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Cia Fears That India And Pakistan Could Wage Nuclear War With Eachother!!!!

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OK i dont have a link but this morning i was watching the cia briefing that they were holding...they had to answer many questions about sept 11 to congress i belive...not sure...well anyway they were saying that india and pakistan could wage nuclear war against eachother......

damn wtf these people thinking...there is no winner with nuclear war and by far no descrimination either...the nuclear and radioactive fall out from the bombs will make it over here...and thats providing they dont have atomic size nukes that will destroy the planet.......

live life to your fullest everyone.....

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so this will sound prejudiced and racist and coarse and tact-less but who the fuck cares...

nice to know that some fucking ragheads and desert schmucks who dont know how the fuck to behave themselves can kill us all the way over here and cause our lives to be fucked up just because they're a bunch of 3rd world idiots with nukes.

children with guns scare me. Big Kids with nukes scare me even more

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Originally posted by cintron

so this will sound prejudiced and racist and coarse and tact-less but who the fuck cares...

nice to know that some fucking ragheads and desert schmucks who dont know how the fuck to behave themselves can kill us all the way over here and cause our lives to be fucked up just because they're a bunch of 3rd world idiots with nukes.

children with guns scare me. Big Kids with nukes scare me even more

so then obviously we should care
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Originally posted by msoprano13

OK i dont have a link but this morning i was watching the cia briefing that they were holding...they had to answer many questions about sept 11 to congress i belive...not sure...well anyway they were saying that india and pakistan could wage nuclear war against eachother......

damn wtf these people thinking...there is no winner with nuclear war and by far no descrimination either...the nuclear and radioactive fall out from the bombs will make it over here...and thats providing they dont have atomic size nukes that will destroy the planet.......

live life to your fullest everyone.....

No nuke could blow up the earth, but they each have enough nukes to cause a global nuclear winter if many were launched at once:

"The basic cause of nuclear winter, as hypothesized by researchers, would be the numerous and immense fireballs caused by exploding nuclear warheads. These fireballs would ignite huge uncontrolled fires (firestorms) over any and all cities and forests that were within range of them.

Great plumes of smoke, soot, and dust would be sent aloft from these fires, lifted by their own heating to high altitudes where they could drift for weeks before dropping back or being washed out of the atmosphere onto the ground. Several hundred million tons of this smoke and soot would be shepherded by strong west-to-east winds until they would form a uniform belt of particles encircling the Northern Hemisphere from 30 to 60 latitude.

These thick black clouds could block out all but a fraction of the Sun's light for a period as long as several weeks. Surface temperatures would plunge for a few weeks as a consequence, perhaps by as much as 11 to 22 C (20 to 40 F). The conditions of semidarkness, killing frosts, and subfreezing temperatures, combined with high doses of radiation from nuclear fallout, would interrupt plant photosynthesis and could thus destroy much of the Earth's vegetation and animal life.

The extreme cold, high radiation levels, and the widespread destruction of industrial, medical, and transportation infrastructures along with food supplies and crops would trigger a massive death toll from starvation, exposure, and disease. A nuclear war could thus reduce the Earth's human population to a fraction of its previous numbers."


-Juice :afro:

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the united states and russia detonated hundreds, if not thousands of nuclear devices on our planet during the 50's, 60's and 70's.

just because they're less "civilized" than us western folk don't mean that they aren't afraid of the consequences of a nuclear war.

they're stupid, but not that stupid.

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You could call me a racist for saying this, but I absolutely do not give a fuck!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone that knows me knows that I do not see color, just ignorance.

Fuck them both. Fuck the middle east and all those home-made dynomite making, rag-wearing, no-beard trimming, smelly, potato-eating, sexist, blind religious zealoutsover there in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, India, Tajikastan, Uzbekerstan, Chechnya, and whatever other of those butt-fuck countries that keep warring because of beliefs. If they want to start a nuclear war between each other over Kashmir...we should never support either of those fuck ups ever again.

Yes we are the ones who started nuclear warfare, but at least we realized the destructive power....as did our foe for the better part of 50 years. We never waged war, even though the two of us were the most poerful and wealthy of nations............

If they want mass genocide against each other than fine.....cry me a fucking river. I could care less......a couple less assholes on this planet to deal with. Only cause of concern is the harm they cause to others. So what is there to do? How about we stop supplying these countries with funds so they can buy these weapons.

