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basically it produces like a dissociative state. ull feel hallucinogenic effects and experience impaired perception prolly too. these are from my experiences, quite a cool drug if not abused. u might also feel a little numb, but usually you feel fine when you wake up the next morning.

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From my experience i Feel like im in third person view sometimes. I have a out of body experience. Feels like im observing myself. Another thing is all these crazy thoughts go to my head. Effects would b u would feel a lil sluggish if u do a whole lot u would have a head ache

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1) depends on what kind of k you are getting. i am assuming it's mexican k (tokkyo brand). aka "blue label". if it were yellow label, you would have been in for the trip of your life. but yellow label is impossible to find (unless you wanna put down $100+ for liqs).

2) depends on how much you take. are you taking lil bumps to aid your pill? if so, then it will just heighten the pill's effects. best if you are coming down and still want to peak. i describe this as dancing on fluffy little white clouds b/c your feet feel like feathers. this is ideal b/c you take a little bit.

3) if you are taking a mother bump, be ready for an intense ride. b/c you are entering a dissociative state, you will first feel as if you are drunk: light headed, warmer, things slowing down around you, dizzy, losing your balance, etc.

this will then progress to a more sloppy state: you will then lose your ability to either (or all of these): talk, move, dance, keep your head up.

when it finally hits hard, your perception of reality will be severely warped. make sure you have a good head on your shoulders or you can seriously freak out. "planet K" is an odd, odd world. you will have many intense, deep thoughts about your being and your world. also have people you trust around you so if you start freaking, people can calm you down.

it's intense, but does not last very long. if used wisely, you will think about things you never thought you would ponder..

wow, it's been a long time since i've been on a k-voyage..

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Originally quoted by kitty19

1) depends on what kind of k you are getting. i am assuming it's mexican k (tokkyo brand). aka "blue label". if it were yellow label, you would have been in for the trip of your life. but yellow label is impossible to find (unless you wanna put down $100+ for liqs).

2) depends on how much you take. are you taking lil bumps to aid your pill? if so, then it will just heighten the pill's effects. best if you are coming down and still want to peak. i describe this as dancing on fluffy little white clouds b/c your feet feel like feathers. this is ideal b/c you take a little bit.

3) if you are taking a mother bump, be ready for an intense ride. b/c you are entering a dissociative state, you will first feel as if you are drunk: light headed, warmer, things slowing down around you, dizzy, losing your balance, etc.

this will then progress to a more sloppy state: you will then lose your ability to either (or all of these): talk, move, dance, keep your head up.

when it finally hits hard, your perception of reality will be severely warped. make sure you have a good head on your shoulders or you can seriously freak out. "planet K" is an odd, odd world. you will have many intense, deep thoughts about your being and your world. also have people you trust around you so if you start freaking, people can calm you down.

it's intense, but does not last very long. if used wisely, you will think about things you never thought you would ponder..

wow, it's been a long time since i've been on a k-voyage..

Ditto. You gotta be careful. Someone I know took k and the next thing you know, he's in the hospital. But those k trips are a blast....

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The best k-voyage i've experienced happened in Australia at the Sleaze Ball party in Sydney... dropped 2 rolls... brought k to give us a boost... No lie - I visited a ton of places in the world that night.... it was awesome and I wasn't scared.... All this while on the dance floor with the lights and music bumpin' hard.. My mind really took me on a ride!

K is awesome... just use common sense and don't abuse it.. or try to be macho man and take some humungo bump the first time... k holes rule too... don't be scared and you'll see where your lil' mind takes ya!

Best o' luck!


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LOL I always found K to be a lot of fun.. I think I'm picking some up this week for this weekend's excursions.. I have exams and stuff this week, but then it's spring break week for me so I can get a lil crazy.. I never found any after effects really as far as being drowsy, slow, etc. but I can tell you, if you start blowing a lot of it, you seriously will get dumb (it takes QUITE a toll on your brain) and you will lose weight.. it happened to me, I see it happening to friends.. K causes MAAAAAAAAD weight loss.

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k has been quite popular for a while now.. i du no what u talkin about.. It's an amazing drug and from what I've read it's one of the safest drugs to do if you regulate it and control your doses. It's a dissociative drug in the same category as angel dust (another one of my favorites heh). You can read alotta information about it on this website :

Kettamine Vault


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Originally posted by kandykidkilla

k has been quite popular for a while now.. i du no what u talkin about.. It's an amazing drug and from what I've read it's one of the safest drugs to do if you regulate it and control your doses.

Hmm.. what do you consider "quite a while"? Just curious..

And I'm not knocking the quality of a drug that it is, it's my fucking favorite hard drug by far :D

But from personal experience AND from people that I know, K is very dangerous.. especially in the long run..

It has severly damaged one of my friends.. :(

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Originally posted by codica3

You got a liq for $20???? :eek: :eek: :eek:

great i feel dumb now. i always thought lick meant the same as rail or bump. so its not lick its liq right? and its not a verb? haha anyway yeah it was a 20 bag.

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