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I go through life making friends, meeting people,ending contact with people,etc..but what bothers me a lot is the lack of intelligence, insight,and integrity that seems to be missing from a lot of people..I never thought I'd be depressed from not finding a simple stimulating conversation, but I guess with everyone in this day and age, where they have to pretend to be someone that they're not, it's not obvious...

I believe in vibes and auras and all..and I believe that when you meet a person who has similar interests and viewpoints about important things that is similar to your own, then that is so wonderful...you feel as if you have finally found someone who's not as simpleminded as the rest.. who can actually go deeper than the usual "How was your weekend?Did you get fucked up?"

or ..........(complete silence filled with extremely stupid and shallow remarks from the second person).

Maybe it's the lack of sleep that's talking here..or maybe I am just sick of trying to find people that are real........just wish people would be more friendly and supportive of one another as we would like to think we'd be to most people........

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I think people generally need to read more, exercise that part of the brain, rather than be glued to the television all the time.

I believe t.v. is a major force behind the corruption in the world. Too little in which the gov't controls (afghanistan, former yugoslavia) is not good, HOWEVER, too much where big business owns (Avg. teen watches 6 hrs of t.v. a day in the U.S.) ALSO is not good. It's a medium whereby people just take-in without scrutinizing what's behind the messages. Reading is so much more fulfilling and engaging...it doesn't do the work for you; rather, you immerse yourself in your own creative-subjective way that you want :)

People need to work in order to obtain true knowledge and value---it won't just come to you. Watch BBC, read the newspaper from time to time, or just go out for a walk and observe your surroundings. Sometimes i wish i lived in medieval days, where silence, nature and artwork thrived.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

true. most people today seem so fucking stupid. the average person on the street is usually a moron. don't think that its just you that thinks this or that its becuz ur tired. i find that people are nothing more than walking advertisements today with nothing worthwile to say.

Definitly agree with ya tony.. everyone has something negative to say... like my friends... they always have a negative thing to say.. and it pisses me off.

who wants to be my new friends :)

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I definitely agree with you it is very hard to find people out there who are interested in stimulating conversation.

It seems to me as I get older and the years go by people have become more and more egotistical and self centered.

People become so concerned with what is on the outside then on the inside and they really dont take the time to get to know someone for who they are and not what they are.

Just because someone has a phat car, or money, or looks people are immediately interested in being your so called friends.

What I also learned is how fake people are and how they arent really there when you need them the most.

It is basically a done deal if there isn't instant gratification then there is none at all.

The world has just become too self centered.

Thats why the wonderful friends that I have I appreciate them greatly because there arent many left IMO.

Just my two cents!

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Originally posted by sassa

I go through life making friends, meeting people,ending contact with people,etc..but what bothers me a lot is the lack of intelligence, insight,and integrity that seems to be missing from a lot of people..I never thought I'd be depressed from not finding a simple stimulating conversation, but I guess with everyone in this day and age, where they have to pretend to be someone that they're not, it's not obvious...

I believe in vibes and auras and all..and I believe that when you meet a person who has similar interests and viewpoints about important things that is similar to your own, then that is so wonderful...you feel as if you have finally found someone who's not as simpleminded as the rest.. who can actually go deeper than the usual "How was your weekend?Did you get fucked up?"

or ..........(complete silence filled with extremely stupid and shallow remarks from the second person).

Maybe it's the lack of sleep that's talking here..or maybe I am just sick of trying to find people that are real........just wish people would be more friendly and supportive of one another as we would like to think we'd be to most people........

i know exactly what you mean. i think in some ways it discourages me from going out more often (because its not an atmosphere which is conducive to having an intelligent conversation).

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Originally posted by sassa

stimulating conversations are tricky.

and, i should point out that we are different things to different people in different contexts and at different times. it depends on when and how you catch 'em.

the aura YOU see glowing from one person may not be seen by another. conversely, the vibe that one person feels emanating from another may not be apparent to YOU.

depending on how you catch me, i can be a disinterested stuttering simpleton talking about the irrigation infrastructure in 3rd world countries in one conversation, and then shoot my mouth off talking passionately about astrophysics as if it were my lover in the next.

intelligence, insight, and perspective change from one person -- and one moment -- to the next. food for thought.

