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non-stop arab terror


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no one is always right, never. but i dont see israelis blowing up civilians on daily basis, in calculated terror attacks, designed to kill or maim the maximum number of people, and in many cases, children. a day ago, 2 teens were blown up for eating pizza on a saturday night. fuck the arabs. arafat is directing a campaign of suicide terrorists against israeli civilians, many of them were from his al aksa group. he operates bomb making factories deep in gaza and w.bank and gets heavy weapons from iran and syria. this is no antifada, this is a full scale war.

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Originally posted by smokesum

Both sides are wrong!

Very true and sad! What the fuck is wrong with the world.

You got these Islamic Jihad and Hamas gus blowing themseles up and killing innocent israeli people, making matters worst for the innocent pals who just want to go to work in peace without having to deal with all the checkpoints and living there life like they were in house arrest. Then you got Sharon, who is just looking for any kind of excuse to just kill all the pals and is pushing all the right buttons. They expect Arafat to do something,but they have in house arrest and they attack his police authorities. Perez is the only guy there that wants peace for both sides.

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Originally posted by tribal

no one is always right, never. but i dont see israelis blowing up civilians on daily basis, in calculated terror attacks, designed to kill or maim the maximum number of people, and in many cases, children. a day ago, 2 teens were blown up for eating pizza on a saturday night. fuck the arabs. arafat is directing a campaign of suicide terrorists against israeli civilians, many of them were from his al aksa group. he operates bomb making factories deep in gaza and w.bank and gets heavy weapons from iran and syria. this is no antifada, this is a full scale war.

israelis commit a lot of wrong too

i think you should say both sides are wrong and leave it as that

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by smokesum

israelis commit a lot of wrong too

i think you should say both sides are wrong and leave it as that

that is BS and you know it....... if those jihad freaks didn't shoot the joint up and blow people up for 1 month WATCH the peace process would be on track and they would gain. but keep blowing sabarros up and no one will help them.......

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I agree Arafat is an asshole, but at least do some research...you will find out that the majority of Palestinians hate Arafat and want to see him being taken out of office...don't blame the actions of some ugly,sorry mo fo on a whole race...

What surprises me even more about you...tribal...is that I thought you'd be a bit more open minded than this...you cannot blame the Middle East crisis on just the Palestinians! No fucking way. When you have Israelis destroying homes with tanks and killing children constantly, what do you expect the Palestinians to do, sit back and watch their freedom and children being taken away from them..hell no! They will fight to the death for what is theirs...both sides' governments are the ones letting this shit happen..if both sides would stop being so full of bullshit pride and actually wanted to live in peace together again..they would sit down and get this negotiations out of the way, end of story. But what's stopping them? A lot...from money, to political struggles, to terrorism...to this to that...the list of excuses go on and on....I won't even go back to live in Israel because of this...Sharon and Arafat deserve each other...they are both filthy, corrupt little pigs who need to be drugged and locked in sanitariums...and let some fresh, more rational blood take over their respectable positions..this has gone on far enough.

So, please before you attack one ENTIRE fucking side....think a little. You certainly cannot say all Palestinians are Islamic militants bent on destruction...because not ALL Palestinians are Muslim and not ALL Palestinians give a fuck about this issue...there's a lot who don't care either way...they're the majority in Jordan, they have minorities in Syria, Egypt, etc etc etc...why would they return to such bullshit when they can lead normal lives and give their children more elsewhere? Think a little, that's all I'm saying...

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Originally posted by sassa

I agree Arafat is an asshole, but at least do some research...you will find out that the majority of Palestinians hate Arafat and want to see him being taken out of office...don't blame the actions of some ugly,sorry mo fo on a whole race...

What surprises me even more about you...tribal...is that I thought you'd be a bit more open minded than this...you cannot blame the Middle East crisis on just the Palestinians! No fucking way. When you have Israelis destroying homes with tanks and killing children constantly, what do you expect the Palestinians to do, sit back and watch their freedom and children being taken away from them..hell no! They will fight to the death for what is theirs...both sides' governments are the ones letting this shit happen..if both sides would stop being so full of bullshit pride and actually wanted to live in peace together again..they would sit down and get this negotiations out of the way, end of story. But what's stopping them? A lot...from money, to political struggles, to terrorism...to this to that...the list of excuses go on and on....I won't even go back to live in Israel because of this...Sharon and Arafat deserve each other...they are both filthy, corrupt little pigs who need to be drugged and locked in sanitariums...and let some fresh, more rational blood take over their respectable positions..this has gone on far enough.