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1. to cause nuclear winter, a substantial portion of all of the world's nukes would have to be launched

2. neither country has a budget large enough for massive numbers of nukes

dont get me wrong...i am worried about it...but not hysterical that its going to cause the downfall of the human race

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This may sound stupid but I dont think there is going to be a nuclear war waged by goverments. In this day and age, nuclear weapons are more of a psychological weapon than anything else. Knowing that your enemy has the weapon will cause more sleepless nights than anything else. But when it comes down to using them, its a different matter. The leaders of the countries with nuclear weapons realize that if they launch even one, their lives are over. Now, terrorists using them is a whole different matter......

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First of all india blabs .. cant do shit !!!

India is the one who has millions of its soilders on the Line of control ..

So india should back out ....

Pakistan has been offering them to talk .. but they dont want to ..

There will be no war between india and pakistan ...

The reason why india is doing this cause

A: pakistan is the biggest coilation partner is the war right now and is helping USA to cut down islamic terrorist and toget hold of osama bin ladin .... and india DOES NOT LIKE THE FACT PAKISTAN IS GETTING THE GOOD NAME and getting BIG DEBT RELIEF... SO TO BE IN THE PICTURE IT HAS STARTED THIS BULLSHIT ...

B: Indias election are about to begin in 2 months .. for that the BJP party which is in power right now and has the office of prime minister .. wants to win the election again cause of that they have sent soilders on the border so that indian population support the BJP...

there are many other facts

and pakistan and india does NOT come in Middle east ...

If there is a nuclear war in that region that will escalate a world war cause china cant stand india ..

there are many other reasons which i can give but i want to see more what you gusy have to say !!

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

You could call me a racist for saying this, but I absolutely do not give a fuck!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone that knows me knows that I do not see color, just ignorance.

Fuck them both. Fuck the middle east and all those home-made dynomite making, rag-wearing, no-beard trimming, smelly, potato-eating, sexist, blind religious zealoutsover there in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, India, Tajikastan, Uzbekerstan, Chechnya, and whatever other of those butt-fuck countries that keep warring because of beliefs. If they want to start a nuclear war between each other over Kashmir...we should never support either of those fuck ups ever again.

Yes we are the ones who started nuclear warfare, but at least we realized the destructive power....as did our foe for the better part of 50 years. We never waged war, even though the two of us were the most poerful and wealthy of nations............

If they want mass genocide against each other than fine.....cry me a fucking river. I could care less......a couple less assholes on this planet to deal with. Only cause of concern is the harm they cause to others. So what is there to do? How about we stop supplying these countries with funds so they can buy these weapons.

yeah, ok, you're a racist.

our country is filled with plenty of assholes too, but you tolerate it because you know there's good people here too. why should it be any different than elsewhere?

and if korea and vietnam weren't wars with the communists, then what is a war in your mind?

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Originally posted by mattyparsons

yeah, ok, you're a racist.

our country is filled with plenty of assholes too, but you tolerate it because you know there's good people here too. why should it be any different than elsewhere?

and if korea and vietnam weren't wars with the communists, then what is a war in your mind?

Listen asshole.....I was making generalizations about those terrorist ass blasters who believe that by killing innocent people they can fuck 70 virgins in rag-head heaven or some shit.

And for the people over here, most of them don't condone this shit, but there are some that do. Hence the gizzard-sucking numnuts who tried toppling our country with a couple of cardboard cutters. Fuck them and fuck their mothers and fuck their sisters because in all honesty, if I ever met one of those punks face to face, I would rub his face in the concrete and piss on his blood-ridden turban.

Btw.....I wasn't talking about wars with communism, I know we had our fair share of those, I was talking about nuclear war. I suggest investing in some reading comprehension classes son.

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yo sonicinfusion,

so the fact that pakistan has been breeding these groups for years like jihad islami, that has nothing to do with it? or the fact that pakistan was the prime supporter of taliban? of the madrassas, that breed these crazy fucks. get the fuck outta here, india can wipe pakistan out in minutes, they are twice as powerful. they should settle this kashmir shit already. and whats with the BO??? i walk into a class at NJIT, 90% hindus and pakistanis, is it the curry in the food? jesus that place smelled like shit, i was dizzy. im serious, ive never smelled a group of people this bad. fuck kashmir, bring in some Old Spice for gods sake.

