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. . . I would have to say summer . . . Summer in the South . . . There's just something inherantly cosmic about sitting out on a porch when it's 100 degrees with 98 percent humidity . . . I mean, the heat index at that point is well over 135 . . . At that point, if you can sit there and just let it permeate every part of you . . . you know that you're one with the place . . .

. . . That's necessary , you know . . . to feel one with a place . . when you can sit back and instantly fade into the current that is the stream of life . . . when you know you're home . . . That was summer in the south for me . . .

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I like the fall with all the changing leaves and colors. I also prefer cold to hot. My theory is that when the weather is cold, you can always get warmer by putting on more clothes or getting inside, but when its hot, it can get very unbearable and uncomfortable and you can only take off so much! ;):hat:

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Definitely springtime. I love the summer too even though it can get unbearable. But the cold is just depressing; especially if it gets to the point where you just can't do shit outside because the wind would freeze your face off. At least in the summer you can head to the beach and hit the waves!

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I'm a big fan of summer... I love the heat... I love the humidity (somewhat), I love the feeling of the sun beating on you, and frying the pavement as you drive!

I love the smell that summer brings in the air!


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