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HB or Platinum?

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So, what club do you think is better these days- Hunka Bunka or Platinum??

While I think Platinum looks nicer, I think Hunka Bunka is much better. And that's because they just get better DJs these days (Max Graham, Dave Ralph...etc). The promoters at that club seem to really care about the quality of music they bring in the club. As for Platinum, it's the complete opposite. Why try to imitate Exit, Roxy and other cheesey NYC clubs by bringing in the same DJs...who spin nothing but garbage? I went there opening night and I was so damn disappointed. I've never been that disappointed in a club in so long! I only went to the Tuesday parties when JM was spinning, but now that it's over, I have no reason to go back. Besides, there's better music right around the corner at Harvest Moon! Hahaha...

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The choosing of DJs has nothing to do with the promoters.

Also, it is foolish to judge a club by its opening night. There are always problems that cannot be foreseen, and these are problems which have been taken care of since. Why make an insluting comment about a place that you have not been to in over 2 months?

This is not a pro-Platinum/anti Bunka post. It just pisses me off how the 5-10 people on this board who talk shit don't go, have never been, or only went opening night. In other words, you have no idea what goes on.

It is not fair to judge Platinum(which has been open for 9 weeks to Hunka Bunka (which has been open for how long?) Since its opening there have been a variety of guest DJs and Resident Mark Amactucci is very talented as well. Maybe they havent gotten around to getting acts like Graham and Ralph, but then again, niether did Bunka until about a month ago.:confused:

(watch the Bunka supporters jump all over me for saying this) Perhaps Bunka is feeling a slow in business so it is scurrying to differentiate itself from Platinum?

Either way they both close at two am...its all about the afterhours!


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In addition, the people who like "good music" in this country, and in this area especially (as it seems) are few and far between. I happen to be a huge support of JM (i was on his promotions team) but the bottom line is not enough people wanted to come out and listen to him every week. His crowd fluctuated too much.

Yea, there were a couple of board geeks there every week (you know who you are) but think about it.....How many people did YOU get to go there......3, 2, none???????

For a club that wants to survive, they must cater to the mainstream. There are reasons why DJs who play music that appeal to the masses are more well-known (Tsettos, Skribble, etc) than DJs who dont. I believe there are few DJs who can play what they want and be praised for it....JP can let a record skip for a half hour and people wont even care...DT can bring back obscure disco hits from the 70s...they are fortunate enough to have devoted fans...what would happen if Denny Tsettos busted out a 2 hour tech or breaks set? People would leave and never go back!

Its not all about the music...Its about money too, and anyone who doesnt see that obviously has never been in the booth, or on the other side of the door that says "employees only"


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

I happen to be a huge support of JM (i was on his promotions team) but the bottom line is not enough people wanted to come out and listen to him every week. His crowd fluctuated too much.

BG is a wise man. There aren't enough true fans of the music in Jersey to support these parties with non-commercial music. Hunka Bunka is cool, i'll give them that much since they've been bringing in talent. I don't judge a party strictly by the population, that is secondary. First comes the music as always and i'm sure most will agree. JM is an extreemly talented DJ, if you haven't heard him yet go check him out and you won't tell us otherwise. Check out the crowd at Bunka for Dave Ralph... sparse. I don't understand why more people didn't come out for that night. It's because people don't know who Dave Ralph is. Stick him in NYC and he will pack it in. There is only so much you can ask for down here. Same goes for Max Graham a while back, great talent but where were the people. I'd rather be in an empty place than a tuna can(packed wall to wall). Just my thoughts. We'll see how Platinum evolves, they just opened recently.

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- mikelac- right on brothaman... my thoughts xactly... -=OP

- quality not quantity... granted money is involved.. but might as well give people their moneys worth... and yes, I have been on the other side...

- "cater to the mainstream" ... hMm...

- bunka's move to bring in better names... doesnt seem like a scurrying response to platinum... more like an innovative and audacious attempt to do something different in jersey... from my own understanding bunka has adhered to the general jersey rules and had been reluctant in the past to break from that mold... the jersey scene in almost laughable (and for those who also party in the city, you know xactly what i mean)... jersey will always be known for being cheesy and commercial (did someone say KTU) unless someone changes it... props to bunka for attempting to do something locally thats different and worthwhile...

- platinum has great potential, if they do things right...

- like i sed b4.. a pretty space doesnt impress me much...

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Originally posted by mikelac

So, what club do you think is better these days- Hunka Bunka or Platinum??

I think Platinum is MUCH MUCH better than Hunka Bunka. In my opinion Platinum is a whole lot cleaner and nicer. The people are so nice there. The bouncers at the door are extremely friendly and NEVER rude. The bartenders are extremely nice... DJs are great and the music is always good. My experiences at Hunka Bunka weren't as good. The bouncers were extremely rude and the valet parking people weren't so nice. I can have fun anywhere. I've had a good time at both places everytime, but nice people will definitely bring me back again... I like the atmosphere and style of Platinum a lot better. Again... this is just my opinion. No disrespect to Hunka Bunka... but I prefer Platinum. :)

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Plat is cool, strict dress code on Fridays and Saturdays. Two of my friends and I all got hasseled at 8:30, I guess cargos aren't allowed. The bouncers at Bunka are pretty strict and, well they are pretty much generic bouncers. Platinum has some booking/organizational work to do, then I can easily see them getting on top.