So, please before you attack one ENTIRE fucking side....think a little. You certainly cannot say all Palestinians are Islamic militants bent on destruction...because not ALL Palestinians are Muslim and not ALL Palestinians give a fuck about this issue...there's a lot who don't care either way...they're the majority in Jordan, they have minorities in Syria, Egypt, etc etc etc...why would they return to such bullshit when they can lead normal lives and give their children more elsewhere? Think a little, that's all I'm saying...

Question for you..

You speak of peace, Sharon as an Arafat pig, Israelis are as much to blame, etc....

But the one question I need to ask- How do you propose to initiate peace when there are elements that admit there could never be peace with Israel, and are totally committed to the destruction of Israel?

How about the continuing support of these elements by Iran and Syria?

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sassa, please, i dont claim all palst are terrorists, but how can you deny that there is something wrong with a group of people who support mass killings? do you think israelis want to hurt palst? or retaliate with air strikes?? my uncle and aunt live in jerusalem, and i talk to them many times. you know what they say? their only wish in this world right now, is to get up, go to work in peace, and to not worry about their son, whos in the army, and has a very high chance of being killed by one of arafats employees. 99% of israelis want peace, and normal relations with palst, they do not go out and bomb the shit out of palst, even though they have the military capacity to do so. i guarantee you, GUARANTEE you that if palst had the military weapons that israelis have, you would not see a single israeli man woman or child alive. and by the way, majority of palst do support arafat, why do you think he is still in power after all these years.

oh and one more thing, you say that how can palst maintain peace and quiet if israelis bomb security facilities? well guess who is coordinating terror attacks on soldiers, settlers and israeli civilians?? fatah, force 17 and other arafat employed "security" groups, they are all the same. how can you be so naiive?? i used to be more "open minded" but you know what, im done. ive lost hope for those people. i really think there is something truly vile in their nature, and yes not all of them, but in enough of them. if we are serious in our mission at combating terror, we can not overlook the PA, an organization so entrenched in blood, its choking on it. I know you want to be open-minded and look at this from the enlightened side, i can understand, but one thing is clear. The palst never wanted peace with israel, at least the ones in power didnt. they never accepted israel as a country, and that is why arafat backed out on the peace agreement. he is a calculating snake, and was simply buying time to start a new round of bloodshed, hoping to provoke a regional war, and with luck, destroy israel. if my assessment is wrong, that you will no doubt claim, explain to me why israel made peace with jordan and egypt, and yet after 50 years the palst still launch terror attacks. yes both sides did wrong and acted viciously, but you cant overlook the prime catalyst here. you know who it is. when the govt is run by pure and known terrorists, how can you expect peace? peace needs 2 sides to agree, one did, the other did not.

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Sharon'll (a war criminal btw, since you insist on calling Arafat a terrorist) be out of office b4 the end of the year anyway, unless he puts together an unilateral Israeli withdrawal from the territories, which seems unlikely to me. He'll probably replaced by Netanyahu, unless the new head of Labor (forgot his name) can put together some sort of miracle in next year's elections. But I'm not sure he'd prove any more successful than Sharon has.

Tribal, I dunno that the word racist describes your views correctly. I'll just call you an anti-semite (the Palestinians are semitic too remember). Haha. Btw, you all should read today's Times, good news analysis article in there.

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Originally posted by breaksny

Sharon'll (a war criminal btw, since you insist on calling Arafat a terrorist) be out of office b4 the end of the year anyway, unless he puts together an unilateral Israeli withdrawal from the territories, which seems unlikely to me. He'll probably replaced by Netanyahu, unless the new head of Labor (forgot his name) can put together some sort of miracle in next year's elections. But I'm not sure he'd prove any more successful than Sharon has.

Tribal, I dunno that the word racist describes your views correctly. I'll just call you an anti-semite (the Palestinians are semitic too remember). Haha. Btw, you all should read today's Times, good news analysis article in there.

I hope not! Netanyahu fucked up the country while he was in office...it was the beginning of the economic decline..I remember watching the news at the time and unemployment had reached 200,000 at the time (not sure what it is now,hopefully it didn't go any higher...).

The problem with Israel is that it is a new country...so the leaders don't really have any historical past leaders to look to...

