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Originally posted by realz

(what was with the fire alarm going off?)

LMAO.. yeah that's what I wanted to know.. I was so fucking retarted when the alarm went off.. I got all paranoid and slammed the rum & coke and I was drinking as fast as I could.. big mistake, I got the craziest head spin I think I've ever had from alcohol..

I remember thinking to myself: the fire alarm is going off.. hmm.. shouldn't people be heading towards the Exit?? I don't wanna burn.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I dunno, I wouldn't say I had a bad night, it was just crazy.. we won't get into it..

But -- it did suck how fucking crowded it was, it pisses me off everytime a club gets that crowded.. :mad:

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Yeah so I've tried to hold back my review... but I can't hold it anyl longer.

Atmosphere... sucks, Venue... awsome, Music... Excellent, Tiesto goin off at 6am...PERFECT for me cause I had to leave around then, but honestly thats fuckin bullshit when promised till closing. Tiesto had me moving in my little space. It was fun being with the CP heads down by the speaker box the whole last few hours. I think we held down our spot nicely.

I ran into TWO ex girlfriends, 1 kid I went to Elementary school with, 2 people from my high school, and 3 people that live within 5 mins of me. Mad weird seeing people from around me.

Now, realz... wtf is with having a whole side of the second floor roped off? Seriously that was such a hastle cause most of the people in there just hung out... thanx for the wrist band since it did let me cool off... well I steamed things up in there actually, but nevermind that. But I don't see how they could let such a crucial part of the club be for a private gathering.

I dunno... I'll go back sometime... but I do see why I stopped going.

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I didn't expect Tiesto to spin past 6, 4 hours if usually his max around here. He should have taken the extra 5 minutes to spin a closing track after he stopped. OH WELL! There were way tooooo many people in there, but i'm not going to repeat everything that sucked because its been done 100x already. "Where is Draper....", "Holy shit Tiesto just droped a Children remix....". absolute RETARDS. The list goes on and on.

Yeah that fire alarm got me a little worried, I guess they just shut it off or something. My friend saw some kid jump up on the side of the DJ booth to try and see Tiesto, but he hit the tables by accident which caused that huge trainwreck. Sorry I missed the meetup, but I ran into a bunch of CP heads anyway.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

yoo...im new to this..u people meet up ?? and how ill do i have to b part of the meet-up thingie? ahha

First you got to mail order a request, then after we receive it you are put on a waiting line until further notified.

LOL..........just show up when a meetup is posted. They go on all the time at various places. The popular ones are Roxy on Fridays and Factory on Saturdays.....but a lot more are going on all over the place.

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OK so i am finally gonna post about MY night.


I was amped to head back to exit for the first time in a while. I was sorely mistaken. The crowd sucked, it was too hot,too crowded, etc. etc.

If it wasn't for CP peeps I would have gone nuts.

Jon - Nice chillin with you man, you are cool as hell.

Jay- WTF bro.....that shit was insane.

I had the best time from 5-6. Did anyone see when Tiesto did that poof thing with his hand when the beat dropped on the buildup of the song, then all the lights went blue? That was cool, that guy is intense.

I was soooooo fucking pissed when he stopped. He played that outro, which at the time i thought was going to be some sick uplifting track, then it stopped i was like fuuuuuuuuuck.

decent night i guess, Tiesto was good, had a good time with everyone from the board.

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k, i guess i'll give my review, wut the hell. we got there kinda early, earlier than i wanted to, but im glad we did. it wasnt too packed when we showed up...but then it got ridiculously crowded outta nowhere. it was wayyyyy to hot...no room to move. and the music b4 tiesto might have been good, but idk cuz u couldnt hear it. why was there no speakers on upstairs?

when tiesto came on..it got a lot better. and once 4:30-5:00 rolled around, alot of people started to leave,and at least there was room to move. it was still packed, but a good packed.

tiesto was insane. never saw him live b4. i was completely blown away. every song got me amped. it was a style i never really listened too before...and i fawkin love it. cant wait to dl all the songs from his set list.

the dj after tiesto was pretty damn good too. palyes some sick songs. we left at like 8 am. the night as a whole...i had a blast. the night felt like it went on for days. it didnt drag..but it just felt like a real long time.

good seein all the peeps...trancerxn, rdancer, godfather, doubtness, art, jonstephen, bigpoppa (who took me out on the stairs when he fell down behind me), codica, scoob-e....etc, etc...so many of u guys. i tried to chill with everyone as much as possible, and also keep my boy alex happy too since he didnt know anyone.

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

good seein all the peeps...trancerxn, rdancer, godfather, doubtness, art, jonstephen, bigpoppa (who took me out on the stairs when he fell down behind me), codica, scoob-e....etc, etc...so many of u guys. i tried to chill with everyone as much as possible, and also keep my boy alex happy too since he didnt know anyone.


sorry about that

u ok bro?


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I don't think I ever posted a full review I don't think I feel like it now thank goodness for the CP crew (nice meeting you guys who I always see at Roxy but never spoke to before :) )

Jon, Bog, Mike (Soprano), Joe, Ron, Danielle, Christian (damn what's your girl's name again? eek damn cool), Erik, anddd

Legend, Blaze, Snoboarder, oh helllll those of you who chilled with Snoozi in the leopard cowboy hat know who you are......had an amazing time dancing with everybody depite the heat and crowd..... hope all of you will be at Howells, Cox, (i have to see if I feel like bearing that club for Corsten), etc

if you're not going to dance get off the stage!

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jus wanna say sup all. im new here and this site looks pretty hot.

exit was okay overall friday nite. tiesto killed it w/ the hardness. the place was toooo pizzaaackedddd tho which lead to heat that sucked which lead for me to havin pay 5 bucks for water that even sucked more cos chuggin it just made me even thirstier and made me want more water...we didnt have any room to dance so me n my boys claimed steps on one of the platforms so we could bug out when tiesto dropped. im pretty new to the trance scene but tiesto's set was the best sht i've ever heard so id say the 25 beans was worth it, even tho it was sardine city and hot chicks were harder to come by than usual. at least i got new tiesto songs to get on mp3 heheh:D

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