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i don't understand dj's

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i was checking out some websites on the tourdates of some popular dj's yesterday..... and i don't seem to understand why these dj's never come to nyc to spin, but to these other crappy states and cities. i was on the dumonde website for example checking out some past and present tourdates, him and deleon played at a club at rhode island, and another in boston, mass... what the fuck is at those shity states, especially rhode island. you need a microscope to see that state on a map to know that it exsists. its the same with other big name djs, why don't they come to nyc where the club scene is huge. nyc is one of the fathering cities where dance music and club culture began. untill recently djs like like tiesto have been coming in, the same with ferry in april, etc., but like usually those few will come and the nyc scene will hit a dry spell.

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boston and RI b/c people are feeling the hard shit up there...they have acosta, dj wag, and everyone like that up there constantly--

in nyc there were 2 dj's playing hard--draper (and we all know what happened there) and Johnny who is the only chance we have to get jam x and deleon, project, bossi or any of the quality hard trancers from over there to come here....

everyone for the most part in the nyc scene is starting to bend towards either Jp's dirty tech or DT's 128bpm style--- i dunno why--but the hard trance almost seems looked down upon--maybe thats why they havent come or ny..

or maybe no one booked them as of yet?


Mike BuGouT

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Originally posted by tranzmuzik2k1

i was checking out some websites on the tourdates of some popular dj's yesterday..... and i don't seem to understand why these dj's never come to nyc to spin, but to these other crappy states and cities. i was on the dumonde website for example checking out some past and present tourdates, him and deleon played at a club at rhode island, and another in boston, mass... what the fuck is at those shity states, especially rhode island. you need a microscope to see that state on a map to know that it exsists. its the same with other big name djs, why don't they come to nyc where the club scene is huge. nyc is one of the fathering cities where dance music and club culture began. untill recently djs like like tiesto have been coming in, the same with ferry in april, etc., but like usually those few will come and the nyc scene will hit a dry spell.

. . . Well . . first thing to keep in mind is that everything out there goes in cycles . . Nothing stays the same for long, so tastes will change when a saturation point has been reached with the regulars . . . .Certain DJ's can overcome this with Charisma and style (such as DT for example) . . but for most, the DJ is at the whim of what the crowd wants . .

. . . I take issue with you trying to make New York City seem like it's the epicenter of beats in America . . anyone who's schooled in the matter knows that other than Hip Hop, Electro and house to an extent (thank Chi-town) . . . other cities such as Chicago and Detroit . . as well as other States such as California and Florida have had MUCH more dominant and colorful nightlife scenes than New York . . . Simple fact of the matter is that this city IS the melting pot AND the most populous place in America, which in turn, lends itself to having a myriad number of different things to get into . . . Other, smaller affairs lend themselves much more readily to subculture dominating. . a thing that doesn't often happen . . and here's why:

You will always have two opposite forces in artistry . . .this can be applied to music, art, movies . .etc . . pretty much any performance art in the public's eye. . . These two forces are the Mainstream and the Alternative (which from now on, I will refer to as subculture) . . . Mainstream will always dominate. . until a saturation point is reached with the viewers of said Mainstream . . . AT THAT POINT people will attempt to go out and find something new and stumble across something in Subculture that is refreshingly off beat from what they're used to . . . They will herald that, and then for a time subculture will become the new mainstream . . . .This does not last however, because subculture often times has a higher barrier to entry than mainstream, because subculture is not MANUFACTURED like maintream to appeal to the widest audience possible AND subculture doesn't have millions backing it and think tanks galore to set itself up as a machine that the public can feed off of . . . So in the process Subculture, although novel for a time, will be replaced with the same old easy to swallow mainstream because of market forces . . . Think grunge era, and how that faded within 2 years time . . . Yes, grunge was great, but MOST people who listen to pop music don't want earthy, dark and introspective . . .they want light and airy . . . .

. . . . Hard beats (of any kind) are no different . . . The harder you get, the more subculture it is (just look at the hardcore scene in Great Britain a couple years back. . . very odd indeed) . . and as I stated before, subculture doesn't last for very long when it does indeed become mainstream . . .