Ok, tribal, I agree partially with your comments...and I understand your viewpoint, but with all due respect...don't target ALL Palestinians. Target the ones who are bent on destruction. That's all.

I don't see this issue ever getting resolved....unless Armageddon approaches...which I'm pretty sure will happen, what with the US accusing North Korea of being an "axis" of evil (does anyone else notice the misleading use of the word "axis"?)

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I feel so sad for the Korean people...I had a friend from Seoul and she sorta woke me up to the whole tragedy of the division of the peninsula. The North in particular hasn't had a good government in over a century. It's really tragic. The famine they've been aching through for better part of the past decade hasn't helped matters.

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...and everybody's always pointing fingers and pulling triggers.

man the middle east is a fucked up place. my patience is shot with the entire region. Just make it into a parking lot and at least it would be more productive than it is now :rolleyes:

call me a pig, i know i am sometimes but hey, what's worse... me being angry at the fact that people like killing each other and everybody else in the world over a shithole tiny ass piece of land.....

or are they worse for CAUSING that trouble in the first place.


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yea sassa i know, this is a sad fucked up situation. the worst part is that on both sides, the normal people, the ones that just want to raise their kids, their olive trees, without owning a gun, the extremist fuckers are the ones that are driving normal people to a point of insanity. breaksny, i gotta ask you sincerely, forget all the shit you heard about both sides, about political thinkers, analysis, etc, if israel would totally, completely withdraw from Samaria and Judea tomorrow, not one israeli in those areas, do you honestly think the palst will put down their rifles and bombs, and walk away saying, gee maybe we are gonna stop our whole Jihad bullshit, fanaticism etc, and live in peace?? do you really think that will happen? they want to see israel destroyed, the fucking israeli indpendence day, a celebration for israelis, is called the Great Tragedy by the palst. get real man. my solution: dig a huge ditch around israeli borders, make it maybe 5m deep and fill it with water. there is an alligator farm in israel called Hamat Gader, i say, take a bunch of gators, and release them into the ditch. so israelis dont walk into palst areas, and vice versa. this shits gotta end. i cant see kids my own age being blown apart for going to clubs and eating pizza. that is fucked up.

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Who's igloo? LOL U know it's funny tribal your bias shows just in your use of the names of the territories. I know there's alot of history there on the Israeli side and if Israel hadn't been illegally occupying them for the last 3 and a half decades, I and alot of other people could accept the use of those names. But that's not the situation, and hence the territories are called the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. You and people like you can't even get your names, let alone your politics, straight.

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bro dont you talk to me about politics. i use those names because thats what they are referred to in israel. you use wbank and gaza because thats what theyre referred to here. names are just names, and guess what, i dont support israeli occupation of those areas. my point is that those areas are not the point of conflict. if they would not be occupied, it would still be irrelevant, because the palst do not recognize israel in any form. their national charter says that explicitly. my point is that if we are fighting al qada on basis of terror and chaos dissemination by them, we should not exclude arafat and his motley crew. after 50 years, the palst cant get their shit together and form a representative govt, who do they send to negotiations and 'peace' accords? a known bloodies terrorist who controls and directs daily palst suicide squads. get a fucking clue for once. you cant put israelis and palst on equal level because they are not equal. there are no laws and no judicial system with palst, therefore killing israelis is condoned and encouraged. im sick of this bullshit, somethings got to give

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Bro, of course I'll talk to you about politics. The whole conflict, including the names of the territories, is inherently political. You can't wish that away. Those names are wrong for the very reason that the lands are not Israeli under international law. They are called the West Bank and Gaza by the people who rightfully live there, the Palestinian people, not the Israeli settlers or any other imperialistic occupiers. No one who's not Israeli, Jewish, or a right wing christian freak like Pat Robertson, calls them Judea and Samaria anymore. The names Judea and Sumaria are examples of colonialism. It's like the Britain calling Zimbabwe and Zambia "Northern and Southern Rhodesia." That is all inherently political.