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i find the very same thing...im a waiter so i deal with the public all the time and i find it absolutely amazing how fucking clueless these people are....i mean they must not even have a brain...but i agree with who ever said tv was horrible.....but people these days really arent educated from the experiences that i have had....

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Originally posted by sassa

I go through life making friends, meeting people,ending contact with people,etc..but what bothers me a lot is the lack of intelligence, insight,and integrity that seems to be missing from a lot of people..I never thought I'd be depressed from not finding a simple stimulating conversation, but I guess with everyone in this day and age, where they have to pretend to be someone that they're not, it's not obvious...

I believe in vibes and auras and all..and I believe that when you meet a person who has similar interests and viewpoints about important things that is similar to your own, then that is so wonderful...you feel as if you have finally found someone who's not as simpleminded as the rest.. who can actually go deeper than the usual "How was your weekend?Did you get fucked up?"

or ..........(complete silence filled with extremely stupid and shallow remarks from the second person).

Maybe it's the lack of sleep that's talking here..or maybe I am just sick of trying to find people that are real........just wish people would be more friendly and supportive of one another as we would like to think we'd be to most people........

I agree with ya..Its hard too find too many people who can hold my interest:( I do to beleive in auras and vibes. But hun maybe you are meeting the wrong types? Like where are you meeting people....Babe your not alone...its truly is sad that there are so many of these people filling up space and not enough of the intellectual ones...

Phunk..yeah ignorance is bliss :laugh:

Loch great points...intelligence, insight, and perspective change from one person -- and one moment -- to the next. food for thought.

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and another thing:

for every time you call someone stupid & ignorant, there are two other people out there who think YOU'RE stupid & ignorant.

if only you knew...i bet everyone who posted in this thread is being or has been thought of being "stupid and ignorant" right at this moment.

don't be too quick to call people stupid. you're one of them. i'll be the first to tell you i am. i'd rather be that than an elitist prick.

"we are different things to different people."

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Originally posted by loch

and another thing:

for every time you call someone stupid & ignorant, there are two other people out there who think YOU'RE stupid & ignorant.

if only you knew...i bet everyone who posted in this thread is being or has been thought of being "stupid and ignorant" right at this moment.

don't be too quick to call people stupid. you're one of them. i'll be the first to tell you i am. i'd rather be that than an elitist prick.

"we are different things to different people."

I* agree here with loch...

We all have a touch of ignorance/stupidity manifested in some way...some of us are just better at hiding it than others.

Lots of times i try to place myself in someone else's shoes. It may not be fun or "cool", but it's something that will prepare you for the rest of your life, no matter what hurdle is thrown at you :woah2:

Empathy is the magic word (SCREAM REAL LOUD) :cry:

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i absolutely agree with gmccookny, reading is essential in constructing an intelligent conversation. since i came to this country, it has become obvious, that the american culture in some ways shuns the intellectual, the one who prefers a book over a football. in order for a personal to be stimulating intellectually, they need a source, a foundation from which to build their points and arguments, a bonafide materiel sort of. in this country unfortunately the emphasis is on who is going to win the next Survivor show, rather than whats new and interesting to read and assess. dont lose it though, i understand where youre coming from.

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Originally posted by tribal

i absolutely agree with gmccookny, reading is essential in constructing an intelligent conversation. since i came to this country, it has become obvious, that the american culture in some ways shuns the intellectual, the one who prefers a book over a football. in order for a personal to be stimulating intellectually, they need a source, a foundation from which to build their points and arguments, a bonafide materiel sort of. in this country unfortunately the emphasis is on who is going to win the next Survivor show, rather than whats new and interesting to read and assess. dont lose it though, i understand where youre coming from.

Hey Tribal...

I know you're into the world-geopolitical scene... WHat news sources do you stick to?

I'm starting to get tired and bored of the New York Times :tongue:

Any good sources?

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