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How do you survive afterhours?

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Okay, I love going to Vinyl afterhours. The music just plain rocks and I dance like a madman. But getting home at 10am takes its toll on me... I can't get a decent sleep, and for the next few days I'm a tired, cranky wreck. I won't say it's not worth it, it's just hard...

Do you all just have more energy than me? What's the secret?

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. . well . . if your comedown is that bad . . then you're gonna have to modify how you conduct the next couple of days after . . Maybe eat healthier and get more exercise from the get go to keep the blood flowing . . I know that if I do some light lifting and maybe some areobic exercise for a couple days after partying. . I feel a whole heck of a lot better . . . Drink lots of water and load the vitamins too . . .

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Oh, I'm talking about doing it sober... I wouldn't bother complaining about a comedown from a :roll: since that's just to be expected. It's just that I get thrown completely out of whack when I get home 3 hours after the time I normally wake up... this Friday, for example, I couldn't even get myself to go to sleep. I didn't finally go to bed until 1am Saturday night!

Light lifting sounds like a good idea, and I'll definitely have to up my vitamin dosage... and try to force myself to sleep at least a little when I get home.

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Originally posted by hoke

Oh, I'm talking about doing it sober... I wouldn't bother complaining about a comedown from a :roll: since that's just to be expected. It's just that I get thrown completely out of whack when I get home 3 hours after the time I normally wake up... this Friday, for example, I couldn't even get myself to go to sleep. I didn't finally go to bed until 1am Saturday night!

Light lifting sounds like a good idea, and I'll definitely have to up my vitamin dosage... and try to force myself to sleep at least a little when I get home.

I've started taking centrums and downing gatorade on a regular basis since i've been going out... Also, remember to eat well... You're body takes enough abuse from the activities, its good to have the fuel...

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i usually sleep a good 3-4 hours before i go

get home smoke, sleep a good 3-4 hrs.. drink plenty of water and eat something, if feel really bad force a meal down, get something in your stomach

go to bed a normal time sat night and sunday you are golden

do the same if you go out sat night

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Originally posted by hoke

Okay, I love going to Vinyl afterhours. The music just plain rocks and I dance like a madman. But getting home at 10am takes its toll on me... I can't get a decent sleep, and for the next few days I'm a tired, cranky wreck. I won't say it's not worth it, it's just hard...

Do you all just have more energy than me? What's the secret?

hmm i must be weird i never looked at vinyl as being afterhours ..... 10 am is early....

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If it stays open after the other clubs close, I consider it afterhours. Since a lot of clubs close at 4:30, I definitely consider Vinyl afterhours. Of course, that doesn't hold a candle to SF's two-day marathons, but really, what does? :eek:

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Originally posted by hoke

Now there's an idea... anybody here actually do this?

I dont when i get home from a club b/c when i do it makes me totally pass out.. Everytime i go to a club I have work the next day so I dont get much sleep anyway. I have done it a few times when i just cant sleep and it def works for me.. try it out :)

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