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Attn: People who anazlyze every little thing


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Originally posted by somebitch

sometimes i think it is a bad thing and other times analyzing every little things helps me to find the "truth" behind what people are saying..

i guess it can hurt you when you think what someone is saying is not actually what they mean which is what usually happens


oh, the scary thing is that there is usually some truth to the things i think people are saying & they just arent willing to admit it.

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idk y i do it.... seriously... like.. with EVERYTHING... especially over aol... cuz when ur talkin to people and someone says something and ur like wtf!? but when u hear their voice its so different.... aaarghhh i hate talkin over the computer... but besides that, i do this with everyone... someone can say something so simple to me and ill be like... ok y did this person say that... did they mean somethin else or mean exactly what they said lol im weird, sorry :tongue:but i know im def not the only one here who over analyzes every little thing

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ok...i think you're anlayzing your anzlyzing too much...

seriously...most normal intelligent people analyze everything...it's very natural...you have to learn how to tone it down and not drive yourself mad with confusion...sometimes, things are just what they are and that's it...

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Originally posted by linabina

why the hell do we do this?!?!?! knowing full well that by analyzing each and every little thing that someone says or does, its gonna drive us absolutely craZy?!?!?!?

i dont get it. i do it. and i HATE it. :mad:

well . . . it's kinda like your sig picture . . . I mean look at her, all wet and shimmering . . squeezed into those hip huggers like a texas heffer in springtime . . it's just CRAZY!! . . . If she was dry it would be like . . just ok . . . nothing special.. . .

. . perhaps we , as people, enjoy analyzing the shit out of things in order to make life more interesting . . .

. . just my opinion . . oh well . . .

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i can't help over analyzing either... when i'm bored or not really doing anything intellectually stimulating, my mind just starts going over things ppl have said or done and i come up with all these crazy thoughts. it's funny tho, i usually end up pretty on point... i think it's our way of coming up with answers for questions we don't want to ask.

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

well . . . it's kinda like your sig picture . . . I mean look at her, all wet and shimmering . . squeezed into those hip huggers like a texas heffer in springtime . . it's just CRAZY!! . . . If she was dry it would be like . . just ok . . . nothing special.. . .

. . perhaps we , as people, enjoy analyzing the shit out of things in order to make life more interesting . . .

. . just my opinion . . oh well . . .


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