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teen nights

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What I said was not meant to affend you.

i mean it seriously.

The first time i started clubbing was in cancun and I was 16. I didne even know what clubs where until then. That trip changed my life in uncountable ways. If you and your too young, you proablly wouldnt have fun anyway.

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"I envy you".

that what the ppl I work with said to me when I told 'em about my eXXXXXXXXXXXXXit and World and unsuccessfull LL weeknd. they were like "I'm 21/24/25 (3 dif ppl) now, and i WISH i started younger"

well-- thank god i started when I did... and BTW for those Teen night peeps... convince, beg, threaten, rob, rape and pillage for your prnts to let you go to cancun-- magic happens. Haven't been there without something amazing happeneing in my life.

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Originally posted by shopgirl61

Does anyone know of any club that has teen nights in New York City for under 18 year olds. IS there anything happening for February 20th - the 22.

Thank you,


exit has a bunch of no ID nights, one of which is tonite. thats about the only no ID club in the city. i figured id be the one to finally answer your ? cuz i know the feeling when you cannot get into a club ya want ta go to (filter fuckin 14)

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Originally posted by sexxyh



:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You can probably just use a business card. About the size of an I.D... From what I saw... They took my ID... Didnt even look down at it... Handed it back to me and pointed me in...

And besides... Scary as it is... There were plenty of Kiddies in there Friday night... Sorry to keep the drama going but I did absolutley nothing else this weekend and I am bored out of my mind... :shake: :shake:

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Originally posted by avalondon3

Every Friday night @ Exit is teen night!:D

Okay now my brother saw this.. He wants to go...

My questions are:

1- Do they need a parents permission letter?

2- Do they have to come with a parent?

3- Can they bring their toys if they get bored..

4 - How much is the milk?

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Originally posted by mur

Okay now my brother saw this.. He wants to go...

My questions are:

1- Do they need a parents permission letter?

2- Do they have to come with a parent?

3- Can they bring their toys if they get bored..

4 - How much is the milk?

:laugh: :laugh:

Before 12, kids under the age of 12 get in for free!:eek:

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