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A Moment Of Silence!

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Originally posted by fluidnyc

Please take a moment of silence today for a minute or 2, too remember the men who died in Afghanistan for our freedom. They are the true HEROS!

God Bless them!


For our freedom? Yeah, ok.....:blank:

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Originally posted by fluidnyc

What do you mean by that?


No offense, but I don't agree with you..they are not fighting for our freedom...they are getting revenge for what happened on September 11th and also trying to make a few bucks along the way....part of the reason (and I honestly cannot believe anyone can deny this) I believe they are still in Afghanistan and also talking with Georgia about sending troops to fight Chechen "terrorists" is OIL. Money...the root of all evil....

If the US can persuade Georgia to allow them in the region, there will be a huge pipeline built there so that the US won't have to buy oil from such places like Saudi Arabia anymore...thus allowing them to gain profit from this miserable war.

I understand that innocent people can get caught up in wars....but I am honestly just so sick of this world...and the way things have become....sometimes I think I'd like to either shoot myself or just move to a deserted island and cut off all contact from the world....the bullshit and evil that has changed the face of the world is becoming too unbearable to be around....

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Quote by sassa

understand that innocent people can get caught up in wars....but I am honestly just so sick of this world...and the way things have become....sometimes I think I'd like to either shoot myself or just move to a deserted island and cut off all contact from the world....the bullshit and evil that has changed the face of the world is becoming too unbearable to be around....

Yea but what about...

I guess you didnt mind the way the taliban treated women either..why dont ya just move to afghanistan ...:laugh: :laugh:

j/k :tongue:

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God bless all our young innocent men fighting for our country.. it is so sad I read it in the paper today those young brave men.. sigh...

This whole war is horrible.. it is weird how our innocent men who fight for our country dont even start the wars but go out and fight for us.. such courage and bravery..

Its just sad how so many innocent people have to die...

:( :(


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Originally posted by sassa

I understand that innocent people can get caught up in wars....but I am honestly just so sick of this world...and the way things have become....sometimes I think I'd like to either shoot myself or just move to a deserted island and cut off all contact from the world....the bullshit and evil that has changed the face of the world is becoming too unbearable to be around....

you should have been in one of the twin towers, preferably on top so you'd have a few min to REALIZE how you goin to die.....

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sasa, you wanna post about your views on this war and our govt, do it in another thread. what you did was disrespectful for the dead. this is about honoring fallen soldiers, who unlike you, love their country and are making sure the 3000+ wtc dead did not die in vain. because of people like them, you have a chance to voice your dissent, which is fine for another topic, other than this. god bless the fallen soldiers.

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Originally posted by sassa

No offense, but I don't agree with you..they are not fighting for our freedom...they are getting revenge for what happened on September 11th and also trying to make a few bucks along the way....part of the reason (and I honestly cannot believe anyone can deny this) I believe they are still in Afghanistan and also talking with Georgia about sending troops to fight Chechen "terrorists" is OIL. Money...the root of all evil....

If the US can persuade Georgia to allow them in the region, there will be a huge pipeline built there so that the US won't have to buy oil from such places like Saudi Arabia anymore...thus allowing them to gain profit from this miserable war.

I understand that innocent people can get caught up in wars....but I am honestly just so sick of this world...and the way things have become....sometimes I think I'd like to either shoot myself or just move to a deserted island and cut off all contact from the world....the bullshit and evil that has changed the face of the world is becoming too unbearable to be around....

Lets say someone hits you with a stick. Are you going to be pissed off at the stick or the person holding it? Because judging from what you said above, you'd get mad at the stick.....The soldiers sent over there are following orders and they have absolutley nothing to gain except the feeling that they are stopping a group of people that want to kill all of us. The reason they're still in Afghanistan is because there are still elements of the Taliban and Al Queda present in that country. The soldiers who were killed there this week died as a result of enemy fire not locals throwing rocks at their choppers. And as long as these people are out there risking their lives so that our freedoms can live on, I'll support them to the fullest.....

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Damn Straight, All of you. You all hit it right on the head.

God Bless America and those who fight to preserve our liberties and freedoms... which include PEACE and the ability to go to work or the mall or your buddy's apartment to sit, smoke a bowl and think anti government thoughts about how horrible our materialistic oppressive society is... while not having to worry about someone crashing a plane into your building, blowing you up with a carbomb or mailing biologically tainted shit to your door.

So leave the bullshit aside and have some fucking humility for once. There are certain people who love to damn others from their alabaster pedestal, but when the shit hits the fan, and they have to lay it on the line, all their opinions suddenly evaporate.

Sassa, you wanna kill yourself? go ahead. Don't fuck around, do it right. But i'm willing to bet you'll roll your eyes and say "whatever."

Kind of like your opinions... when push comes to shove and someone calls your bluff, all of a sudden you back out on your words.

Next time leave your statements be. You should've known better than to stir up shit on this topic - no offense, but that was asking for trouble.

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God Bless Palestine. Sassa your right to a large extent imo, but I don't think that's why the soldiers believe they're there. Natural resources is certainly a big part of why the US and all these other countries are jockeying for influence in Central Asia, as outsiders have done for centuries. There likewise is a vengeance component in this war. But the fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban is a noble one as well. The problem in Afghanistan imo is the US @ least, but I'd say the same for the French and British too, don't seem to have sufficient commitment to security in the whole country in supporting the peacekeeping force. It obviously needs to be extended beyond Kabul and thus far that isn't happening. Likewise, as a former Afghan ministrer said on the BBC World Service's newshour program yesterday, including the warlords like General Dostum and others in this new national army strengthens the hands of warlords in the national political system and culture. That's not a good formula for national reconciliation, let alone democracy, when it largely excludes the Pashtun population in significant respresentation in what is avowedly the coercive arm of the state. That can only strengthen the radicals in the south, and in Pakistan. And we've been down that road, we know what role that plays in undermining american national security, not to mention that of countries throughout Asia and beyond.

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