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Best Time To Get To Pvd???????????????

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Originally posted by spikesnj

Oh my god...........im so fucking amped for Mr. Van Dyk......THe line is going to suck BIG TIME though...pvd...with the sf vibe...wow


with the twilo vibe would be wow, not a sound factory vibe :D but then again everyone from twilo will be there

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Originally posted by roha3000

I was one of the lucky ones who got there when the place just opened. I did not have to deal with any of the horror stories. I had an unbelievable time and heard some of the sickest mixes. Half of the people I was with had VIP access so they kept bringing me drinks. And as for the vibe...it was as good as it gets. People out there roughing it for one and only one thing...THE MUSIC!! And believe me, the music was top notch. Sorry you missed it, but you are right, you would definitely have made yourself sicker in that environment.

Make sure you get in touch with me for details for SoBe. I can't wait.

Hey, all that matters is that YOU had a kick ass time, kid.Thats the way clubbing goes...some people have good nights and others have bad. I actually heard more positive feedback than negative so thats cool.

Shoot me an email whenever ya see this to kathleen@netops.idt.net tomorrow day or evening at celtickittie@hotmail.com Let's compare party notes for WMC and see where our paths may cross! ;)

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

What have i said that hasnt been said before??

so the fact that it has been said before makes it right :confused:

come on bro get a fawkin clue... who cares what nationality anyone is as long as everyone is there to enjoy the music and is friendly. If you ask me its people with your attitude that we should hope won't go :blown:

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Originally posted by blaznny

so the fact that it has been said before makes it right :confused:

come on bro get a fawkin clue... who cares what nationality anyone is as long as everyone is there to enjoy the music and is friendly. If you ask me its people with your attitude that we should hope won't go :blown:


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see thats the fucking problem with todays politcally correct society..who in the hell did i offend? what did i say thats offensive? it isnt my fault people r so damn sensitive about their nationality..id love for some1 to tell me what i said that was racist or implied racism or that i hate the asians..u people jump on the first inkling of intolerance..paying attention to keywords instead of the whole sentence

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

see thats the fucking problem with todays politcally correct society..who in the hell did i offend? what did i say thats offensive? it isnt my fault people r so damn sensitive about their nationality..id love for some1 to tell me what i said that was racist or implied racism or that i hate the asians..u people jump on the first inkling of intolerance..paying attention to keywords instead of the whole sentence

first of all, was it only because ASIANS were at Tiesto at Exit the reason why it was crowded? hmm, funny, i think that people other than ASIANS have a tendency to take up space as well. unless the rest of you guys are invisible and float in the air? :rolleyes:

your use of Asians to define "space taking" is just ridiculous and idiotic. your need to point fingers at an entire race for taking up "space" is unexplainable and quite honestly, a good laugh.

as for being "sensitive" about my race, my motherfuckin high almighty friend, try dealing with racism your entire life. you tell me how it feels to struggle with being accepted as a fellow American citizen in this world. hell, i could tell that my English is far more impeccable than yours, superior white man (it's not Asian MINOR ass).

i don't know what nationality you are, but everyone has dealt with their own share of hatred, disrespect, and intolerance in this world. why spread it? little comments like that do offend. i take offense to your statement about "asian manor" b/c that is a generalization you made and another stab at disrespecting my culture.

why don't you take sometime to meet some of the folks that you like to lump together as a space taking race? despite the fact that you have offended me, even i am willing to show you that all asians are not these fuck ups that take up space at a club.

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well being that your english is impeccable you might want to pay a little attention to your reading comprehension.first of all my intent was to say exactly ASIA MINOR not asian manor as u interpreted it..unfortunately you seem not to be aware of this section of the world. well i guess ill clarify it for u..Asia Minor is what is reffered to today as Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. So once again i repeat your english may be far more impeccable than mine but ur ignorance shone through. next time u want to jump on someones throat read what they posted first before u jump , as i stated before , at keywords. my intent wasn't to insult anyone but perhaps i misunderstood peoples sensitivity. after all if u knew where i was from you'd understand that i've had my share of racism and unlike some ive learned to deal with it . my only reason for saying Asia minor was implying that there were a lot of Asians at Tiesto..am i wrong?? i dont think so. where is the racism in my statement? where did i say u take up space? u somehow derive this from my short statements..and id love to know how..because as of now it seems that you're just dealing with your complexes through an electronic medium...

P.S.- If my english wasn't impeccable enough for u I apologize..because my high almighty superior white self is tired

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