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My Exit is Beat Review

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First of let me say, Tiesto definately performed well. He didnt play as many vocals as I had hoped, but he definately had the flow there. Urban train came on, I almost had a heart attack dancing 50 mph. Would I see Tiesto again, hell yea...would I see Tiesto at Exit again..hell no.

I havent been to Exit in two years, but let me say that the crowd was beat...the chicks were beat, and the place is just beat. The White Room was also a little beat this time.I only went because of Tiesto and I promise myself I will never go to Exit again..Exit is the crap de la crap of the NYC night scene.

BTW....I think Exit and China Club should swap names....it makes a lot more sense.

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I pretty much agree with everything you said. Just got home, and the most important thing is that Tiesto rocked. Didn't play that many 'hits', just enough to keep people happy. Lots of new stuff, and he spun & selected well.

Exit, however is another story. First, I have never ever been to a club as packed as Exit was tonite. This absolutely sucked ass, because it took me a long time to get in a groove as i was constantly being shoved/pushed/moved, etc. It was ridiculous. Also, it was hot as living hell in there.

As for the people/crowd, I was hoping that Draper would have taken the 'bad element' with him, but this proved not to be the case. Stupid assholes running around knocking into you and then giving you bad looks and shit. This was happening constantly...

Toward the middle of Tiesto's set I thought the club cleared out a litte, which made it more manageable.

All in all a good night, thanks to tiesto. Unfortunately some of the DJs I most want to see (i.e. F. Corsten and probably ArminVanBuuren) will be spinnng at Exit, so I can't say I'll never go back....... the jury's still out on whether I'll endure the bad parts of Exit to hear good music....


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Oh man... 8:30 and i just got

out it?

first-- the place was empty and dead... then by 1:00 it was full and dead. Being shoved really sucks, but you just gotta deal. dancing with this chick from LI-- yeh we got moveed bumped shoved, sucks, but what can I do about it? Are there any other clubs as large, with heterosexual people (chicks)?

I had great night from the emptyness, to the meetup of CP people (sorry i came late)-- Sexxy H "Bootlicious" did you really think I would forget?-- and you'r sexyness was def. bootilicious.

Roninmess--- sup? sorry If i seemed.....uh.... fucked up.... b/c well... you know.. def contriubted to the night.

Transcend-- sorry you didnt have a good time... I'm sure we'll meet up someplace better another time. Anyone else who I miss.... dont take it peronally, I was a little off... we'll meet again (TONIGHT?)

Bump to one of the girls for the stoge-- i needed it.(sexxyH?)

Snoozi8-- the hat look good, no cheese in the cowboy hat. kix ass that i got to meet you too


i'm goin to bed... maybe wake up for an early dinner-- anyone wanna meet up? whats goin on tonight? (WORLD = FREE + ~g~ GUESTLIST)... it==IT BETTER NOT SUCK LIKE LAST WEEK


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The crouds sucked and I put the partial blame on Exit itself... There were so many closures throughout the club. Highly used routes to the steps... Etc. Which caused jam up all around. Jam ups always cause a bad vibe from as far back as I could remember... Yes the croud was extremely obnoctious... But I just found my spot and claimed it... I ignored the croud and indulged in the great traxx that Tiesto was spinning... And basically had a great time. Minus all the annoyances... If the croud dont chill out a little. Exit is gonna be the next one on the hit list for pad locks...

Peace... And to all who I met... Sorry if I seemed rude... I was not trying to be... I really wanted to chill and at least get a chance to talk to you peeps... But you know how it is when your crew is pulling your legs... And then this other friend is pulling your leg the other way... I was going Nucking Futs... I hope the next time I get a chance to meet up with you people we will be able to get more aquanted... But thanks too all of you who gave me a warm welcome...

Peace Scott

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I try to be creative... Sometimes I come up with sh*t... And other times I come up with something decent... I actually liked how this one came out when I was done...

Preciate the feedback...

I really wish I could fall asleep now damn it... But it aint happening... Listening to tunes... And posting...

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But I have to be different. I was not there to pay attention to the crowd. Even though it was hard to ignore them all. But like I said before... I eventually Found My spot... Ignored the Bullshit... And enjoyed the music... Thats what I went there for anyway... If I was worried about the crowd annoying me I would have never gone... We all know that Exit loves to close all major pathways at stupid times causing all kinds of confusion... I mean come on they closed the second level on almost the whole side... That was rediculous... I mean I know there was a priv. Party but wasnt there a better way to accomidate this... I noticed that Exit security was just as on edge as the croud was last night... Saw people gettin tossed left and right last night... But they leave the heroin addict on the steps lookin like he was gonna fall down the steps... Anyone see him... He was all messed up...

As far as the door was concerned. Come on !!! No searchin !!! for many reasons that pisses me off... You know it was only a few short months ago that 2 of our cities buildings were taken out by terrorists... Just think about it... One sick fuck with a bomb in a club like exit... Even if it didnt blow up the place... The scare would cause such a stampede of people. Very dangerous last night... They need to be a little more strict... Start turning people away... If they keep it up because of greed for attendance and money... They will be pad locked in no time... I mean the guy at the door took my ID had it up side down hardly glanced at it and gave it back and I walked in. Yes I am obviously of age but how many 14, 15, 16 year olds were in there... I saw a shit load of youngins... That is also askin for big trouble...

My predictions ... EXIT DOES NOT LAST ANOTHER 6 TO 8 MONTHS WITHOUT BEING PAD LOCKED... Don't any of the club owners believe in quality not quantity anymore... I mean if you bring in a quality crowd... Hire bigger names... Maybe up the admission a little. They would still make money ... And people would always come back because they know they will enjoy it...

Shit I am rambling... let me shut up...


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dude... your fucking right.

Last 2 times i was exit they almost made me get naked... i never carry anything on me.... thats for the pregame. But anyway, WTF? i couldnt believe they let me right thrhough... i think it's b/c tey are so disorganized (between the door to get in and the actual front bar... you know, that little hallway).

The front guard was like " go to the short dude in the back".. I start walking... stop after a few feet, look around for a short security guard, and the one in the back just says "Go right in" (obviously he thought I was already checked by the dude in front.)

BTW--- about the bad searching job,,, you may or maynot rmmbr a couple of months ago there was a club Tel Aviv.... some guy had a bomb or something... i dont rmmbr the sotyr, only the end... around 10 people died and dozense injured.

eem meeshehu yodeh ma shem a ulam, tageedu lee

trans: If someone knows what the name of that club was, please let me know.

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Originally posted by elementx

... Don't any of the club owners believe in quality not quantity anymore... I mean if you bring in a quality crowd... Hire bigger names... Maybe up the admission a little. They would still make money ... And people would always come back because they know they will enjoy it...

Shit I am rambling... let me shut up...


Yeah, there was that theory and it was executed. It was a club called Twilo. Then there is Vinyl today, only nowhere near the quality sound system.

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