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Deep Dish & Danny Tenaglia @ World

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Ok. So the night sucked to make it short. The venue was terrible....World is designed to be a concert venue...not a night club....it should stay a concert venue. The sound sucked....it sounded like canned music.....the system is better in my dinky stereo at home. The people....sucked. Ive never been with a smellier, drugged up, rude bunch of people in my whole life. The place smelled disgusting....in certain places I thought someone took a shit on the floor. GROSS. :puke: I dont know what these people were on but they were not happy e tards....they looked like they were in some crazy fucked up state that I have never seen before....maybe meth? They were all so rude too...I lost count of how many times a big goomba shoved me out of the way or aerobicized near me (hitting me with their waving arms and legs.) They were insane! They were all in the mosh pit (dance floor) staring at the stage (dj booth) with a look like they never saw a DJ before....some of them were trying to climb on the stage! I dont know why! Some girl actually did! She was taken away though. I could go on an on about the crowd... like how people were running around the place piggy back...unbelievable...I thought I was in the zoo or a circus. =o

The music too was a let down.....Deep Dish was more sleep than deep. They had their moments but for the most part they were the usual SBPF as Adam would say.

Danny...dont even ask. Trance...130 BPM. EWWWW.

Playing to the crowd? Yes MA'AM.

I only stayed for 2 hours of his set...It was just too much....everything was getting to me....I didnt want to endure the spectacle anymore. Not too mention a few people who stayed backstage the whole night. I dont know why they bother coming out to a club to stay backstage. I really feel bad for those that had to pay. Their money wouldve been better spent at the circus.

OH man. I am done! This really makes me never want to go out again.

This is me during the night....

Beginning.... :)

Middle.... :eek:

Almost at the end.... :blank:

When I left.... :(

For those of you that didnt go....you should be happy. You didnt miss a damn thing...

I am done....


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~~~ i was one of those ppl who stayed backstage most of the night on the grand opening.....u see backstage u sit next to the speakers so u get the full effect of the music u get free water and red bulls and NOONE STEPS ON U!!!! i gotin for free so i realy didnt care i had a good time backstage:tongue:

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HAHAHAH amazing to see the to completely opposite threads.....

I had a decent time not great not bad, deep dish didnt spin very long, dt was horrible for a while then from like 530 to 630 he played some really good stuff then he played typical vinyl songs "music is the answer" and "be yourself" def. playing for the crowd..... which was pretty weak......

Oh yeah has the world ever heard of things called chairs???? There is no where to sit down.....

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I knew there sound system was gonna get to someone, it sucks. I was there the first night it opened and i dont think iam going back. Its not worth paying the $$$ to listen to anyone because of there system. Its impossible to appreciate even the best DJs @ World with there system. :(

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OMG Don't get me started about the chairs! I couldnt believe a place that size didnt have enough seating for everyone. The funny part was next to that "Performance in progress" room there was a whole bunch of chairs sitting there doing nothing! BAH HUMBUG.

Anywho I'm off to enjoy the sun. :)


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The sound system definitely sucks at the world. you had to be on the dance floor to really get a feel for it. The crowd for the most part was terrible. but after the drinking crowd left it was ok. As for the music, i thought Deep Dish was good and thought Danny was awsome. His mixing is flawless. The best thing World has going for them are the lights.....they were simply awsome. I think the reason they were still serving was because it was a monday morning.....no longer a weekend. but around 6ish they were only serving water and soda.

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Originally posted by sonicinfusion

now i cannot wait for dd at VInyl on the 16th of march

word.. do you think the sets gonna be as energetic as Sunday?? I hope they dont play too moody again... cuz Sunday, music was definately off the hook.

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When and for how long did Deep Dish actually spin??? I never got to see them (got there at 2:30) so I basically paid $45 to see DT and as much as I love the man it was NOT worth that much money for a DJ that I can see for $25 at his place of residency at any given week...

