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I Fucking Got Laid Off Today!

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especially the part about her hiring your son then laying you off. isn't that called nepotism, which is against firm policy at many companies.

i hope they'll give you a good reference. in the meantime, sign up for unemployement. the number to call is 888.209.8124 and you can do it over the phone.

good luck!

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i am sorry i know how hard it is. god knows i was scared shitless last year when it happend to me. right after xmas my company filed chapter 7. I also work in retail merchandising, and living in boston you dont have a lot of options/opps plus the fact that two other retail companies had closed or been bought out in the past 3 months so there was a huge surplus of ppl in myjob market. so after jobhuntin and interviewing for a month, i packed my shit up and moved here! :) i know it was pretty gutsy to move to acity where i virtually no one and no secure job. i was very fortunate and got a job in 3 days. I'd have to say that if it wasn't for being laid off, I would not have ;landed this great oppty. It might get hard and a lil frustrating, but you have to stay focused and keep pluggin away

i mean its true what they say that everything does happen for a reason :cool:

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i got laid off too..my last day is the 29th/end of this month

i can look for another job here and i can probably get one cuz i got some connects but...

its not like they're gonna stop layin people off..they've been cuttin back forever..this is like the 4th one since i been here..i haven't been here a year n a half yet!!

corporate america sux right now..i don't see it turning around at all and whatever you were making you might not make again..everyone is lookin to get it done cheaper so companies are lookin overseas to do software development or getting kids straight out of college and then laying off the people with expierience that get paid big bucks

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Originally posted by vision

i got laid off too..my last day is the 29th/end of this month

i can look for another job here and i can probably get one cuz i got some connects but...

its not like they're gonna stop layin people off..they've been cuttin back forever..this is like the 4th one since i been here..i haven't been here a year n a half yet!!

corporate america sux right now..i don't see it turning around at all and whatever you were making you might not make again..everyone is lookin to get it done cheaper so companies are lookin overseas to do software development or getting kids straight out of college and then laying off the people with expierience that get paid big bucks

Yes I know her son is straight out of highschool and in college...and I remember the bitch saying that he couldn't find work..:rolleyes: so they figured they would lay me off and start him off with the starting salary...:rolleyes:

Welll I look at it as a learning experience I learned so much there that I can take with me to my next job... :)

The only thing that sucks is going through the whole interview process again...

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