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Carl Cox and Hawtin review..........

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Originally posted by merii

The worst organization ever!!!!!!!!I waited for more than 2.30 hours and decided to go home because I had a line in front of me of 2.30 more hours. I WANT MY MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I will never in my life go again to a party organized by these people.........I WANT MY MONEY AND MY SATURDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the post that I can identife with the most.

Cox is a great DJ and no one can by blamed for the weather.

BUT Stuck on Earth is SHIT in my book now. You can not treat people that way and expect them to come back to your events. The security was the worst I have even experienced. There really was a woman security person who was screaming at the crowd,"move to YOUR RIGHT!", but she was too stupid to realize that she was pointing to HER right the whole time which would be OUR left. So every time we did exactly what she said, she would flip out and scream louder. There was a group of people trying to teach her right from left, but instead of realizing her mistake she just became angrier.

We waited outside for over two hours to get in. Why did it take the sercity 5 hours to think of a way to move the crowd.

Then after COX there was another problem with security and people trying to get in and see Hawtin.

I've always heard that Stuck on Earth events where run like shit, now I know if for a fact.

:blown::mad: :mad:

despite all of the negative elements, the crowd was really pleasant and well behaved. it was a good crowd and good djs ruined by the event manager.

Sorry to be all bashin, but thats how I feel.

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Originally posted by pepperk

Sorry to be all bashin, but thats how I feel.

Yeah, ironically, I was actually telling my friend on the way home that SOE is learninghow to get their act together...guess I was wrong.

I can honestly say that I didn't have much security problems...since I got in relatively early (12 or so). But I heard about the line a few hours later and it just sorta pops in your head like "what?!"

But anyways...the night for me was pretty good, I must say. But I can definitely feel for the people who got fucked over. Last night was a pretty fucking bad night to get screwed like that... :(

Then again, anyone who knows about the coatcheck...

Sigh, but to get my own night out...it was great to see some new faces...XXlea, Marcid21, Codica3, GGfella... so sorry if I missed anyone...

And as usual, lots of old faces from the boards...it was great seeing everyone rocking their respective nuts off...:D Dialectics of cours, I saw AFTER everything pretty much finished...

I think one of the best reactions of the night was seeing Siceone and Msoprano's faces when the following boom came over the sound system...


"whoa...hello?!" :laugh:

And Despina and Joe...you two are fucking ridiculous. movers..awesome, but ridiculous movers... :D

And I'd like to file one last complaint vs. our very own papa smurf...who miserably failed to abuse his VIP priviledges...

As for the music...All I can say is...Cox (and Morillo) ROCKED IT! They fucking blew the ROOF OFF!!!

Oh, and Hawtin I thought...was actually BETTER. The man rocked the fucking atrium...so much better than when i last saw him...

I was on the train home, when this kid said "I finally saw Hawtin played to his full potential"...

so true... :D

But all in all...awesome night...horribly wet and tired...but awesome... :D

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Originally posted by xpander

Yeah, ironically, I was actually telling my friend on the way home that SOE is learninghow to get their act together...guess I was wrong.

I can honestly say that I didn't have much security problems...since I got in relatively early (12 or so). But I heard about the line a few hours later and it just sorta pops in your head like "what?!"

But anyways...the night for me was pretty good, I must say. But I can definitely feel for the people who got fucked over. Last night was a pretty fucking bad night to get screwed like that... :(

Sigh, but to get my own night out...it was great to see some new faces...XXlea, Marcid21, Codica3, GGfella... so sorry if I missed anyone

And as usual, lots of old faces from the boards...it was great seeing everyone rocking their respective nuts off...:D

I think one of the best reactions of the night was seeing Siceone and Msoprano's faces when the following boom came over the sound system...


"whoa...hello?!" :laugh:

And Despina and Joe...you two are fucking ridiculous. movers..awesome, but ridiculous movers... :D

And I'd like to file one last complaint vs. our very own papa smurf...who miserably failed to abuse his VIP priviledges...

As for the music...All I can say is...Cox (and Morillo) ROCKED IT! They fucking blew the

But all in all

Amen to that. (I still haven't fallen asleep yet :mad: )

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Originally posted by djjonstephen


The line when I got there at 12 was insane. Would have taken at least an hour and a half to get in. Then I saw msoprano and that cut the line in half. Then we saw scoob-e and that cut the line in half again. Then crobra waived us down and BAM! front of the line.......people behind us wanted blood.

you know how we do:cool:
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Originally posted by xpander

I think one of the best reactions of the night was seeing Siceone and Msoprano's faces when the following boom came over the sound system...


"whoa...hello?!" :laugh:

DEF! one of the highlights of the night. :D

And I'd like to file one last complaint vs. our very own papa smurf...who miserably failed to abuse his VIP priviledges...

