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Venting. . .

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OK guys I am sorry about this DAVE/JBR if you would like to move this to the “drama†board please feel free too. I just want to state that I'm not a “Bitch†on the board. . . but I guess I went down to “their levels†SORRY ! But here is what I learned and what some of you need to learn….if you care to read it knock yourself out. . . if not OH WELL…..

Children, adolescents, and some adults (so I learned) need to learn or relearn that their actions will have consequences. Negative actions having negative consequences. (as we see in these posts) we must learn to take responsibility for these actions. And to know how one "seemingly" little thing you do/say can affect so many so greatly... we need to all learn and experience respect, caring and love both for themselves and others. We all need to work together on solving these problems “STOPPING THE DRAMA†I know there are some BULLIES on the board and I am sick of it*

As we all should know violence is an extreme form of "bullying." A worse case scenario ( I hope this little shit doesn’t turn into.) Most of the time I have learned that it started out being picked on themselves. That is the what I call the "BULLY CYCLE." Bullies creating more bullies, (I think you know who you are) Becoming a bully as a means of protecting yourself (or so you think) ... hoping if you are the one causing the pain, you will never again have to experience it yourself. (WRONG) I know they feel so bad about themselves and think that controlling someone else will make them feel better or help distract from their own problems. (Do you guys see any bullies here on CP????)

People today feel numb ... some have been bullied to the point of feeling nothing. They are withdrawn and hopeless. If all kids, adolescents, and some adults (so I learned) could understand how to accept themselves and know that they're "OK", there wouldn't have to be any "Bullies" or "Victims". AM I RIGHT???????????

This will helps you guys, and someday your children (scary thought*) give kids, adolescents, and some adults the skills they need to deal with BULLIES and maintain healthy SELF-ESTEEM.

I know some of you are school teachers, and I also worked with kids for many years. . and I’m sure you know that . 1 out of 4 kids are bullied in a month. Now lets think what you tell your students when they are being bullied? Maybe something along the lines “you were born for a purpose, and that purpose is not to be jeered at by your peers! You are worth more, much more, than that!â€

I think that the we all here need STOP the DRAMA and make both the bullies and the victims feel good about themselves, thereby lessening the recent violence we've experienced in our lives I learned that the most important resource is your own spirit. I have the power to choose between hope and hopelessness. Focus on thoughts that are both realistic and positive. Accept that not everyone will like you and sometimes there will be nothing you can do about it. Accept that some people may dislike you for no apparent reason, even when they don’t know you at all. So please

"Treat others just as you want to be treated."

Do remember being told "if you have nothing nice to say dont say nothing....???" I sure do, and that's what I tend to do* :D

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

Sometimes she surprises us all:D

Thanks spygirl, and everyone else, but understand that the things I say on this board 99% of the time are a JOKE* Just some people BLOW IT OUT OF PROPORTION ;) and I think I can honestly say that we are all guilty of this at one point or another. …

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Originally posted by laurie619

. . . and for the record car is more than 30,000, and yes my rentz did teach me a value of a doll along with this many other things


you post vaid points and theories on how people should be... Now if you can take some of your own advice we'll all be in good shape.

Will you give your obnoxious hole a rest.

Your big mouth is what started your "DRAMA".

Give it a rest... Take you OVER $30,000 SABB and drive it to the bottom of a Lake, River, Ocean... anyplace that we don't have to listen to you.

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sigmagal and everyone else....if you have nothing nice to say dont say nothing, and not onlt that if you reabove you will see I learned that the most important resource is your own spirit. . . And nothing you guys say can CHANGE THATS. . . SORRY, YOUR STUCK W/ME. . . so just enjoy the trip. . . ;)

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Originally posted by laurie619

I'm really sorry you dont like me sin-sational and everyone else who goes along with her. . . but there is nothing I can do about it so if it makes you feel better acting like this. . . please do so. . .:D oh and one other thing sigmagal I didnt make you read it you choose too

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Originally posted by sigmagal



Originally posted by laurie619

. . . and for the record car is more than 30,000, and yes my rentz did teach me a value of a doll along with this many other things


you post vaid points and theories on how people should be... Now if you can take some of your own advice we'll all be in good shape.

Will you give your obnoxious hole a rest.

Your big mouth is what started your "DRAMA".

Give it a rest... Take you OVER $30,000 SABB and drive it to the bottom of a Lake, River, Ocean... anyplace that we don't have to listen to you.

LMAO!!!! By the way that SAAB is a GEO TRACKER!!! I must agree Laurie that you brought this ALL ON YOURSELF!

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Hey Laurie when does the count dowm beagin for you anual birthday bash? Who is going to perform this year? If I recall, wasn't the "I'll hide you girl" let me know when the detalis come out, I'll pass out flyers. Mabye you will get some rims this year to go with your Saab!

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