The thing I find amusing about your politics tribal is you think you're moderate, but your not. You think you're sympathetic to the Palestinian people, but you're not...and you exemplify that in every post you make. It's a joke to me, and I would find it funny if it weren't for the fact that the American people especially don't know the truth of the matter. Views like yours are racist, colonialist, and a vestige of another era, Victorian England, not the 21st century. So the Jews were a victim of the holocaust. It doesn't give their state the right to treat 1 million of its own citizens as 2nd class people (from a legal standpoint), let alone to delude itself into the belief that it has some 3,000 year old mandate to steal another people's land. Your beloved fuckin state of Israel's won...you have 78% of historical Palestine/Israel...why does it need any of the Territories or East Jerusalem (beyond sharing it since it's as important to Muslims as it is to Jews and Christians)? You sound like you support a compromise on the issue, but you use these self righteous arguments to justify an appartheid that's as bad as any other racist state practice anywhere in the world, short of ethnic cleansing or genocide. And a third of Israelis according to today's Times support the former of those 2 options. What a fucking joke! If you wanna lesson in moderation, talk to sassa or crobra, who @ least can reasonably see the middle ground of each side on the issues in this conflict. I can tell that from sassa's posts, and I know from crobra cuz I've talked to him about this face to face. He may not agree with me, but he's open minded and can present the other side of the conflict's views in a reasonable, non racist manner. I won't claim to be a moderate myself, since it's obvious I'm not. Haha.

The Palestinian people do hate Israel, you were right about that before. Get it in your head, military dictatorship of a foreign power does that to you. Palestinian people irrespective of the corrupt PA hates the War criminal who heads Israel's govt. DO you even comprehend the level of hatred Palestinians have for Sharon? Do you know the meaning of the word war criminal? This is not an exaggeration in the least, study the history of Lebanon 1982 and what Israel's own government found, let alone the UN. Sharon belongs in a jail. Why don't we put him under house arrest for the 100s of Palestinians he's killed in the Al Aqsa intifada alone, let alone the 1000s he killed (most of em Palestinian) in Lebanon in the 80s. I bet he and Milosevic would have alot to talk about. SO like I said, get your facts straight.

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From today's Times:

February 19, 2002


No Security for Sharon


JERUSALEM, Feb. 18 — Prime Minister Ariel Sharon won election on a promise to bring peace and security. But after a year of his stewardship, his country lacks both and so, politically speaking, does he.

Rightists are accusing Mr. Sharon, storied for his fierceness as a general, of going soft on the Palestinians; leftists are accusing him of using too much violence.

Although he has managed to keep his cabinet together and has support from abroad, both sides here agree on one complaint: that he has no plan for ending a conflict that in its 17th month shows every sign of getting deadlier.

It probably did not help that Mr. Sharon disappeared for several days last week, canceling appointments because of a severe bout with flu. By Friday, in a poll for the daily newspaper Maariv, 49 percent of those surveyed said that "the national leadership has lost control of the security situation." As the government weighed its options, the violence continued today.

Another daily, Yediot Ahronot, mockingly republished a headline it bannered over a story in August: "Sharon: We Have Found a Way to Deal With the Security Problem."

Mr. Sharon reappeared Sunday for his weekly cabinet meeting. Today he addressed the criticism at a meeting of his rightist Likud Party.

"Anyone can first point at failures," he said, "and I don't say everything ends up successfully, and indeed we suffer harsh blows. But we also have had our share of great successes, mostly in interception operations. We are currently examining further measures."

Mr. Sharon has kept his head above water so far by riding a wave of domestic political success and overseas diplomatic achievement. By maintaining his unity government, he has muted criticism by diffusing political responsibility for Israeli policy.

He has also won support from the Bush administration as his government has confined and isolated the Palestinian leader, Yasir Arafat.

Washington has even softened past criticism of Mr. Sharon's strategy of trying to quell Palestinian violence by tracking down and killing militants, blockading Palestinian areas and ordering air raids and incursions into Palestinian areas. Mr. Sharon's aides say the war on Palestinian violence is a long-term struggle.

But the Israeli public appears to be running out of patience. Mr. Sharon's level of public support, once sky high, has been slipping. Roughly half of those asked in recent opinion polls have expressed approval of the prime minister, barely above the percentage calling itself dissatisfied.

When pollsters question the public more specifically, Mr. Sharon does worse. Not only did a majority in the Maariv poll say they were dissatisfied with his performance on security, but 79 percent said they were dissatisfied with his performance "in socioeconomic matters." The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.

Mr. Arafat's popularity, on the other hand, appears to be climbing among Palestinians, if not amomg foreign leaders. For more than two months, Israeli forces have trapped Mr. Arafat in the West Bank city of Ramallah, to put pressure on him to crack down on violence or, failing that, to encourage Palestinians to replace him with another leader.

