....im lucky i have olive skin that always gets brown so i have never been fake baking

i just bake like this instead:smoke: :smoke:

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

why is "fake" tanning so disrespected while tanning by natural means is not...

apparently, someone who goes to the beach a lot during the summer and gets dark is *better* in some way(unbeknownst to me) then the person who lays in the tanning bed..

From a sociological point of view...

Way back in the day it was not attractive to be tan because if you were tan then this meant you worked outdoors. Not having a tan was a sign that you were rich and you leisurely sat indoors all day hence the pale complexion.

Today, the opposite is true. If you work all day, 9-5, indoors then you are obviously not going to be tan but pale. When you are tan it shows that you have the money to do leisurely things like go on vacation.

Unfortunately the only way most people have the time and money to get a tan is to "fake and bake". So, people with real tans are more respected cause this means they have the leisure time to vacate or sit on a beach. To "fake and bake" would be like buying fake designer clothes rather than spending more money on the real thing.

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Originally posted by bkissa

i used to tan and then i started going to sound factory and saw the damage it would cause by the time im 25. now i prefer to stay white. :cool: :cool:

That is so funny - I took my friend to SF for the first time and he said something like "the girls here seem like they only look good in the dark, because as you get closer to them they look all old"

I told him it was probably all the excessive tanning, cigarrettes, and drugs!!! lol

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I understand your views and everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, but in this community you may be in the minority, tanning salons are supported largely by clubbers and the like.

try a general poll ask if a guy/ girl would like to be with a milky/pale person or a light, even tan chances are its the latter.

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the self tanners dont work good. you can NEVER get an all-round tan, and you can always tell its fake.

as for tanning beds, i used to tan, and probably will go again now, and nobody has ever noticed a fake tan on me. i never overdid it, but i always made myself have a nice round light tan. tannign salons have their uses. and hey, everything is going to kill you: smoking, drinking, drugs, tannning, etc.

you know, its that person who doesnt do any of these that will one day get hit by a brick falling off a building.

and seriously, what the hell is the difference between natural tanning and salon tanning. if some of us are kind of pale, what is wrong with adding some color.

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by tastyt

another thing. Fake tans are often accompanied by other fake stuff. Except for my hair color, I'm a pretty natural kinda gal, so I really don't enjoy looking at that sorta thing.

don't forget those huge fake tits you bought!! skeezer!

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