. . .Now going back to the point in the first paragraph . . Why do smaller places get more hype than NYC . . well . . like I explained above, there's numerous different things you can get yourself lost in around these parts . . . I come from Orlando . . and I can tell you now that the scene down there was a hundred times more tightly knit and praised than things around here . . You wanna know why? . . Cause we didn't have anything else . . Our Breaks were the ONLY thing to do after the sun went down . . Hearing DJ's became the area's past time . . I mean . . to the point that you could pick out seemingly normal people on the street and ask em what parties were going down and get a good answer . . . You could say that example is a pointer to a dilution by the mainstream crowd, however I will disagree because everyone came out and partied without predjudice . . . We had our problems, but the sense of family overruled everything . . . Not so in NY . . . . Some of the best parties I went to were in far flung parts of the state and beyond . . The BEST party I ever went to was in North Carolina . . . now who would have ever thought that one would find breaking crews and rasta selektas in NC? . . .

. . Also, New York has a tendency, through it's limitless ego, to become wrapped up in the politics of things . . and nightlife is no exception . . . With promotions and Clubs being this vicious about things it becomes a chore to get things done in Nightlife . . . add on top of that the normal greasing and schmoozing prerequisite that the City has for even having a nightlife establishment in operation, and you can see why it becomes more of a task than a pleasure . . . . THAT is why places like the Cractory and Exit can get away with so much shit . . . yeah, the crowds suck ass, but you know what? . . everyones getting a cut . . .

. . .New York AINT the center of all that is . . . at least as far as beats are concerned . . .



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in my opinion the only thing California has going for it in terms of the club scene is giant and spundae. djs and club goers are so attracted to that club because it has that european type club feel like gatecrasher in the UK or some club similar to that. Florida has a good scene for their outdoor events like the summer oasis party. i give boston,mass. some credit for club avalon, but avalon isn't for hard trance djs, its more for those twilo type djs who play deep and dark trance, house, or tech (ex. sasha, digweed, satoshi, doc martin, etc.). nyc, chicago, and detroit are the birth places of many styles of dance music. germany also contributed to the scene, but we came first.

now there all into the hard shit up in boston and rhode island, but so is nyc. we're basically split 50/50 with all the hard and progressive fans, and the deep and tech fans. half is still a good number to attract djs like jam x and deleon, but i guess they can't come unless clubs book them. so for now we have to live off johnny vicious and scot project (when he come to world or limelight again) to provide us with the hard sound

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Originally posted by tranzmuzik2k1

in my opinion the only thing California has going for it in terms of the club scene is giant and spundae. djs and club goers are so attracted to that club because it has that european type club feel like gatecrasher in the UK or some club similar to that. Florida has a good scene for their outdoor events like the summer oasis party. i give boston,mass. some credit for club avalon, but avalon isn't for hard trance djs, its more for those twilo type djs who play deep and dark trance, house, or tech (ex. sasha, digweed, satoshi, doc martin, etc.). nyc, chicago, and detroit are the birth places of many styles of dance music. germany also contributed to the scene, but we came first.

now there all into the hard shit up in boston and rhode island, but so is nyc. we're basically split 50/50 with all the hard and progressive fans, and the deep and tech fans. half is still a good number to attract djs like jam x and deleon, but i guess they can't come unless clubs book them. so for now we have to live off johnny vicious and scot project (when he come to world or limelight again) to provide us with the hard sound

I wasn't necessarily refering to venues per se . . I was talking about the electronic music scene in general . . . The venue's in my opinion are what fuck it up for the music . . because we have to keep in mind that it's a money making operation . . whereas with one shot parties, its more about the experience (money matters are still there, but not as prominent . . ). .

. . . And that is another thing that irks me . . . there should be no distinction between the "club" scene and the "electronic" scene . . however it seems more and more that the "club" scene is NOT about the music, but rather has become its own subculture entirely . . . I will say that in it's current stat I'm not to hip to the "club" scene . . but am hip to the "electronic" scene as a whole . . .

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