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Originally posted by tribal

yo sonicinfusion,

so the fact that pakistan has been breeding these groups for years like jihad islami, that has nothing to do with it? or the fact that pakistan was the prime supporter of taliban? of the madrassas, that breed these crazy fucks. get the fuck outta here, india can wipe pakistan out in minutes, they are twice as powerful. they should settle this kashmir shit already. and whats with the BO??? i walk into a class at NJIT, 90% hindus and pakistanis, is it the curry in the food? jesus that place smelled like shit, i was dizzy. im serious, ive never smelled a group of people this bad. fuck kashmir, bring in some Old Spice for gods sake.

I think the politically correct term is Halal eatin sandal-wearing fucknuts.

I really hate those terrorist assholes

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yo sonicinfusion,

so the fact that pakistan has been breeding these groups for years like jihad islami, that has nothing to do with it? or the fact that pakistan was the prime supporter of taliban? of the madrassas, that breed these crazy fucks. get the fuck outta here, india can wipe pakistan out in minutes, they are twice as powerful. they should settle this kashmir shit already. and whats with the BO??? i walk into a class at NJIT, 90% hindus and pakistanis, is it the curry in the food? jesus that place smelled like shit, i was dizzy. im serious, ive never smelled a group of people this bad. fuck kashmir, bring in some Old Spice for gods sake.


Okay Now im gonna give you a explanation for this !!!

When afghanistan was at war with Russia .. USA was supporting all these fanatics SO that russia lose the war ...

at that time my friend Pakistan was playing the BIG game again for the USA .. all the weapon was goin thru pakistan .. and the CIA had a branch whatever u wanna call it in Peshawar ... which is in pakistan ..

Well everything was done .. russia lost the war .. then USA backed off and isolated the afghanis .. So some one had to rule that country .. cause there were tons of tribal leaders fighting for there own area ..

Well taliban got into Power cause the majority of afghanis joined them .. and pakistan SUPPORTED THEM cause pakistan had one problem on the India border so did they not want another one on the afghani border ....

Well Talibans were not fanatics when they came into Power .. Its the UN sanctions which made them fanatic cause they were poor .. had nothing to eat ....children were dieing ... the country was destroyed by the russians and on top of that economic Sanctions .. so they became extremist and more isolated ...

You should look at the ROOT CAUSE of taliban ...

80% of the pakistani dont support the fanatic bullshit cause they know that if they do then pakistan will go 500 years back like how afghanistan is ....

Well i think i have said enuff

and btw the whole game is for the Oil ..

Uzbek has the most oil reserve's in the world .. more then middle east ... there will be a pipe line from from uzbek to afghanistan and then to pakistan port Gwadar within 5 years ..

and pakistan and afghanistan will be paid royalty for it ...

Now india .. U think india is powerful hmm okay ...

Lets talk about the Kargil episode which was not to far .. happened 2 years back ...

pakistan had 365 post's and india used all its airforce , army and only took 20 of them in 6 months ..

right now no one is powerful since you have the nuclear missle ...

they will blow each other up .. and pakistan has the balls to fire it first also and india knows that .. so the fuckin indians will never go into war .. its just a game for being in the picture and plus the elections in india .....

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Listen asshole.....I was making generalizations about those terrorist ass blasters who believe that by killing innocent people they can fuck 70 virgins in rag-head heaven or some shit.

And for the people over here, most of them don't condone this shit, but there are some that do. Hence the gizzard-sucking numnuts who tried toppling our country with a couple of cardboard cutters. Fuck them and fuck their mothers and fuck their sisters because in all honesty, if I ever met one of those punks face to face, I would rub his face in the concrete and piss on his blood-ridden turban.

Btw.....I wasn't talking about wars with communism, I know we had our fair share of those, I was talking about nuclear war. I suggest investing in some reading comprehension classes son.

damn dude, now i really see clearly why i stopped posting on this board. so i guess you subscribe to the camp "usa= always good, moral and correct" while "anyone who dislikes us is wrong"

did you ever think that maybe our country has a reason to be hated? did you ever think that maybe our country doesn't give a shit about anything but profit for the corporations that run it?

and as for reading comprehension classes....

i'm not even gonna touch that one.:rolleyes:

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Listen USA is not evil ..

Its just the policys which makes the USA hated by so many ...

Well like pakistan was supporting taliban till sep 11th .. after that they changed there policys FOR the country and supported USA ..

So first the country and self interest once .. then the others ...

Like why does USA support JEws .. cause most the rich ppl here ARe jews .. and they make the policys .. so nothing can be done about it ...

Reason cause of that the fanatics hate USA ..

its a simple reason

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