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Sorry to hear that World sucked as usual. But at least the music was good. I'll stick to seeing DT at Vinyl, and DD at Centro or wherever... whenever they come along. The sound system at World sucks, the crowd sucks, most aspects of the club suck. I mean come on, it is in Times Square... do you really think this place is going to revolve around the music?? nope. Good to hear that some had a good time.

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I thought the night was actually good, but i may be biased cause I was with about 12-15 friends I haven't gone out with for a while..

However.... that first post, Calyandra, I really don't know which club she was in but the crowd was ok, not bad at all. I don't know but we found our selves in a nice spot where we could all chill, and have enough room to dance and have a good time. could not see the stage but the sound from where we were was not so bad. My ears were'nt bothering me when we left, good sign...

I am however very dissapointed in Deep Dish, the beats were good but tooo redundant, and seemed to never change up. the blow ups were phat but it seemed to go back to the same bland crap over and over again. I saw them at Centro and thought they were much better. (main reason I went to the show was to see them).

Danny came on, and he threw on some phat trax and looked like he was doing his usual thing (NICE), but by 6:30 I had to go, getting in as soon as the place opened until 6:30, if your not on something - anything - more power to ya, I can't dance that long......


Other than that is was a good night out, so if you did not go you did not miss the party of a lifetime but definatly missed a really good time.....: :)

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Originally posted by dlsandwich

When and for how long did Deep Dish actually spin??? I never got to see them (got there at 2:30) so I basically paid $45 to see DT and as much as I love the man it was NOT worth that much money for a DJ that I can see for $25 at his place of residency at any given week...

YOU ETARD !! DEEP DISH WAS PLAYING TILL 5:30 and then DT came !! and was playing till 11 am

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Originally posted by realz

word.. do you think the sets gonna be as energetic as Sunday?? I hope they dont play too moody again... cuz Sunday, music was definately off the hook.

Dude its deep dish u talking about and for 10 hours @ vinyl ..

IT will be Progressive ......we will dance nonstop for 10 hours !!!

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I must give DD & DT thumbs up. Maybe because it made up for the bad experience I had at Tiesto.

It wasn’t as crowded I was expecting. The sound system was not all there but the lighting made up for it.

The dance floor was packed so I spent most oh the time in the back room where there was plenty of room

Dance and chill and the sound system was ok, and then towards the end of the night migrated over to the back by the TV column. I must say it had some grate visuals. The bar was opened pretty late, and the service pretty fast throughout the night. I think I got my last drink at 5:30 with no problem. I ended up going at about 8 and the place was still kicking.

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well, despite everything and everyone else's reviews I had a greeeeeeeat time....that may have been because:

I worked at the Will Call table with Lainie until about 3am I had a blast World security (out front at least) are cool guys one brought us a Twix :) being that I worked off my ticket= less money spent.....Lainie you are fabulous...I must increase the boobage hehe Dave--nice seeing ya for more than a second!

got inside and it was nuts but not as bad as Exit stayed in the back room that had good sound and lots of room most of the night....also danced by the tv screens in the back on and off saw friends from different clubs thought the music was slammin...especially as it got later into the morning

Lainie---my mistress, partner in crime damn that is a firm bum hehe why? because they're stuuuuuuupiiiiiiiid! lol

Dave thanks for directing the people man nice to see the enthusiasm ;)

Bog thanks for being my buddy for the night ;) damn I guess I was f*cked up hehehe

KEVIN!!!!!!! from now on if no one is heading out with you CALL ME you were a riot I luv you man, but you had me worried!

Andy----saw you at the table when you came in...where the hell did you go?

Okay kind of upset I didn't see any more of the usual suspects but oh well see ya next week hopefully

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Originally posted by kandyraver

explain to me this how do good lights make up for shitty sound, I mean you are talking about 2 different senses no last time I was at a club with shitty sound the lights don't make up shit they just help you pass the time as you try to make out the sound

I did not say it was shitty. What I did say was ” The sound system was not all there “ I expected something better.

It was no Roxy, Vinyl, or Twilo sound system, but did deliver a OK blast for the main dance floor.

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