Ummm, the darn alcohol ran out, probably b/c me and bogb were getting to be regulars there :tongue:

PS..what were the VIP priviledges other than fre liquor?/? Like, i should have been able to meet LIZA MINELLI like MuGzzy did, shouldn't i?

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Originally posted by xxlea

You weren't???? I almost asked what were you on and to share so I could see Bart Simpson. LOL

'member the guy falling into the curtain???


haha, i almost fell over you laughing so hard when that kid fell

Originally posted by marcid21

:yuck: SCOOBEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

What did I tell you about those pics??? Nice meeting u and all the other CP crazies!;)

i told you i was gonna get you in atleast one of em :D

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Originally posted by gmccookny

DEF! one of the highlights of the night. :D

Ummm, the darn alcohol ran out, probably b/c me and bogb were getting to be regulars there :tongue:

PS..what were the VIP priviledges other than fre liquor?/? Like, i should have been able to meet LIZA MINELLI like MuGzzy did, shouldn't i?


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Great seeing you all out and

braving it..

This is gonna be one of those "HATE IT OR LOVE IT PARTIES!"


It's in the books now as historical!

If your a "music head" Just be glad you where a part of it!

(Sometimes being able to experience Great music is worth sacrifices~)

What would you have rather done?

Go to the same old place...?


It was an experience..

and I'd rather have EXPERIENCES

than sit at home..

(Then again my ride was Great..

I don't know what tune I'd be singing if I

would have waited in the line for three hours)

I learned my lesson from S&D!



These things are monsters!

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i also went through the cold, rain and security... but once i got inside... there was only one thing i could say "IT WAS SO WORTH IT".

I had one too many Vodka-Red Bulls though and i don't remember what Hawtin sounded like at all... haha...

Cox was incredible, the vibe was sweet... and i can say honestly, I haven't had that much fun since the days of Twilo.

If I hadn't pre-paid for my tickets, i would've left... it was BEARABLE outside until SOME genious decided to make an announcement like, "If you have pre-paid tickets come to the front", and then it was over..... the crowd turned into a mob and they all made a dash for the front. The security guard in charge of the line was actually rather pleasant...

Few line cutters and stuff which was annoying... but hey, that's to be expected. Nice mixed crowd....

I can't even put into words how enjoyable last nite was. In my mind, one of the GREATEST nites I've ever had.

Boo6, here i come.... bring it....

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Originally posted by sleepiswaste

i am tired.

Ritchie hawtin destroyed me with subtle mindfuck sounds.

Despite the madness I had a smile....and i feel for those that were stressed..but

you cant expect anything different for these events.

-z "ahappywon"

shut up..

your just one of the sheep...


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My thoughts...

Line insane, very unorganised....if you are expecting 3000+ people, ya need some more people to do security.

I was so into the idea of going to the party, i bought my tickets last week just to make sure they would not sell out......but it sucked for me...and my girl...

we finally get inside and the place was nasty....COX was good, but we could no focus on the music...we had 3 girls in 20 mins come right by us and puke, and almost falling in it, and almost taking our jackets with them....just plan ol nasty, control yourself ladies!!!!!!!!

it really was unfortunate for us, I would have probably roughed it for a little more but the line killed it for us, a big buzz kill....

In order to save face for the night, cause we really wanted to dance, we headed over to SF, was'nt the best of nights, but we got our groove on.

Funny thing we met up with some friends at SF who wound up selling their tix at the seaport, sold them for 30....could not take the line anymore...funny shit...

One last thing, stuck on earth have to the worst organizers EVER. I was saying to myself b4 we got there. I hope the bathrooms are ok (wrong) I hope theres no problem with coat check (wrong) I hope ther is no line for ticket holders....(WRONG) those 3 things can really make or break a night.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Let's hope BOO6 is better...it falls on my birthday, and I wanted to go the first time..for that we gotta wear combat boots and pack our ponchos....if it rains that day we are SOAKED>>>>>>

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Best part of the night had to be watching bogb trying to do the coat check..........poor kid was so not feeling coats at that time.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I got the hanger back with my Coat!!!....hahahhaaha....I was like,"Damn I feel sorry for Bogb...he really doesnt look like he wants to be there!!!"

And....................It was GREAT MEETiNG Everyone:D !!! Siceone...you're Out of Control!!! hehehehe

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I got the hanger back with my Coat!!!....hahahhaaha....I was like,"Damn I feel sorry for Bogb...he really doesnt look like he wants to be there!!!"

And....................It was GREAT MEETiNG Everyone:D !!! Siceone...you're Out of Control!!! hehehehe

no no....its great to meet u....HOTTIE!!!!

As always i aint complaining despite the bullshit everyone had to go through.....i consider myself lucky getting a chance to see great dj's at the greatest city in the world at the world famous seaport.........

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