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Sasha & Digweed at Glowbana (?)

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You know what?

After months of skepticism, I have come to the conculsion that the rumors are true and that my beloved S&D will indeed be kicking off the opening of Glowbana (aka the supposed "new Twilo") next month.

Think about it: if S&D were going to be spinning at Hammerstein, Roseland, or any other non-club venue, tickets would be available through Ticketmaster by now.

If they were going to be at Roxy, Exit, SF, The World or any other existing club, fliers and posters would be covering the entire city by now.

Also: The weekend they are spinning (April 12 & 13) would have been Twilo's 7th "birthday" or "anniversary"... its the same weekend Digweed & DT had the big "Twilo Turns Six" party last year right before Twilo got shut down. What better time to open "the new Twilo?"

And, as has been pretty much proven by now, Glowbana is owned by Twilo's former owners, so it would make much more sense for S&D to remain loyal to them and stick it out all this time and wait for them to open up the "new Twilo" and be guaranteed the same sort of big bucks monthly residency and awesome (Phazon) sound system rather than play at the first already existing megaclub (SF, Exit, etc) that made them an offer.

So, my prediction is that a month from now, S&D will kick off the opening of Glowbana, which I and thousands of my fellow Twilo devotees can only hope will be half as amazing a venue as our old home. (Yes, the name sucks, but didn't we all think the name "Twilo" was kind of weird the first time we heard of it?)

Anyway, if that's the case, I'll be the first in line... hope to see you all there!!!



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i certainly hope what u're saying is true....

but coming from someone that never had the privilege of goin to twilo....and being friends with people that used to religiously take their weekend exodus there......


:hat:answers....rants.....tantrums.....and the rest of the collective BS brain-farted out of anyone's mind is appreciated:hat:

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there might be a new club but to call it a new twilo is really funny!

There will never be another twilo 1. the space is gone. 2. Junior vasquez is gone ( and if you think junior had nothing to do with twilo you know nothing about twilo.). 3.Mike is has moved on.

4. To many meat heads will show up and kill any kind of vibe!. 6. almost all the people that made twilo are gone . Its gone done fished move on you all are only goin to get all worked up only to be let down and are never goin to enjoy yourselfs ... Ge over it already!!!!!!

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I agree, there will never be "another" Twilo: the orginal Twilo is something that can never be replaced, replicated or recreated, and thankfully so.

HOWEVER, I still believe that a club with the elements that made Twilo so special and unique -- top-level international DJs, no dress code or bullshit guest lists, a socially/ethnically/sexually/internationally diverse crowd, and an exceptional sound system -- can be created again either by the powers that be from the original Twilo or by others who were inspired by Twilo's magic.

I hope Glowbana will be that kind of place, but that waits to be seen...



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If there is a glowbana they are off to a really bad start because this is no way to run anykind of business let alone a nite club. this shows some really poor skills WTF if you have a club to tell people about there are better ways . Who ever is behind this glowbana thing needs to see a doctor not open a club. Lets be real come on what are we in the 2nd grade.

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i honestly don't think meatheads and their female counterparts would overpopulate a "new twilo"/ glowbana, simply because they don't quite comprehend music that is spun by the DJs which will be booked their each weekend. Guys like Nick Warren, Sander K, Steve Lawler, Lucien Foort,Satoshi Tomiie,S+D...they won't be into it. They would only go as far as PvD, if that. Maybe I'm generalizing, but judging from past experiences in Twilo, it was one of the things, aside from the music that kept me coming back...the public. No meatheads, no attitudes, a person touches you, they say excuse me. You ask a bouncer where the bathroom or the coatcheck is, they say in a refined British accent "right this was sir". In what other club, that is not a bar-lounge are you gonna get that.

Sven Vath they DEFINATELY will not dig, though he's awesome. Same goes for guys like Luis Diaz, who opens for everyone, Jimmy Van M, John 'Quivver' Graham, Darren Emerson,Danny Tenaglia, and Carl Cox. (they MIGHT get Danny Tenaglia, but that's about it).

This club, as was Twilo, will be strictly for people who come to clubs to hear the music. not to pick up guys/chicks, not to show off their massive, enlarged by drugs upper bodies/ fake body parts (girls). This will be a strictly musically oriented crowd, which will criticize and scrutinize each track that is spun by the DJ, as well as each move he/she makes, just as was done by the crowd at Twilo. Most of the time, this was in a positive manner, because the DJs almost always never failed/disaapointed the crowd. Of course, as in every club, there were those rare rare nights where even your over the counter GU/NuBreed DJ stunk up the place. Everyone has their bad nights.

It would be a very sad day if this "new twilo/glowbana" were to joins the likes of exit, sf, roxy, world, bla bla bla.

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i sing it in my head every night before i go to bed, as i stare at the poster i grabbed from DT and CC last presidents day....

The point is that Twilo references need to stop, Twilo was one club, there is no other like it, and there will never be anything like it, not to say that any other club that opens would be better or worse, just different, each club has its own collective vibe...

As for s&d, it doesn't matter where they are spinning, do you people remember having them every fourth friday, for hours and hours on end we experienced amazing nights...when they came back before thanksgiving, it wasnt the best venue, and they were kicking us out the door before 8am, but it was still a memorable night, i guess im a really big s&d fan, but to me there's no question that i would pick them over sven vath ar pretty much anyone else, so just for those few hours, i could surrounded by people and music which evoke such meaningful memories and feelings

just my $.02

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Originally posted by Alexandra

I agree, there will never be "another" Twilo: the orginal Twilo is something that can never be replaced, replicated or recreated, and thankfully so.

HOWEVER, I still believe that a club with the elements that made Twilo so special and unique -- top-level international DJs, no dress code or bullshit guest lists, a socially/ethnically/sexually/internationally diverse crowd, and an exceptional sound system -- can be created again either by the powers that be from the original Twilo or by others who were inspired by Twilo's magic.

I hope Glowbana will be that kind of place, but that waits to be seen...



I agree totally w/ what u R saying but I need to know where u got this info. about Glowbana & I'm sure everyone else wants to know too. Alot of people talk shit but if U R tellin' the truth I will B right next to U waiting in front of that line.

P.S. Twilo-R.I.P.

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There is only one way we are ever going to find out exactly where Sasha & Digweed are spinning in NYC and if it will be, in fact, the mysterious Glowbana... and unfortunately that is to wait until April 12th and find out!

I'm not saying it isn't possible that this whole Glowbana thing is just a hoax, but why would they (whoever "they" are) go to such elobarate lengths if its just a joke? What purpose would it serve other than to get us displaced Twilo-ites all riled up, only to be extremely disappointed? That just doesn't make much sense to me.

However, lets just say the Glowbana thing is really just a cruel joke... has anyone heard any rumors as to where S&D really WILL be playing, because if Glowbana doesn't/won't exist, that still doesn't answer the question of WHERE THE HELL ARE SASHA & DIGWEED PLAYING IN NYC?!?! Seriously, why the extreme secrecy? I am losing my mind with each passing day!!!!

But, I guess that doesn't really matter, because like my fellow devoted fans, S&D could spin in a condemned sweatshop and I'd be the first in line, so whether its Glowbana, Roxy, Exit, Hammerstein or anywhere else, I'll be there, and I suspect most of you will be there, too.



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