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pigs and their ego trips...


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WTF is up with cops and their damn egos.....they swear just bc they sport the badge and the weapons that they are some kind of supreme beings who can fuck around with innocent ppl just to feel like "the man"....the majority of them are just a bunch of lazy fat asses....:blown:

what do you all think???

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Originally posted by klohe

WTF is up with cops and their damn egos.....they swear just bc they sport the badge and the weapons that they are some kind of supreme beings who can fuck around with innocent ppl just to feel like "the man"....the majority of them are just a bunch of lazy fat asses....:blown:

what do you all think???

. . . well . . my dad was a cop in the South Bronx during the 70's and 80's . .. and most of my family are city cops . . . so I'm kinda biased towards cops . . but I will say this :

. . . Being a cop today is much MUCH harder than it was 20 or so years ago . . . so the attitude that they put out has probably changed for the worse . . .

. . . Did you have a bad run in recently? . . .

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Yeah I know especially Cops in NYPD

One time I got into a small accident and I got 2 cops attention to take care of the mess and and this one fat short cop comes over and starts BOUNCIN MY CAR !!! like how they do on Snoop Dog's video - WTF ????

Then he says shit like - " U have a bf and where you goin tonite ??

Til this day - that piece of shit cop makes me soo angry !!!!

I'm 5'2 . pettie and cute and some cop had the nerve to fuck with me !!


Hope you get shot or fucked up the ass by a big ass black man !!!

P.S> Remember Justin Volpe ? Ha ha ha

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Originally posted by dolcemimi

P.S> Remember Justin Volpe ? Ha ha ha

. . . yes, how could we forget. . . Cops like him should get what they have coming to them . . along with the guy that fucked with you . . .

. . . but keep one thing in mind . . . My dad retired from the force making over 80 g's a year before OT and the like . . . This city is now hiring people off the street to protect the city at 32 G's a year . . .

. . .With that kind of salary level, is there any wonder why they aren't getting quality people? . . . How do you take protecting an area seriously and with conviction if you can't even afford to live in it, except for the most fucked up and ghetto parts . . . Convince the city to raise their salaries, and you'll see a whole different class of people join the force . .. . Heck, I'd even sign up with the cybercrime division if the price was right . . . As long as the city cops can look to counties like Nassau, where cops are making 80 g's a year regularly, the problem aint gonna get better . . .

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Most cops seem to be the kids in school who used to get beat up and picked on all the time. So now they're looking for revenge from years of pent-up anger and frustration. Not exactly stable individuals.....

A lot of the kids in my neighborhood that were always degenerates in high school, getting into fights and who later dropped out of college are now in the nypd.

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i used to be a pro-cop person, until i started driving regularly. now, i hate em with a vengeance.

i've gotten about 9 tickets in the past year. i admit, some were warranted, and one time a cp was nice to me and kind of went easy on me, but other times, they were dicks and a half. one time, just because it was their freakin end of month and they needed to make some $$$, i get a seatbelt ticket when i was wearing a seatbelt, and stupidly took kit off for a minute. the cop SAW me wearing it, that dumb, fat piece of shit

another time, i got 2 tickets for "passing ont he right" and "drinving in a bicycle lane" alright, those donught-eating bastards, give me a ticket, but 2 of em for such dumb shit in the middle of the night?????

and when they have those speed traps on a city street where the speed limit is 30 but SHOULD be like 50???? if anybody know Father Cappadano in SI you know what i mean

bottom line: all i see is cops being a method of STEALING my money

on Canal St., there are these to mofo;s who try to rob people constantly. so i see this shit and compe up to this cop and try to explain that those two guys right there are trying to rob that old lady. the fuckinh piece of shit cop goes "i'm busy standing here, cant help you" that fuckhead wasnt doing anything, just standing with three buddies by a barricade.

i have met VERY nice and GOOD cops. and i am sure (and sure hope) that there are good cops on the force. but it seems as if cops just dont care about "serving and protecting" anymore. it should be a profession to be honored and respected, and its kind of hard to honor and respect cops like the ones i've met.

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Did you have a bad run in recently? . . .

not personally, but ever where I see a cop...he's always stuck on his pedastal...the other day I'm waiting for the Path train, and this elderly Spanish woman was having trouble with the machine...it ate her dollar 4 times and wouldn't let her through...so she tells the cop standing there and he was all like "It doesn't say it took any $" so she begins to tell him how it took not only 1, but 4 dollars, and he says "LISTEN TO WHAT I AM SAYING...IT DIDN'T TAKE YOUR MONEY, PAY AGAIN!!!" So the poor woman goes to a different turnstyle and pays again...asshole...

Phuturephunk, I'm not raggin on all "police officers" just the pigs that deserve to be called exactly what they are...OINK OINK!!!!

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I have much family who is on the force. And many friends.

So I kinda have my feeling for and against them...

Yes there are many who are complete morons... Kinda like the ones who are in clubs. They come up to you with Tight ass crotch huggin Jeans, A BaseBall cap and then pop the big question.

Without even a whisper... " Hey You know where I can get E "

After I stop laughing... I don't say a word... And just turn around.

Then there are the " Hard asses " Those I would put under the ( I got abused in school and now I want to take it out on the world ) Like stated above.

Then there are the normal cops... Rare, few, and far between...

But yes there are some...

But on all of there defenses... How would you like it if you were in there shoes. And the day you pull out a gun. You realize this piece of sh*t criminal has more rights than you. And if that man pulls a gun on you. Before you can even think about pulling your gun out. You have to think if there are witnesses around you to prove that the criminal pulled his gun out first. Otherwise you face criminal charges... It is a rough possition. Especially for the salary that they make.

Just so that I don't start any drama... That comment above had nothing to do with the Diallo case or any other case like it. It was random. And it is the truth...

Hope I didn't offend...

Peace... Scott :D :D

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