But even some top Israeli military officials now acknowledge that neither outcome is likely. A poll published by Bir Zeit University in Ramallah indicated that Mr. Arafat was gaining support. Fifty-two percent evaluated his performance as "positive," up from 38 percent in October. The new poll had a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

Mr. Arafat's rising support did not seem to be helping his Fatah faction, though. Its popularity slightly trails the combined backing for the militant groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. It also did not prevent respondents from expressing frustration with corruption and mismanagement by Mr. Arafat's governing Palestinian Authority.

Nader Said, the Bir Zeit University sociologist who coordinated the poll, said that such carefully tailored support for Mr. Arafat himself reflected sympathy for his predicament and anger at Mr. Sharon.

Natan Sharansky, the conservative Israeli housing minister, says the government must pursue a more aggressive military strategy.

He advocates a rolling operation that would seize Palestinian towns and cities for weeks at a time while soldiers went door to door confiscating weapons. At the same time, he has called for a "Marshall Plan" to ease Palestinian suffering.

He said Mr. Sharon had been limited in his response by the desire to find "both military and political solutions that keep the unity government in one piece." But now, he said, "I believe that in this situation he can go ahead with much more resolute steps without endangering the unity government."

But Shimon Peres, the foreign minister, has suggested that he might leave the government if Mr. Sharon pursued a purely military strategy and rejected a plan for a negotiated settlement that Mr. Peres has proposed. "Right now very few things are working," Mr. Peres said last week when asked if Mr. Sharon's strategy was working. "More shooting than working. And what I'm trying to do is, really, to return to an agenda of work."

The Israeli public seems at least as confused as its leaders. In the Maariv poll, more than a third of those surveyed said they supported the idea of "transfer" of Palestinians out of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to Arab countries. But at the same time, the dormant left is showing a spark of life.

A group of more than 1,000 reserve generals, officers and officials from the security services is starting a campaign urging that Israel unilaterally withdraw from almost all of Gaza and most of the West Bank. The group would evacuate some settlements and create a border, then recognize a Palestinian state and begin peace negotiations.

Some Israeli leftists fear that unilateral steps would further alienate the Palestinians, while rightists fear that a withdrawal under fire would only embolden Palestinian militants.

In a separate campaign, more than 250 reserve soldiers and officers have signed a letter refusing to serve in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip and to fight what they call "this War of the Settlements."

The fragmenting views were reflected in a section published today by Yediot Ahronot that presented the conflicting solutions of civic leaders, academics and writers. Expressing the mounting sense of entrapment, the headline read: "How Do We Get Out of the Mud?" The accompanying picture, taken after a recent attack, was of a policewoman pressing a hand to her forehead in grief.

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breaks, i wonder how open minded, fair and enlightened you would be dealing with neighbors that blow your family up on daily basis. i think israel is wrong in occupying those areas, but i dont sympathise with palst simply because of their actions. how can you expect israelis to respect palst as people, when they want to destroy whole israel? about wbank and gaza, guess what. the palst dont refer to israel as israel but as all palestine. strangely, there was no palestine before israel, yet now there is! these people had so many chances to stop shooting and sign a treaty, and they never did. who wants peace more? israelis who have more to lose or palst who willingly blow themselves up? that kind of mentality is alien to me.