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The better club of the two is which one has more of my friends in it that night.

The music is definately a plus and not always perfect at either, although after friday night at Vinyl, music will never be the same for me.....

I do love the setup at Platinum, you can park yourself and not be run over by passers by, great layout.

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

JP can let a record skip for a half hour and people wont even care...DT can bring back obscure disco hits from the 70s...they are fortunate enough to have devoted fans...

one question though.......do you think they started out like this?

someone had to give them the chance and believe that in time they would develop a following.......nobody is gonna develop a devoted following in 2 months........no matter how good you are.......not enough time to get your name buzzing.......

in order for any club in this state to steer away from the typical mainstream stuff, they're gonna have to take hits financially......with a lot of clubbers in NJ trained that commercial stuff is the only "house" music out there, its not easy to just stuff underground tunes down their throats in a short period of time and make them come back.......someplace has to suck it up if they want to make it happen and hope that if things go right, that people will start to catch on........then the money will be made.....I realize it's easier said than done but I don't see any other way...........I thought Platinum was gonna give it a shot but it looks like they're bailing out early.......

in the end though, I still like Platinum as a club.......always have had a good time there.......haven't been to Bunka since I was 19 so I don't know.....:)

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Originally posted by teresadf

IMO this thread is stupid. You can't compare the 2 clubs they are completely 2 different venues. Hunka Bunka has been around for over 17 years and Platinum has been around for how long? :rolleyes:

HAHA..you tell em Teresadf!!!! Missed you on Saturday...def will be at HB this saturday!!

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I go to clubs for 3 reasons.....

1) music (foremost)

2) women

3) hang out with friends


1) Music....Bunkas has better music lately. Graham, Ralph, and upcoming Green Velvet, Scott Bond and Donald Glaude.....not to mention John Michaels opening for Green Velvet. Youre not going to find many who are into music that is going to go to Platinum over HB on the nights any of these DJ's I just named are spinning.....so Bunka wins in the music category.

2) Women....Bunkas on Saturday has possibly the best looking crowd in New Jersey. On Friday...the better looking crowd might be at Platinum. Platinum could win this category...but only on Fridays. Bunka wins for Saturday.

3) Hanging out with friends...for me Bunka wins this...all my friends hang out at Bunka.

So I guess Bunka takes the crown for me...(but I will be at Platinum to support BG when he opens once a month)...west siiiiiide!

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Originally posted by carusomaas11

I go to clubs for 3 reasons.....

1) music (foremost)

2) women

3) hang out with friends


1) Music....Bunkas has better music lately. Graham, Ralph, and upcoming Green Velvet, Scott Bond and Donald Glaude.....not to mention John Michaels opening for Green Velvet. Youre not going to find many who are into music that is going to go to Platinum over HB on the nights any of these DJ's I just named are spinning.....so Bunka wins in the music category.

2) Women....Bunkas on Saturday has possibly the best looking crowd in New Jersey. On Friday...the better looking crowd might be at Platinum. Platinum could win this category...but only on Fridays. Bunka wins for Saturday.

3) Hanging out with friends...for me Bunka wins this...all my friends hang out at Bunka.

So I guess Bunka takes the crown for me...(but I will be at Platinum to support BG when he opens once a month)...west siiiiiide!

I agree world class DJ'S at Bunka who can ever beat that!

Bunka's Got the beats!! Donald Glaude too? R U Sure? Cause If so, I am so there!!!:)

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I've been to both clubs in the past month and they are both good. I personally like the set up at bunka better. Plenty of room to dance and a ton of bars, which is important to an alcoholic like me. Although Platinum has a good set up as well.

i have fun no matter where I go. Its all about the crew that your with and the music. I'm sure Spygirl will agree with me on this one. We once had about 15 of us take over Atlantis on Staten Island. the Dj played whatever we wanted cause we created the vibe for him. The whole place was empty by 2am and he kept spinning til 4 for us. We were the only ones left in the joint for the last hour or so.

So to me, this thread is useless. go out and have a good time. There is no bigger buzz kill in the world then miserable people at clubs.

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Originally posted by unclebuc

i have fun no matter where I go. Its all about the crew that your with and the music. I'm sure Spygirl will agree with me on this one. We once had about 15 of us take over Atlantis on Staten Island. the Dj played whatever we wanted cause we created the vibe for him. The whole place was empty by 2am and he kept spinning til 4 for us. We were the only ones left in the joint for the last hour or so.

Very well said Buc..It's all about your crew and having a good time, whether you are in a big super club, a dinky bar, or a cardboard box:D :D :D That was a great night, we might have to do it again......

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