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Your generalizations make this whole argument too easy. And this refrain you're harping about is a joke. Study the reality, the PA is committed to a 2 state solution, the PLO has been 4 14 years now. EVERYONE knows that. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, and DFLP are not, but there's a huge distincton between Fatah and those other groups. I carefully make distinctions between different parties, organizations, and individuals in Israeli politics. If you REALLY understand the conflict, then brush up on your Palestinian politics b/c apparently you and all the wankers like you don;t know much about it. I do know cuz I'm reading about it right now, not the press, but books. And your funky claim that there was no Palestine b4 Israel is irrelevant to the discussion... are you actually gonna quote that freak Golda Meir again, the woman who said "there is no such thing as a Palestinian people?!" Give me a fuckin break. That and the title to your thread illustrate bluntly the racism that's soo clearly inculcated in your thinking. Would you say to a black person who'd killed someone, nonstop black terror? Or take what's happening in Zimbabwe now, would you call the govt's land confiscation program against the white farming class, "african terrorism?" I'm not defending Robert Mugabe's govt, but it's akin to what you are doing. It's indefensible and I pity anyone who shares your opinion b/c they're teaching hate. That's not something you GOD would want you to believe. LOL And as to your ridiculous contention as to who wants peace more, what kind of self righteous bs do you read anyway?! We've been through this...Israel wants a peace that makes a Palestinian state unviable (hence the settlements, security corridors, illegal land expropriations that go back to 1967, control of all major water resources, closure of the territories to Palestinian workers, and the blockade and seige that Israel's government is carrying out now). Israel wants a peace that rests on its terms, using 1967 as a starting point, hence their maximum offer can't meet the minimum the Palestinians want, 22% of their historical homeland. No one is denying it wasn't Jewish if you go back 3,000 years...but who was there b4 that? The Canaanites, the Phoenicians, other Semitic people who are the ethnic ancestors of the Palestinians. And who was living there in the interim 2 milennia from the time of the destruction of the temple in 73AD till the founding of Israel? Palestinians were. Call them what the fuck ever you want, and yes there were Sephardic Jews living there as well, in peace I might add till the European Zionist enterprise started in the late 19th century. The points I'm making are twofold...1st the Palestinians have existed for 1000s of years, whether or not they had another name, they were a distinct people with distinct forms of Islamic culture, Arabic dialects, food, and everything else that comes with a culture. Just like there are many Jewish/Israeli cultures. These 2 peoples share the same homeland, and the PA made its historic compromise 14 years ago to share in a 2 state solution, something a PA official reaffirmed on Hardball on CNBC tonite. There are groups opposed to Israel's existence but these aren't groups that love Arafat, I can tell you that, and they certainly aren't under his control. And trust me, Sharon has failed...he won't be able to control them either, he hasn't thus far, has he? Haha! Btw, the Palestinians have the most open political system in the Arab world. The problem for Israel is the PA aren't the ones most hateful of Israel, it's the young people (especially male) and the younger more radical organizations inside and outside the PLO that do. Many of these are more democratic organizations than the corrupt PA is (something you probably won't believe b/c I doubt you've studied Palestinian politics in the depth I am right now). But these more democratic elements arent necessarily any friendlier to Israel, as long as occupation continues anyway, than the PA is. Frankly, I don't blame them for wanting all of Palestine back, but that won't happen, that's a given. On the other hand, the militant elements in those organizations won't be defeated or lose popular support until a 2 state solution is found. And one that's not on the basis of Israel and the US dictating to the Palestinian people the terms of a peace that leaves a prospective Palestine an unviable state. I say unviable...well you know the argument tribal, look @ a fuckin map! LOL It should be obvious what I mean. You don't know the terms of the Oslo Accords if you think otherwise.

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breaks, call me racist, but i gotta ask you, what noble literature do you read? Le Monde? this is exactly the kind of bullshit that im talking about, the fact that you my friend are happily duped into thinking PA wants a 2 state solution. explain to me then why al Fatah, hezbola, force17 and other PA managed organizations constantly claim responsibility for bombings?? you can tell me about the philistines, the palst, etc, but im telling you whats going on on the ground, on the realistic level. if PA is so worthy of peace, why would they buy an entire boat load of heavy weapons and ship it on Karine A? why would they incessantly preach anti israeli hate on their national broadcast? why would they walk away by a US brokered peace agreement, an agreement that was considered very fair by many of arafats top negotiators? why would a month ago, arafat declare his 'martydom' and wish for a million 'martyrs' to march on jerusalem?? if Vicente Fox ordered a million mexicans to march on washington, would you sit here and call me racist for being upset at this situation? if you read what i wrote, i dont implicate all palst, that would be stupid and inaccurate. im talking about the palst actions, and if by your definition im a racist, well call the NAACP because im sick of this never ending bloodshed. any other nation would never tolerate what israel is forced to tolerate, and i for one am sick of this.

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Originally posted by tribal

check these headlines out. its time to take the fucker out. this has gone too far, arafat must be killed. lying terrorist piece of shit


im through supporting negotiations with these animals. business as usual is over, if they prefer the bomb over the pen, then i have no mercy for them.

Tribal u take things very far !!!

You should look at things from both sides alrite ..


Stop fuckin cussing at the muslims .. I AM A MUSLIM AND PROUD TO BE ONE take the fuckin Drama some where else ...

fuckin cock sucking whore !!

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